Sumeko Karistovan

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Sumeko Karistovan is a Wise Woman in Ebou Dar and one of the Kin elders. She is younger than Reanne, but older than the rest of the Kin in Caemlyn. Sumeko is probably native from the Borderlands. She came to the White Tower but broke down during the test for the shawl. If she had succeeded she would have chosen the Yellow Ajah (ACoS, Ch. 24). Although it was forbidden she has continued working on Healing with the One Power, and she has become very experienced with it. Her way of Healing is very similar to Nynaeve's (ACoS, Ch. 38).

She is stout, round faced and has glossy black hair. As a Wise Woman she wears a very long red belt (ACoS, Ch. 31).

Sumeko is among the Kin going to the six stories building to find the Bowl of the Winds. There she heals Reanne Corly when she is injured by the Gholam (ACoS, Ch. 38). Sumeko and the Kin go with Elayne and the other Aes Sedai to the farm, then Travel to Andor. During the long ride to Caemlyn Sumeko becomes increasingly disillusioned with the Aes Sedai (TPoD, Ch. 20). In Caemlyn, Sumeko is taught new Healing weaves by the Aiel Wise Ones (CoT, Ch. 14). Together with Alise Tenjile she tries to calm the rest of the Kin after the murders and reports to Elayne (KoD, Ch. 17).

Strengths and Talents

She excels at Healing and had even exceeded Nynaeve

She is strong enough to Travel, but weaker than Reanne


Sumeko was never wrong, not in this area. She would have been Yellow Ajah had she not broken down completely while testing for the shawl, and although it was forbidden, despite countless penances, she worked to learn more whenever she thought no one was watching. (Reanne, A Crown of Swords, Chapter 24).