Member Spotlight: Leora Oldessroth

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Submitted by Erin al'Denael on Sun, 01/02/2011 - 13:38

History with TarValon.Net

Leora has been a member of TarValon.Net for over 5 years now. She joined up in fall of 2005. "I'd actually found the site quite a few years earlier but it was readily apparent I would get sucked into it and as I was in school, I decided to wait til I had more time."

She has held a slew of jobs during her time here. She has been a library researcher, moderator of Current Events and Ask the White Tower, Innkeeper's Guildmaster, Legal Department staff, and Assistant to the Amyrlin. She has also served as Sitter, Heart, and Head of the Red Ajah. She will take on the role of Keeper officially at the upcoming 2011 Anniversary Party in Charleston, SC.

Leora in Real Life

While TV.Net has sucked up vast amounts of Leora's free time, she still manages to do quite a bit outside of it. She is a lawyer. She is married, and has 2 dogs. She is planning a trip to France in 2011 and likes the performing arts, reading, and baking/cooking.

Head of the Reds

Leora set out on a rather ambitious round of PMs to Aes Sedai and Accepted prior to choosing an Ajah. Back in the day, prior to the guesting system, she figured it was the best way to get a feel who they were. She was always very comfortable with the Reds, and liked the closeness and intimacy of the Ajah. She was raised Accepted at the 5th Anniversary Party, told the Reds she planned to join them as soon as she got home, and was welcomed right in.

As Head of the Red Ajah, Leora took on the task of renewing traditions and promoting activity. She also pushed for more site involvement, resulting in the return of the Red Ajah newsletter and the Red Public Chats. When asked what she likes and dislikes most about being the Head, Leora tells us, "The best and the worst thing is the same thing: managing my lovely, strong-willed Reds. They are a reward and a challenge every single day!"

Keeper of the Chronicles

With Dralyn stepping down as Keeper, a successor needed to be found. Leora has been chosen to fill that role. She has been kind enough to answer some questions about her new job; they satisfied my curiosity, so I hope they do the same for you!

How excited are you to be our next Keeper?

I'm very excited as I know there are many amazing people here who could have excelled at this job; but I realize what a huge responsibility it is. This community has meant a lot to me, and I know it means a lot to all of our members. To be entrusted with the duties of the Keeper can be daunting if I stop to think about it for too long.

Are there any specific aspects of the job that you're looking forward to?

Probably getting to know a more of our members than I currently do. And, I am looking forward to getting to know more people in the wider Wheel of Time fandom.

Not looking forward to?

The interpersonal drama that inevitably must be dealt with between members, but it comes with the territory. And, of course, following Dralyn, who has been amazing; I have big shoes to fill.

What do you hope to accomplish as Keeper?

World domination.