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Author: Elanda Tonil, January 2018

2017-12 TVT Banner 10.png

Happy 2018!

I am excited to take us on a quilting journey this year with our very own Quilt Block of the Month series! The goal of this Block of the Month series is to teach the basic techniques of quilting. By the end of the year, participants will not only have a completed sampler, but also the quilting experience to move on to other quilt patterns. The blocks will start very simple and increase in difficulty and complexity throughout the year. Each finished block will be 12” x 12”.

January’s Block of the Month is the Four-Patch. This is a pattern that is used in a huge portion of quilt patterns. It is useful for more than just itself as it uses the exact same techniques as lining up corners and attaching sashing, which you will do in almost any quilt you make.

Full image

When choosing fabrics, make sure A and B are different values, different brightnesses. My block will have white on white for Fabric A, dark for Fabric B, and a medium tone for Fabric C.

Fabric A:
Cut one strip – 3.5” x 7”

Fabric B:
Cut one strip – 3.5” x 7”

Fabric C:
Cut two strips – 3.5” x 12.5” Cut two strips – 3.5” x 6.5”

  • Nesting your seams when you’re lining up two seams will help your corners be crisp.
  • Press, don’t iron. Set your iron down on the fabric but don’t slide it. Sliding the iron on such small pieces will pull them out of shape.
  • Square up at each step, double checking current size.
  • Remember, use a scant quarter inch seam, which is one or two threads shy of a quarter inch.
  • Pressing your seams to the dark fabric will help your seams not show through the quilt top.

Step 1

Step 1

Sew together strips of Fabric A and Fabric B. Press to the dark fabric.

Step 2

Cut your new strip in half, perpendicular to your seam. Your new strips should have both Fabrics A and B on it, and should be 3.5” x 6.5”.

Step 3

Lay your strips out, lining up fabrics with A on the left and B on the right. Rotate one of the strips by 180 degrees so your fabrics are now kitty corner from each other in a checker board pattern. Keep the close edges together and lay the top strip on the bottom strip, keeping right sides together. Nest the seams and sew together. Press your seam. Your new square should be 6.5” x 6.5”

Step 4

Step 4

Sew your short strips of Fabric C to opposite ends of the square. Press your seams to the newly added strips to minimize the bulk at the seams.

Step 5

Step 5

Sew the long strips of Fabric C to the top and bottom of your block. Press your seams to the newly added strips to minimize the bulk at the seams. Your block should measure in at 12.5” x 12.5”. Square it up and you’re good to go!

Finishing Thoughts

One last thing to keep in mind, you’ll want to keep track of the top/bottom of your blocks to keep things consistent throughout the quilt.

How did it go? If you have any questions or ran into any problems, send them my way! You can ask in the comments or send me a PM.