Officially Unofficial

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These positions are not officially recognized by Tar Valon administration but are "unofficial" positions created within the Ajahs and Companies. For a list of official Administrators and Staff in the Department of Membership, see Department of Membership (Positions). Because these groups prefer to keep some information private this list of positions is not exhaustive.


Erin al'Denael - January 1, 2011 - present
Karassa Souladrin - July 1, 2010 - December 31, 2010
Vivianna L'antreau - November 3, 2009 - July 1, 2010
Nyarin al'Batera - July 21, 2009 - November 3, 2009
Neisa Alibrylla - May, 2009 - July 21, 2009
Yveva Orer - November 2008 - May 2009
Rhianna Solstice - May 2008 - October 2008
Arafel al Dama - November 2007 - May 2008
Kerna Shedrian - May 2007 - October 2007
Ninya Evoneigh - October 2006 - April 2007
Ilissa al'Nari - March 2006 - October 2006
Egere el'Pyne - September 2005 - March 2006
Lyoness al'Thorn t'Morsin - July 14, 2004 - August 2004
Padraigin al'Teirik - July 2003 - July 14, 2004

  • There was a slight gap in 2004-2005, when the Blue Ajah did not have anyone serving as Soul.

Aavyn Eirinon - March 1, 2011 - present
Rhianna Solstice - July 1, 2010 - December 31, 2010
Aintza Bisera - July 1, 2009 - July 1, 2010

Accepted Contribution Coordinator
Manora al'Sara - March 6, 2006 - July 10, 2006
Estyrien al'Halien - September 2004 - March 6, 2006
Atarah al'Norahn - June 2003 - September 2004

  • In 2006, after Manora became Head and the guesting system was implemented, the duties of this role became shared by the Heart and Head.


Brown Ajah Membership & Recruitment Director
Naomi Sommers - date unknown - August, 2003?

  • This position was replaced by the Heart of the Brown Ajah position.

Caia al'Tamad - July 2005 - January 2006
Dracaenaa al'Landgraf - January 2006 - present

Taika Vinh - January 1, 2009 - present

Miriya ay'Anne - July 2005 - January 2006
Dovienya el'Korim - January 2006 - unknown


Gray Historian
Arie Davion - January 1, 2011 - present
Mariasha Casindred - November 9, 2009 - December 31, 2010
Saminda Meltacia - date unknown - date unknown

  • Formerly known as the HQ Webmistress.

Soul of the Gray Ajah
Ajailyn Morrivinna - January 1, 2011 - present
Madine Te'Bron - January 1, 2011 - present
Liiane al'Rhuidea - July 1, 2010 - December 31, 2010

Assistant Head of Ajah
Jenarra Tikvah - May, 2003? - May, 2006?

  • This position no longer exists.

Site Prefect
Melisande Arneil - date unknown - unknown

  • This position no longer exists.

Comic Designers
Meilen Gevedon - date unknown - present
Kariada Kunai - date unknown - unknown

  • This position no longer exists.


Green Ajah Clerk
Daria al'Falcoon - date unknown - present

Green Ajah Contribution Guru
Alena Mysana - date unknown - 2006?
Faeril Munlear - 2006?

Green Webmistress
Noelyn alDenael - date unknown - date unknown
Ariella - 2006?
Nadine Andara - date unknown - June 2007

First Green Librarian
Alena Mysana - date unknown - 2006?
Amaria al'Salar - 2006 - present

Second Green Librarian
Daria al'Falcoon - date unknown - 2006?

  • This position has been retired.

Sword of the Green Ajah
Jarin Mayani
Kyyri Moran
Lexiant a'Marie
Oddey Bird

  • This is an honorary title given to any member or guest of the Green Ajah who has real-life military service.

Right Pinky
Katarianna al'Leya - date unknown - date unknown

  • This position no longer exists.

Left Pinky
Aliandra Santorin - date unknown - date unknown

  • This position no longer exists.

Right Thumb
Rollyn Montagorae - date unknown - date unknown

  • This position no longer exists.

Left Thumb
Aliandra Santorin - date unknown - date unknown

  • This position no longer exists.


Lifa niCrioi - date unknown - present


Aeryth Astriaden - December 1, 2006 - unknown

  • This position no longer exist.

Left Brain
Zhareen Narelle - date unknown

  • This position no longer exist.

Right Brain
Annouk Vinkona Úlfanna - December 1, 2006 - unknown
Aidan Pendragon - September 1, 2005 - December 1, 2006

  • This position no longer exist

Current Soul is pending
Alyccea May 5 2010-July 2010
Geneve January 28 2010-May 5 2010
Kaileena October 1 2009-January 28 2010
Morwynna June 6 2009-1 October 2009
Elin January 29 2009-June 6 2009
Isarma October 10 2008-January 29 2009
Arelai 4/01/07-7/05/07
Rehtaeh 10/01/06-3/31/07
Bridonna 4/01/06-9/30/06
Aeryth 11/01/05-5/31/06

  • This position may only be held by an Accepted.


Accepted Coordinator
CeNedra Doin - March, 2005 - date unknown
Branwyn al'Leara - March 2005, - August, 2005

  • This position has been phased out. The duties of this position has been combined with those of the Cultivator.

THE Tea Brewer of the Ajah

Autumn Sapphira - May, 2011 - present
Estalia Walburga - November, 2010 - May, 2011
Alyssa Letherio - April, 2010 - November, 2010
Cimorene Traconnen - February, 2009 - March, 2010
Liana Ceana - March, 2007 - January, 2009
Emia al'Cuen ay SilverWynd - February, 2006 - March, 2007
Branwyn al'Leara - January, 2004? - November, 2005?
Raina Tsornin - May, 2003? - January, 2004?

Cultivator (Recruiter)
Caiti na Shaheen - March 2004? - present
Branwyn al'Leara - September 2003? - January 2004?

Holder of the Privy Purse
Asalyn al'Morin - April, 2010 - June, 2010
Sa'areah Britthorn - September, 2009 - March, 2010
Illiana a'Lyon - date unknown - August, 2009

  • This position has been discontinued since became a corporation with a non-profit status.

Gardener (Graphics)
Bekki al'Joran & Nyavene al'Meer - January, 2010 - present
Bekki al'Joran - September, 2009 - January, 2010
Cimorene Traconnen - date unknown - August, 2009
Arien Nalaam - date unknown - date unknown
Inanna Landred - July, 2006? - date unknown
Neisa Alibrylla - date unknown - June, 2006?

Tea Cozy (Editor in Chief of the Yellow Ajah Newsletter)
Liana Ceana - October, 2008 - present
Estalia Walburga & Liana Ceana - Summer, 2007 - September, 2008
Estalia Walburga - September 2005? - Summer 2007?
Faylinn Luin - date unknown - Fall 2005?

Oolongese (Maintains the HQ)
Nyavene al'Meer - November, 2010 - present
Alyssa Letherio - July, 2007 - September, 2010
Arien Nalaam - April, 2006 - June, 2007
Ubahsur Kindellaer - date unknown - March, 2006
Gwenlyn - date unknown - date unknown

Sunshine (Official Welcomer)
Vallen Draevis & Samarasin Tavaral - May, 2011 - present
Nyavene al'Meer - August, 2009 - May, 2011
Sa'areah Britthorn - March, 2008 - August, 2009

Ghost of the Yellow Ajah
Emia al'Cuen ay SilverWynd - 2004? - present

Dai M'Hael

  • Dai M'Hael does not appear to have any unofficial positions.

Mahdi'in D'ma Dieb

Company Tool

Sunri Sewatcher - January, 2005? - present

Dean of STFU

Mathei Kardone - January, 2005 - present


Sunri Sewatcher - date unknown - present

Jahem al'Arathul - date unknown - date unknown

Baledood - date unknown - date unknown

Duke of Dorks

Darim Pelegro - January, 2005? - present

San D'ma Shadar

Beer Wench (Clerk)
Sean al'Dracorian - December 14, 2005 - present


  • Val'Cueran does not appear to have any unofficial positions.