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==Tower Involvement==
==Tower Involvement==
*{{MeritM}}: December 6, 2011 - present
*White Chat Mistress: November 20, 2011 - present
*White Chat Mistress: November 20, 2011 - present
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*{{heart}} of the White Ajah: July 1, 2011 - December 31, 2011
*{{heart}} of the White Ajah: July 1, 2011 - December 31, 2011
*Merit Minion: February 17, 2011 - May 17, 2011
*Merit Minion: February 17, 2011 - May 17, 2011
** December 6, 2011 - December 1, 2012
*[[Officially_Unofficial#Brown|Soul]] of the {{brown2}}: January 2006 - unknown
*[[Officially_Unofficial#Brown|Soul]] of the {{brown2}}: January 2006 - unknown

Revision as of 11:35, 28 December 2012

Avatar Dovienya.jpg
Dovienya el'Korim
Real Name Jessica
Location Michigan
Birthday September, 8
TarValon.Net Information
Affiliation White Ajah
Rank Aes Sedai
Title -
Join Date April 25, 2005
Bonded to Thalin of Dai M'Hael
Link to Forum Profile

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Tower History

Tower Involvement


  • White Chat Mistress: November 20, 2011 - present


  • Welcome Committee: July 1, 2011 - January 21, 2012
  • Heart of the White Ajah: July 1, 2011 - December 31, 2011
  • Merit Minion: February 17, 2011 - May 17, 2011
    • December 6, 2011 - December 1, 2012
  • Soul of the Brown Ajah: January 2006 - unknown




Membership Merit Gold 300.png


Senior Membership Merit Silver 300.png

Tower Relationships




Other Tower Relationships

Official Event Attendance

Senior Member Interview, January 4, 2010

Why did you choose White?

I love the diversity of the ladies in the White Ajah here on TV.net. We have all sorts of personality types from all around the world, yet we all fit in the White Ajah. I am definitely a follower of the philosophy that a person should look at all of the facts equally and find the truth. This should go before anything you personally feel.

Are you like the Whites in the Books?

I am not as cold as the Whites in the book, but I do like to reason things out. The difference is that I'm not like this all of the time.

Are you like a rock and have a serene face all the time?

Of course not! I am very fun-loving, and slightly crazy. I'm an open book, unless I'm pissed off. If I look like I'm not showing emotion, then run.

How was your time as Citizen/Novice/Accepted?

I had a great time as a citizen and a novice. It got a bit trickier when I was an Accepted, but well worth it.

How long have you been a member of TV.net?

Probably since late 2004, but it's hard to remember.

What things do you do for TV.net?

Nothing right now. I would love to be a mod or be able to work more for the library, but I just don't have the time. RL really screws with me.

How did you get to read the Series?

I was a sophomore in high school and bored because my family dragged me to visit relatives during spring break. My uncle saw I was upset and bored and handed me EotW. Then the addiction set in.

To whom are you bonded, if you're bonded?

Happily bonded to Thalin.

Who is your mentee, if you have one?

RL makes it so I have to go on LOA's a lot, so I never really seem to be around for a mentee.

Who is your favorite character of the Series? Favorite Nation?

My favorite nation is the Aiel nation. I love their sense of ji'e'toh and how it bonds them together as a people. If only we could all live by those codes. I have so many favorite characters that it's impossible to answer. Favorite ta'veren? Mat. Favorite Aes Sedai? Nynaeve. And it goes on like that.

Have you ever attended any Real Life Functions? Did you like them if you did, and why? (Why do you think people should come to any future functions?)

I've never been able to attend a Real Life Function.

What kind of music do you like?

I like country music and jazz.

What are your favorite movies?

I love comedy and action movies. My favorite are probably Indian Jones movies.

What job do you have?

I'm in the army, but I'm also a student right now.

Do you have a pet?

I have a kitty named Sabrina and another one named Dickens!

What languages do you speak?

Only English and Russian.

What profession did you want to have when you were a kid?;

I could never decide.

Randland or our world?

Definitely Randland. I have my head in the clouds much of the time, and I like to escape reality.

Alviarin or Seaine?

Seaine. She's a hunter, and a smart one at that. Playing my favorite game, hide and seek, and I think she's winning!

Books or movies?


Candles or lamps?

Candles. There's just something so soothing about the flickering of a candle flame.

A short bio about yourself.

Proudly one of the Mitten Folk. I grew up on the west side of Michigan and I go to MSU. I major in Russian. I'm in the army ROTC program here and I hate every minute of it. I've really only met Tower people in Michigan, but where better? I'm a bit crazy, and Tower people can handle that, it's the rest of the world that can't.