Community Page: Mahdi'in d'ma Dieb HQ

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Barack Obama 44th President of the United States of America

Mahdi'in d'ma Dieb, hence known simply as MDD, is a rogue band of mercenaries and heroes, sworn to defeat the oppression of mediocrity, complacency and malnutrition. Join us in our hellish crusade across the forums and you will be richly rewarded with everlasting life.

The Arrival and a Brief History of MDD

Richard Nixon 37th President of the United States of America
Oscar Wilde Infamous Irish Playwright, Poet and Author

In the dreary months of 2004, it came to the administrators of that something was missing from their community, something integral. Throwing their primitive bones and casting shadows on screens with broken branches to attempt to decipher what could fill that god-shaped hole in their souls, they were interrupted all of a sudden! A holy and demonic light burst forth from the sky, destroying the Tower Library and several of the Dai M'hael's company scooters. Riding down on silver flaming horses crafted from platinum and sapphire, were seven heroes, nay, demigods with the power to right the wrongs and wrong the rights of, choosing to settle here within this community, to help save the people from themselves. They were:

Sataere the Cruel

Bale the Unforgiving

Sunri the Sly

Darim the Magnificent

Gwynidon the Hateful

al'Cary the Cunning

Jahem the Indomitable

Mustered once more from their respite, well-earned after defeating the Ice Lords of Saturn and the Mutant Harpies that dwell in the space between rationality and madness, they descended as they always had when the time came for their powers once more.

Still, in true God-like fashion, shortly after arrival MDD gave up on any sort of organized or coordinated effort to instill hope in the spirits of the Tower or City.

You still owe us though.

A Short Article on the Importance of MDD

The Foxhead Medallion A symbol of the MDD Company.
Sodalite The symbolic stone of the company
The Color Blue paired with the metal platinum symbolizes MDD

Al'Cary once had this to say in 2005:

Who would have thought it? After months of planning and discussion,’s newest company has arrived. Mahdi’in d’ma Dieb, meaning Seekers of the Wind, is its name. MDD, as it is becoming known, promises to become a new and dynamic part of the community, and the starting group of members is sure to give it a unique feel.
A Fox hunts his prey. MDD also hunts its prey: the wicked.

Headed by Sataere Gaidin, this new company promises to be one of the most relaxed and humorous groups in Tar Valon. Sataere Gaidin, along with many of the senior admins including Jahem Gaidin, the new Honour Guard, has spent many hours developing the idea of the new company, sorting through the masses of suggestions fielded by Senior Members. With a rough idea in mind of what they wanted the company to be, the team of admins sorted through the mountains of applications, endeavouring to find the best balance of people to place in the new company.

The result of this is a bunch of men who are almost uniquely suited to working together to build both a successful company and a closely bonded group. Almost immediately a friendly repartee was present in the company conversations. With members like Sunri Gaidin and Bale Gaidin, not to mention our Honour Guard, some of the finest sarcastic wit Tar Valon has ever seen is gathered in one place. Once this group of men came together, we finally began to be able to work out the details of what this company would be.

Mahdi’in d’ma Dieb is in essence a laid back and relaxed group. While mostly very high performers, they tend to only give their best when a situation is beyond any other remedy, forming a last line of defence against failure. A member of MDD is able to both take and give a joke with grace and at least a bit of style. The respect of a member of MDD is hard won, but when it is gained it is often gained for life. A member of MDD realises that while planning and thought might be useful, it is the calculated risk taken in the heat of the moment that separates success from failure.

The other less important details followed on from this. Blue and Platinum are the company colours of MDD, while it’s mascot is a fox. The company stone will be the Sodalite. The symbol created by Darim Gaidin is visibly recognisable in every MDD’s signature, and despite claims to the contrary, it is in fact a fox, not a bat as suggested by some.

The creation of this new company is likely to be a milestone in the history of Tar Valon, and all of the new members look forward to being a part of this new chapter in our history.

MDD is featured in a Lecture Series on MDD

Here is an except from the first lesson by Sela Narian, Aes Sedai of the Brown Ajah, who was at the time an impartial observer of MDD and not bonded to one of the founding members:

There are many misconceptions about MDD! Some believe that it is a company for people who believe themselves unbeholden to policies such as respect and decency which might apply to general social interaction. This is mostly untrue! MDD members are rather good people. They would probably save the world just as soon as anyone else! I bet some of them donate blood, and I know that Darim Gaidin loves kittens! Just today I saw a picture of Jalen Gaidin hugging a baby!

Sela Narian Sat Oct 07, 2006

For the full list of readings, please visit our community page.

Members of MDD

Azrael al'Letifer Current Overlord and Company Commander of MDD

Current Leadership

  • Azrael al'Letifer, Overlord, Company Commander
  • Marrow Rahien, Honor Guard
  • Ciaran al'Trystan, Counselor in the Hall
  • Gwynidon Camyrin, Counselor in the Hall
Jeryn Lekar Too sexy


  • al'Cary Mandoragon, Overlord Emeritus
  • Aves
  • Bale
  • D'Ran al'Fir
  • Darim Pelegro
  • Doquel Juviem
  • Emp Orer, Captain of Recruits
  • Gerrok
  • Izanagi Asklepios
  • Jahem al'Arathul
  • Jalen te'Kreg, Overlord Emeritus
  • Jeryn Lekar
  • Maeric Kelskaith, Voodoo Needler
  • Mathei Kardone, Dean of STFU
  • Raam
  • Sataere Thruthheim, Overlord Emeritus
  • Sunri Sewatcher, Hot Stuff/Company Tool
  • Taric Gillandred
  • Whil al'Gwin, Whooo
  • Yamaal Morlovan

People you won't see on this list because it isn't about them, but who might be worth mentioning

  • Aes Sedai we bonded
  • Aspirants
  • Aes Sedai who desperately want to be bonded by us

Member Biographies


Az is a hottie

This buxom Gaidin has been courted by all the companies, but it was MDD that captured his heart. Azrael, however, is a man of compassion, and being such, let down his suitors gently.

Thanks for allowing me to guest with Dm these last few weeks, but I think it's time we took a break. No really, it's not you, it's me. I found some other company. I just don't feel that way about you. So I think we should see other people. I hope we can still be friends. I'll call.


Other Company

Some suitors didn't get the hint. Azrael had already found the love of his life but there was this other company that thought that persistance would pay off and 4 books didn't disabuse them of that notion. Nobody likes a 3rd wheel.



In its modern usage, Jalen denotes overconfident pride and arrogance; it is often associated with a lack of humility, not always with the lack of knowledge. An accusation of Jalenism often implies that suffering or punishment will follow, similar to the occasional pairing of Jalen and nemesis in the Greek world. The proverb "pride goes before a fall" is thought to sum up the modern definition of Jalen. It is also referred to as "pride that blinds", as it often causes someone accused of Jalen to act in foolish ways that belay common sense. In reference to someone being in Jalenity: jalenity is a fulfillment of being Jalenistic or a continual behavior of being prideful. Victor in Mary Shelley's Frankenstein exudes Jalen in order to become a great scientist, but eventually regrets this previous desire. Faustus in Christopher Marlowe's play Doctor Faustus exudes Jalen, all the way until his final minutes of life. Annabeth Chase's (of Percy Jackson and the Olympians) fatal flaw is Jalen.


During the Days of Darkness when there were but three Companies of TarValon.Net, it was Foretold that a new Company would come to shake the pillars of the Heaven and Earth. And so it came to pass that Sataere the Cruel, Bale the Unforgiving, Sunri the Sly, Darim the Magnificent, Gwynidon the Hateful, al'Cary the Cunning, and Jahem the Indomitable rent the fabrics of reality and formed with their adamant hands, a new creation. It was a Company like none other. It was MDD. There is but one Company and Maeric Kelskaith, called the Burninator and Voodoo Needler, is its Prophet.

A true prophet's prophet, Maeric is a swanky fellow. Though not a member of the Mighty 7, his application to the Company was one of predestination. Evaluating his merit and faith, the Mighty 7 inflicted upon him a grievous test of testicular fortitude during which he was sorely taxed. He felt their touch of ancient anger and the claws of undying sorrow. Recounting his trial, he was heard to say, "“The darkness took me, and I strayed out of thought and time, and I wandered far on roads that I will not tell. Naked I was sent back-for a brief time, until my task was done. And naked I lay upon the mountaintop. I can't really remember why I was naked or how I got on the mountaintop.”

Being the Prophet of MDD, Maeric has been endowed with a life that is an epitome of success. He was born under the pale light of the full Wyoming moon and the jackalopes sang in jubilation at his coming. He meteorically rose to become a facade of integrity for his intransigent Company. Each of the different phases of his life provide examples for anyone who wishes to emulate it for righteous living. The Prophet's character is naught but a paragon of virtue, a model for all men and a mannequin for all women. At one particular Anni, Maeric's sacrosanct character and his regard for truth and honesty won him the epithet of "Burninator" from his compatriots and those in attendance for submitting the MDD Awards unto the cleansing flame. His supernatural skill in the occult art of Voodoo Needling, what he lovingly calls "Pinmanship," has dominated many in the ranks of the Tower including those within its very Adminstration. Some say that he is a Lich and his life force is bound up in a magic phylactery. Some say that he's the only non-asshole of MDD. Some say "who is he again?" No one really knows for sure.


Mathei founded STFU, a school for gifted young adults

The illustrious Mathei Kardone joined the ranks of MDD some years after the initial crusades and their aftermath had cooled. He was something of a religious hermit and pilgrim, moving from one barren wasteland to the next, in search of the right place to sew his spiritual seed. In the fine company of MDD, he found his home. He founded a school, STFU, and invited all who had the courage and fortitude to come and learn from the fine men and their female compatriots in MDD. Some topics of instruction included: Texas Hold Em, Inflaming the Proletariat, and STD Awareness. Let none get in the way of his re-edification and transformation of the minds of's malleable masses, lest they face his awesome wrath.