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'''<center>Welcome to the Green Ajah Headquarters!</center>'''
== An Introduction to the Green Ajah! ==
== The Green Ajah at TarValon.Net ==
=== {{greenheader2}} Who are we? ===
The members of the Green Ajah have many different shades. But through all our different shades and our broad and varied interests, there are a few themes that hold true.<br>
We are strong in ways that are usually (though not always) attained through adversity. We might not always choose our battles, but whether we win or lose we remain resilient. If we fall, we get back up, with or without aid.<br>
We are fierce in our devotion to whatever cause we might take up. That fierceness translates to our relationships as well, be they with friends, family or lovers. As an Ajah, we are always here to support and provide backup for those who might be in need of it.<br>
''"In the Trolloc Wars we were often called the Battle Ajah. We were the counter to the Dreadlords. And now we stand ready, for the Trollocs to come south again, for Tarmon Gai’don, the Last Battle. That is what it means to be Green." (The Dragon Reborn)
We will always defend one another and those in our lives that we have chosen as family. We stand for one and other, not because we need it, but because we want to. We are willing to go above and beyond with an unrivaled ferocity.<br>
All true, of course, in Randland. But being Green here at TarValon.net means much more. Greens are all about passion and strength. Our passion has often – erroneously – been equated with promiscuity, a parallel that does a real injustice to our passion’s many facets. We do love men, of course; they are our equals, our brothers-in-arms, our friends, and, for many of us, our lovers and mates. Green passion, though, is giving everything you have to everything to do. When a Green offers love, compassion, friendship, or help, she does it with her whole heart and soul. When we fight for what we believe in, when we defend others and ourselves, we do so passionately.  
We have a very straightforward and down to earth attitude about all aspects of humanity. We speak frankly about anything that comes up - no subject is taboo, and internal censor buttons are few and far between. We can be diplomatic if the situation calls for it, but we don't make it a habit because where's the fun in that? Like any family, we may not always agree on everything but in the end we love and appreciate each other as an Ajah.<br>
Green passion is tempered by strength. That strength is about speaking up when there is a need, particularly when it involves an unpopular opinion, and having the courage to keep doing that – and to help your sisters and brothers-in-arms keep doing that – even when you want to give up, and even when they want to give up. Greens fall in battle; sometimes we are knocked down, sometimes we fall from weariness. But what Greens always do, always, without fail, is get back up again. We may need a helping hand – and we will always find one of our sisters’ hands ready and able – but we never, ever give up, we never, ever run away. This is why, even though most of life’s wars are fought off the battlefield, if we do choose the military we make excellent soldiers. It is the core of what we are. It is why we do not choose Green, we simply are Green.
Members of the {{Green2}} are as diverse as their reasons to make the Green Ajah home. If you think you're Green, you're Green, end of story.<br>
''- Wen Sedai of the Green Ajah''
=== {{greenheader2}} Guesting with Green ===
If you would like to come and visit The {{Green2}} as part of your guesting journey please see our [[Community Page: Contact the Green Ajah|Contact Page]] for what you need to do.<br>
'''Green Mottos'''<br>
We are a welcoming bunch and we look forward to having you spend some time with us. When you guest with Green you can request a '''Big Green''' who will be your official guide during your guesting. They will be available to you for anything you need, they're also a great way to get to know one of the Greens that you may not know already.<br>
''"al dival, al kiserai, al mashi!"''' - translated from the Old Tongue to mean ''"for light, glory and love!"''<br>
=== {{greenheader2}} Green Ajah Mottos ===
''"We will be there."''
* '''al dival, al kiserai, al mashi'''<br>
Translated from the Old Tongue which means ''for light, glory and love''.<br>
==VIP's of the Green Ajah==
* '''We will be there'''<br>
To represent our ''loyalty'' and ''dedication'' to one and other.
'''Head of the Green Ajah''': [[Roheryn Galghandhrei]]<br>
* '''Strong as Steel, Smooth as Silk'''<br><br>
'''Heart of the Green Ajah''': [[Xylina Tyloredrid]] <br>
'''Sitters for the Green Ajah''': [[Tree al'Rotture]] & [[Thoridyss Wyborn]] <br>
==Current Executive and Administrative Tower Involvement==
== Green Ajah Leadership ==
'''Koyn Amyrlin and Board Member''':  [[Eleyan Teyal Al'Landerin]] <br>
=== {{greenheader2}} Official Positions ===
'''Amyrlin's Assistant''':  [[Tian el'Nvidia]] <br>
'''Board Member''':  [[Dralyn Montsier]] <br>
'''Director of Community Outreach''':  [[Aryawnah Federov]]<br>
'''Membership Activities Coordinator''': [[Melisande Arneil]]<br>
'''Social Marketing Manager''': [[Ne'mireth Delvar]]<br>
'''Mayor''': [[Kassidy Rose DaiShan]]<br>
[[Green Ajah (Time Served)]]
[[Green Ajah (Positions)]]
* '''Captain General, Head of the {{Green2}}''': [[Dovienya el'Korim]] [mailto:greenajah.tarvalon@gmail.com Contact]
* '''Heart of the {{Green2}}''': [[Ashara Koh'inor]] [mailto:heartofgreenajah@gmail.com Contact]
* '''Sitters for the {{Green2}}''': {{Kassidy}} and [[Kelvin Sinclaer]] <br>
[[Green Merits]]
=== {{greenheader2}} Unofficial Positions ===
== Green Ajah News ==
* '''Head Green Monkey''': [[Seryse ni Cousland]]<br>
*Sunday July 3, 2016 By Kassidy Rose DaiShan<br>
<!-- * '''Green Ajah Ibis''': Not currently held<br> -->
Congratulations to Roheryn Sedai and Brandon Gaidin of DM on their bond! Welcome to Green, Brandon!<br>
* '''Green Ajah Herald''': [[Onis O'Leia]]<br>
Congratulations to Roheryn Sedai and Ty Gaidin of SDS on your wedding.<br>
* '''Green Ajah Librarian''': [[Dovienya el'Korim]]<br>
Congratulations  to Aryawnah Sedai on your wedding.
* '''Mistress of Fringe''': [[Roheryn ni Galghandhrei t'al'Djinn]]<br>
* Friday November 27,2015 By Kassidy Rose DaiShan<br>
Congratulations to Melisande Sedai On winning the  Bid  to Fall Ball 2016!!
*Thursday October 22, 2015 By Kassidy Rose DaiShan<br>
Congratulations to Ne'Mireth Sedai in her position  as the '''Social Marketing Manager'''  you will be amazing in this position.
*Monday July 27, 2015 By Kassidy Rose DaiShan<br>
Many thanks to Jodea Sedai & Roheryn Sedai for their service of being our Sitters this past term. Congratulations to Tree Sedai & Thoridyss Sedai our new sitters! Thank you Melisande for your service as the Heart past term.Congratulations to Kassidy Sedai the new Heart.
*Thursday July 2,2015 By Kassidy Rose DaiShan<br>
Many thanks to Lauraine Sedai for her service of being the Captain-General this past year and a half, and congratulations to her successor, Roheryn Sedai!
*Thursday March 26, 2015 By Kassidy Rose DaiShan<br>
The time has come  for the Green Awards giving out at Anni! Congratulations  to the  Winners!<br>
'''Most Helpful Green''' Melisande Sedai, '''Scariest Green''' Tree Sedai, '''Spammiest Green''' Kassidy Sedai, '''Green Ambassador'''Lireina Sedai, Lauraine
Sedai, and Roheryn Sedai, '''Most Humorous Green''' Aryawnah Sedai, Jodea Sedai, and Faeril Sedai, '''Green You Want at Your Side at Tarmon Gaidon'''
Lireina Sedai and Ne'Mireth Sedai, '''Green Table-Dancing at Anni''' Lireina Sedai,'''Green Wisdom''' Lauraine Sedai, '''Egwene Award''' Thoridyss,
'''Alanna Award''' Jodea Sedai and Tree Sedai, '''Elayne Award''' Melisande Sedai, '''Green Leadership Award''' Morrighan Sedai, '''Quietest Green'''
Reianna, '''Warder Most Likely to be a Pack Mule at RL Events''' Azi Gaidin, '''Green Umbrella''' Jaim Gaidin, '''Quiet Achievement''' Kassidy Sedai and Melisande Sedai, '''Green Creation Award''' Maresa Sedai.<br>
See you all next year!
*Tuesday March 24, 2015 By Kassidy Rose DaiShan<br>
Congratulations to Roheryn Sedai & Ty Gaidin as well as Kassidy Sedai & Amarande Gaidin on bonding at Anni 2015!
*Friday February 27, 2015 By Kassidy Rose DaiShan<br>
Congratulations to Morrighan  and Yngrot  on your bonding! Welcome back to Green, Yngrot!
*Monday February 9, 2015 By Kassidy Rose DaiShan<br>
Congratulations to Lauraine Sedai and Azi Gaidin on their baby girl!
*Tuesday February 3, 2015 By Kassidy Rose DaiShan<br>
For more information please see '''[[Community Page: Positions within the Green Ajah|Positions within The Green Ajah]].'''<br>
Congratulations to Melisande Sedai on her new position of '''Membership Activities Coordinator'''!
=== {{greenheader2}} Site Positions ===
[[Community Page: Past News of the Green Ajah|More Green Ajah News]]<br>
Current Executive & Administrator Involvement by the Green Ajah.<br>
* '''Koyn Amyrlin''':  [[Eleyan Teyal Al'Landerin]]
* '''Board Member''': [[Melisande Arneil]]
* '''Cordamora''': [[Tree]]
* '''Director of Events and Conferences''': [[Ahmyra al'Ruley]]
* '''Director of Membership''': {{Roh}}
* '''Mayor''': {{Leala}}
'''Green Ajah in Tar Valon Times'''<br>
For more site positions, please see '''[[Green Ajah (Positions)|Greens in Positions at TarValon.Net]].'''<br><br>
'''Green Gazette'''<br>
== Green Ajah Members ==
February 2013: [http://us2.campaign-archive1.com/?u=488294f7c9ac7b728de36f753&id=31819ac039 Love to our Warders]<br>
February 2012:  [http://www.figments-of-fantasy.com/jamie/tarvalon/green/12-feb/hosted.html What's been happening with the Greens?]<br>
April 2012: [http://www.figments-of-fantasy.com/jamie/tarvalon/green/12-mar/march.html Green Water?!]<br>
June 2012:  [http://www.figments-of-fantasy.com/jamie/tarvalon/green/12-jun/hosted.html Ajah Superpowers]<br>
August 2012: [http://us2.campaign-archive1.com/?u=488294f7c9ac7b728de36f753&id=9cf8d86b00&e=ba2a1bd7f7 British Invasion!] <br>
December 2012:[http://us2.campaign-archive1.com/?u=488294f7c9ac7b728de36f753&id=5b7e6fc33f Winter Green Style!]<br>
April 2013:[http://us2.campaign-archive1.com/?u=488294f7c9ac7b728de36f753&id=b263715403 Go Big Green!]<br>
April 2014:[http://issuu.com/greenajah/docs/newsletter_april_14?e=11423067/7337699 Return of the Green Gazette!]<br>
July 2014: [http://issuu.com/greenajah/docs/newsletter_july_2014 Summer Edition!]<br>
October 2014: [http://issuu.com/greenajah/docs/newsletter_october_2014/0 A Spooky Green Gazette!]<br>
January 2015:[http://issuu.com/greenajah/docs/newsletter_january_2015/0 Another Green Gazette]<br>
May 2015:    [http://issuu.com/greenajah/docs/gree...tte_may_2015/1 May Gazette]<br>
== Explore the Green Ajah ==
* [[Community Page: Aes Sedai of the Green Ajah|Aes Sedai of the Green Ajah]]
* [[Community Page: Aes Sedai of the Green Ajah|Aes Sedai of the Green Ajah]]
* [[Community Page: Former Aes Sedai of the Green Ajah|Former Aes Sedai of the Green Ajah]]
* [[Community Page: Bondmates of the Green Ajah|Bondmates of the Green Ajah]]
* [[Community Page: Former Warders of the Green Ajah|Former Warders of the Green Ajah]]
* [[Community Page: Aspirants of the Green Ajah|Aspirants of the Green Ajah]]
* [[Community Page: Aspirants of the Green Ajah|Aspirants of the Green Ajah]]
* [[Community Page: Warders of the Green Ajah|Warders of the Green Ajah]]
<!-- * [[Community Page: Guests of the Green Ajah|Guests of the Green Ajah]] -->
* [[Community Page: Guests of the Green Ajah|Guests of the Green Ajah]]<br><br>
* [[History of the Green Ajah]]
* ''[[Community Page: Former Aes Sedai of the Green Ajah|Former Aes Sedai of the Green Ajah]]''
* [[Community Page: Positions within the Green Ajah|Positions within the Green Ajah]]
* ''[[Community Page: Former Bondmates of the Green Ajah|Former Bondmates of the Green Ajah]]''<br><br>
* [[Green Ajah Event Themes]]
* [[Community Page: Annual Green Awards|Annual Green Awards]]
== All About Green ==
* [[Green Ajah (Award Winners)]]
For more information about The {{Green2}} at Tar Valon.Net check out the links below!<br>
=== {{greenheader2}} TarValon.Net ===
* [[Green Ajah (Positions)|Greens in Positions at TarValon.Net]]
* [[Green Ajah (Time Served)|Green Service to TarValon.Net]]
* [[Green Merits|Merits Awarded to Members of the Green Ajah]]
* [[Green Ajah Event Themes|Green Free Week Themes]]
* [[Community Page: Past News of the Green Ajah|Green Ajah News]]
<!-- * [[Community Page: Green Ajah Gazette|The Green Ajah Gazette]] -->
* [[Community Page: Contact the Green Ajah|How to contact The Green Ajah]]
=== {{greenheader2}} Bondmates of The Green Ajah ===
* [[Community Page: Bondmates of the Green Ajah|Bondmates of the Green Ajah]]
<!-- * [[Community Page: Green Warder Interviews|Warder Interviews]] -->
<!-- * [[Community Page: Green Ajah Gallery|Warder Signatures & Badges]] -->
=== {{greenheader2}} More about The Green Ajah ===
* [[History of the Green Ajah|History and Traditions of The Green Ajah]]
* [[Community Page: Positions within the Green Ajah|Positions within The Green Ajah]]
* [[Community Page: Annual Green Awards|The Green Ajah Awards]]
* [[Green Ajah (Award Winners)|Green Recipients of Amyrlin, Keeper or Members Choice Awards]]
<!-- * [[Community Page: Green Ajah Gallery|Green Ajah Signatures & Badges]] -->
* [[Community Page: Green Ajah Anniversaries|Green Ajah Anniversaries]]
* [[Community Page: Green Ajah Anniversaries|Green Ajah Anniversaries]]
* [[Community Page: Pictures of the Green Ajah|Pictures of the Green Ajah]]
* [[Community Page: Pictures of the Green Ajah|Pictures of the Green Ajah]]
* [[Green Ajah (Event Attendance)]]<br><br>
* [[Green Ajah (Event Attendance)|The Green Ajah at TarValon.Net Events]]
* [[Green Raisings|Green Ajah Raisings]]
* [[Community Page: Contact the Green Ajah|Contact the Green Ajah]]
[[Category:Green Ajah Community| ]]
[[Category:Green Ajah Community| ]]
[[Category:Community Group Headquarters|A]]
[[Category:Community Group Headquarters|A]]

Latest revision as of 07:35, 23 June 2024

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The Green Ajah at TarValon.Net

Greenheader2.png Who are we?

The members of the Green Ajah have many different shades. But through all our different shades and our broad and varied interests, there are a few themes that hold true.

We are strong in ways that are usually (though not always) attained through adversity. We might not always choose our battles, but whether we win or lose we remain resilient. If we fall, we get back up, with or without aid.

We are fierce in our devotion to whatever cause we might take up. That fierceness translates to our relationships as well, be they with friends, family or lovers. As an Ajah, we are always here to support and provide backup for those who might be in need of it.

We will always defend one another and those in our lives that we have chosen as family. We stand for one and other, not because we need it, but because we want to. We are willing to go above and beyond with an unrivaled ferocity.

We have a very straightforward and down to earth attitude about all aspects of humanity. We speak frankly about anything that comes up - no subject is taboo, and internal censor buttons are few and far between. We can be diplomatic if the situation calls for it, but we don't make it a habit because where's the fun in that? Like any family, we may not always agree on everything but in the end we love and appreciate each other as an Ajah.

Members of the Green Ajah are as diverse as their reasons to make the Green Ajah home. If you think you're Green, you're Green, end of story.

Greenheader2.png Guesting with Green

If you would like to come and visit The Green Ajah as part of your guesting journey please see our Contact Page for what you need to do.

We are a welcoming bunch and we look forward to having you spend some time with us. When you guest with Green you can request a Big Green who will be your official guide during your guesting. They will be available to you for anything you need, they're also a great way to get to know one of the Greens that you may not know already.

Greenheader2.png Green Ajah Mottos

  • al dival, al kiserai, al mashi

Translated from the Old Tongue which means for light, glory and love.

  • We will be there

To represent our loyalty and dedication to one and other.

  • Strong as Steel, Smooth as Silk

Green Ajah Leadership

Greenheader2.png Official Positions

Greenheader2.png Unofficial Positions

For more information please see Positions within The Green Ajah.

Greenheader2.png Site Positions

Current Executive & Administrator Involvement by the Green Ajah.

For more site positions, please see Greens in Positions at TarValon.Net.

Green Ajah Members

All About Green

For more information about The Green Ajah at Tar Valon.Net check out the links below!

Greenheader2.png TarValon.Net

Greenheader2.png Bondmates of The Green Ajah

Greenheader2.png More about The Green Ajah