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*[[JordanCon 2010]]
*[[JordanCon 2010]]
*[[JordanCon 2011]]
*[[JordanCon 2011]]
==''Senior Member Interview''==
==Senior Member Interview==
*;Why did you choose Green?
I really hate these questions because everyone defines their Ajah differently. I define being green as being a strong, passionate individual who fights for what they believe in and those they love. To me, being green is about striving to be the best person I can be and coming out of every situation a better and stronger person. It's about not giving up when life gets tough, speaking your mind when it matters, and staying true to one's self in the meantime. I choose Green, because that definition is who I feel I am as an individual.
*;Are you like the Greens in the books? Do you like to have fun with men? Are you a fierce warrior?
In some ways, I am like the Greens in the books. In other ways, not so much. I don't fit the stereotypical Green mold in many ways- I'm more introverted and slow to warm up to people. I love to have fun- but I am by no means the life of the party. Once I decide that I like you however, you've got a friend for life! Regarding having fun with men - who doesn't enjoy that?! In all seriousness, I've always got along better with men than with woman, my friendships with them tend to come a bit more naturally. I love men, and I appreciate men, and in a way I prefer men, but I'm not flirt and have never been the girl who is always surrounded by them! As far as being a fierce warrior goes, to my knowledge I've never been described as fierce by anyone, though I like to pretend I am evil most of them time :D
*;How long have you been a fan of the Wheel of Time series?
I began a fan of the series after attending my first JordanCon. I went with Anthony to JordanCon in 2010, had dinner one night with Eleyan, (who was then the Amyrlin) and Padra Sedai. After talking with them for a bit, and meeting a few other cool people, we decided to join the website. Not long after, I started reading the books. So yes, I'm one of the few people who joined the site without actually being a fan of the series haha!
*;How did you find TarValon.Net and what convinced you to stay and become a Senior Member?
Well, I sorta described how I was introduced to the website above, so I will ignore that bit. What convinced me to stay and become a Senior Member was the same thing that convinced me to join the website in the first place, and that is obviously- the people on the site. Really, a large part of what makes this site work differently than other online forums and fansites are all of the real life events. I've been so lucky to meet so many awesome people, many of which I consider to be very dear friends. This is not just a website to me in any sense- its a place I can come to at the end of the day to be myself and be surrounded by great people.
*;What do you do in "real life"?
In real life, I am a full time live-out nanny of an awesome little 3 year old boy. We spend our days going to playgroups and baby yoga, building forts and mucking around in play dough. I am not a millionaire, unfortunately, but I'm great at making him giggle and kissing his boo boo's better, and all in all- I love what I do.
*;Do you have any hobbies?
I love to read, to write, to cook and consequently eat, and most of all: to spend time with my awesome fiance and friends.
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Revision as of 16:39, 13 January 2012

Lauraine Berryn
Real Name Laura
Location Windsor, ON
Birthday February 6, 1989
TarValon.Net Information
Affiliation Green Ajah
Rank Aes Sedai
Title Tar Valon Times Staff
Join Date August 8, 2010
Bonded to -
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Official Event Attendance

Senior Member Interview

  • Why did you choose Green?

I really hate these questions because everyone defines their Ajah differently. I define being green as being a strong, passionate individual who fights for what they believe in and those they love. To me, being green is about striving to be the best person I can be and coming out of every situation a better and stronger person. It's about not giving up when life gets tough, speaking your mind when it matters, and staying true to one's self in the meantime. I choose Green, because that definition is who I feel I am as an individual.

  • Are you like the Greens in the books? Do you like to have fun with men? Are you a fierce warrior?

In some ways, I am like the Greens in the books. In other ways, not so much. I don't fit the stereotypical Green mold in many ways- I'm more introverted and slow to warm up to people. I love to have fun- but I am by no means the life of the party. Once I decide that I like you however, you've got a friend for life! Regarding having fun with men - who doesn't enjoy that?! In all seriousness, I've always got along better with men than with woman, my friendships with them tend to come a bit more naturally. I love men, and I appreciate men, and in a way I prefer men, but I'm not flirt and have never been the girl who is always surrounded by them! As far as being a fierce warrior goes, to my knowledge I've never been described as fierce by anyone, though I like to pretend I am evil most of them time :D

  • How long have you been a fan of the Wheel of Time series?

I began a fan of the series after attending my first JordanCon. I went with Anthony to JordanCon in 2010, had dinner one night with Eleyan, (who was then the Amyrlin) and Padra Sedai. After talking with them for a bit, and meeting a few other cool people, we decided to join the website. Not long after, I started reading the books. So yes, I'm one of the few people who joined the site without actually being a fan of the series haha!

  • How did you find TarValon.Net and what convinced you to stay and become a Senior Member?

Well, I sorta described how I was introduced to the website above, so I will ignore that bit. What convinced me to stay and become a Senior Member was the same thing that convinced me to join the website in the first place, and that is obviously- the people on the site. Really, a large part of what makes this site work differently than other online forums and fansites are all of the real life events. I've been so lucky to meet so many awesome people, many of which I consider to be very dear friends. This is not just a website to me in any sense- its a place I can come to at the end of the day to be myself and be surrounded by great people.

  • What do you do in "real life"?

In real life, I am a full time live-out nanny of an awesome little 3 year old boy. We spend our days going to playgroups and baby yoga, building forts and mucking around in play dough. I am not a millionaire, unfortunately, but I'm great at making him giggle and kissing his boo boo's better, and all in all- I love what I do.

  • Do you have any hobbies?

I love to read, to write, to cook and consequently eat, and most of all: to spend time with my awesome fiance and friends.