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Latest revision as of 09:29, 15 July 2020

Author: Barmacral Tigana

TVT 5-2015 header-7.png

This month for the mafia interview we will be speaking to Mychael Ritoryn, a recruit who has been around for only a few months, but has already managed to win a members choice award for his outstanding involvement in the tower.

Interview Questions

Have you modded any games at Tar Valon? If so, what ones?

I have not modded any games here yet, though I should probably get my name in for one if I ever wish to do so – the queue is quite long! (Which is a very good thing )

What is your favourite game that you have played here?

My favorite game I’ve been a part of was Winterdawn’s X-wing mafia. I was part of a very effective town team who was able to band together and repeatedly lock down mafia. It helped that the mafia got bit by some inactivity, but the town really played solidly and cohesively and it was a lot of fun to be a part of a group like that. Plus, the theme was amazing – yay Star Wars!

Do you prefer to be town or mafia?

Town all the way! I love the problem solving aspect of being town: who are the bad guys, who are the good guys. It really gets very hard because I start second-guessing myself every time I think I’ve figured someone out, and eventually I tire myself out – but I always come back in a bit to give it a fresh, new look Also, being mafia tends to stress me out a little too much

What is your favourite role?

This might be an odd answer, but vanilla town is my favorite, or some variant thereof like commuter, 1x shot vigilante, etc., etc. My current style, as many have found out, is rather upfront – the popular term being “aggressive”, and tends to get me heavily suspected and/or killed. (I’m working on toning it down, I promise! ) I always feel like I need to be quieter when I am mafia or have a strong town role, but then that would be obvious, so I need to try to act normal… you can see the dilemma. Much easier to not have anything to worry about and be able to say what I’m thinking straight up.

Who is your favourite person to lynch and why?

The mafia! I don’t know if I have direct answer to this question, but I will say I do breathe better when Stephen is out of the game. He is good at playing town so I don’t often want to lynch him, but there is always a little voice in the back of my head screaming that he’s mafia. It just helps me sleep better knowing what he is for certain (Yes, that is a compliment ) Also, at time of writing this I haven’t ever had the joy of lynching her, but I can imagine lynching Aryawnah Sedai would be exceptionally enjoyable.

Mafia tidbit of the month:

There are three basic game setups in mafia – open, closed, and semi-open. TarValon.Net mafia uses exclusively the open model (although by no means a requirement). Here is the difference between the three:

  • Open – In which all roles are known when the game starts.
  • Semi-open – In which a list of roles that could be in the game is provided, but players don’t know which ones are.
  • Closed – In which players do not know what roles may or may not be in the game, and only find out when the mod chooses to reveal that to them, usually only revealing a role when the player who had it dies.

Tar Valon Times Newsletter version