Anniversary Party 2014

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Revision as of 20:44, 13 June 2019 by Karaelyn Midorie (talk | contribs) (Ceremonies: link)
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Anni14 Logo.png
Anniversary Party 2014
Location Angelus Oaks, California, USA
Date May 16, 2014 - May 19, 2014
Local Liaison Tree al'Rotture

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TarValon.Net held its 2014 Anniversary Party in Angelus Oaks, California, USA.

Here's a lInk to the Packet.


Merchandise featuring the Anniversary Party 2014 logo was available from the Cafepress Store.



Main article: Anniversary Party 2014 Committees
Committee Heads


Main article: Anniversary Party 2014 Schedule
  • Friday: Hollywood theme
  • Saturday: Amyrlin's Tournament & Feast
  • Sunday: Wildfire emergency
  • Monday: Farewell



Main article: Anniversary Party 2014 Raisings


Lillian O'Neeus and Drake O'Neeus were Bonded.


Da'covale Auction

Main article: Da'covale Auction 2014

Members donated their time and services, which were were put up for bid to raise money for TarValon.Net operating expenses.


Amyrlin's Tournament

Main article: Amyrlin's Tournament 2014

Dareth d'Rahien was the overall winner.

Sword Forms Game

Main article: Sword Forms game

Arie Davion was the overall winner

Costume Contest

Main article: Costume Contest 2014

Trivia Contest

There is no information on the Trivia Contest


Main article: Anniversary Party 2014 Attendance List

49 people attended.


Main article: Anniversary Party 2014 Picture Gallery