The Eye of the World Timeline

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This is a break down of the timeline and all the events happening in each chapter in The Eye of the World. There are assumptions about some of the dates in this table, but it is still clear how long some of the stories took, for example how long it took the group before they split at Shadar Logoth and later how long it took from reuniting in Caemlyn till the end of the book.

For a broader timeline, please check The Wheel of Time Timeline.

alt A timeline for the book The Eye of the World

Date, Month, Year (Farede Calendar) Day of Timeline Chapter Name Characters and Events
28th, Saban, 998 NE Day -3 Strangers Mat sees the Myrdraal around Emond's Field for the first time
2nd, Aine, 998 NE Day -1 The Peddler Perrin sees the Myrdraal around Emond's Field for the first time
3rd, Aine, 998 NE Day 0 - Day before Bel Tine An Empty Road Rand and Tam go to Emond's Field, Rand sees the Myrdraal for the first time, Rand meets Mat
3rd, Aine, 998 NE Day 0 - Day before Bel Tine Strangers Rand and Mat meet Moiraine and Lan
3rd, Aine, 998 NE Day 0 - Day before Bel Tine The Peddler, The Gleeman Rand and Mat meet Perrin, Egwene, Nynaeve and Thom. We see Padan Fain for the first time.
3rd, Aine, 998 NE Day 0 - The night of Winternight Winternight Rand and Tam are attacked by Trollocs in their farm.
3rd, Aine, 998 NE Day 0 - Day before Bel Tine The Westwood Rand carries Tam through the Westwood, Tam reveals he has found Rand on the slopes of a mountain.
4th, Aine, 998 NE Day 1 - Bel Tine Out of the Woods Rand carries Tam into Emond's field, Rand asks Moiraine to heal Tam.
4th, Aine, 998 NE Day 1 - Bel Tine A Place of Safety Moiraine heals Tam and tells Rand they need to leave.
4th, Aine, 998 NE Day 1 - Bel Tine Tellings of the Wheel Rand sleeps the whole day away and they need to leave when it gets dark, Moiraine tells the story of Manetheren to the Emond's Field people.
4th, Aine, 998 NE Day 1 - Bel Tine Leavetaking Rand, Mat, Perrin, Moiraine and Lan are joined by Egwene and Thom on the way out of Emond's Field.
4th, Aine, 998 NE Day 1 - The night of Bel Tine The road to Taren Ferry They get chased by the Draghar and eventully reach Taren Ferry.
4th, Aine, 998 NE Day 1 - The night of Bel Tine Across the Taren They cross the Taren and hide away for the night. Egwene learns that she can become Aes Sedai.
5th, Aine, 998 NE Day 2 Choices " The whole first day Rand saw no evidence aside from the road that men had ever been in the woods. "
Aine, 998 NE Day ? Choices Rand watches Egwene NOT braid her hair and they shout at each other
Aine, 998 NE Two days later Choices Mat suggests they go to Illian and Moiraine threatens to destroy them herself before the Dark One has them
11th, Aine, 998 NE Day 7 Choices They reach Baerlon. (" The journey to Baerlon took almost a week. ")
11th, Aine, 998 NE Day 7 in the night The Stag and Lion They stay at the Stag and Lion for the night and Rand has his first dream of Ba'alzamon. Ba'alzamon breaks a rat's spine.
12th, Aine, 998 NE Day 8 Strangers and Friends Rand meets Min, later sees Padan Fain in Baerlon, and after that angers the White Cloaks.
12th, Aine, 998 NE Day 8 The Wisdom Nynaeve arrives in Baerlon and goes straight to the Stag and Lion.
12th, Aine, 998 NE Day 8 in the evening Watchers and Hunters The gang is in the Stag and Lion in the evening and they dine and dance, Thom is performing.
13th, Aine, 998 NE Day 9 in the morning Watchers and Hunters After midninght a Fade appears in the Stag and Lion and they must leave immediately. At the gates they are confronted by Chidlren of the Light and Moiraine uses the Power, so that they can escape.
16th, Aine, 998 NE Day 12 The Caemlyn Road "For two days the road ran through the hills". On the third day the group encounters Trollocs and Myrdraal and battle them. Moiraine uses the Power to hold off the Trollocs.
16th, Aine, 998 NE Day 12 Shadow's Waiting To escape the Trollocs, the only solution is to enter Shadar Logoth. Rand, Mat and Perrin have an encounter with Mordeth.
17th, Aine, 998 NE Day 13 Dust on the Wind The gang escapes Shadar Logoth, but are separated into several groups.
17th, Aine, 998 NE Day 13 Listen to the Wind Nynaeve meets Moiraine and Lan and the three of them continue together.
17th, Aine, 998 NE Day 13 A Path Chosen Perrin meets Egwene and they continue on to Caemlyn together.
19th and 20th, Aine, 998 NE Day 15 nad 16 Wolfbrother Two days from the river the land changed to thickly forested hills and a day after that the hills flattened out again.
Aine, 998 NE Day ? Wolfbrother Perrin and Egwene meet Elyas and the wolves.
18 Aine, 998 NE Day 18 Flight Down the Arinelle In the middle of the first day after boarding the Spray, Rand sees the carved stone figures in the high bluffs.
Aine, 998 NE Day ? Flight Down the Arinelle They see the metal tower (of Ghenjei). Bayle Domon tells them about Tremalking and Tanchiko.
21 Aine, 998 NE Day 17 Flight Down the Arinelle On the fourth day of the trip Rand climbed the mast of the ship and later finds Mat with the dagger.
Aine, 998 NE Day 1 after meeting Elyas The Travelling People Perrin realizes he can sense the wolves.
Aine, 998 NE Day 3 after meeting Elyas The Travelling People After three days journey, Egwene, Perrin and Elyas meet the Thuatha'an lead by Raen.
Aine, 998 NE Day 10 after seein the Tower of Ghenjei Whitebridge Ten days after seeing the Tower Ghenjei the Spray supposedly reaches Whitebridge ("We be ten days from Whitebridge at the rate we go.” Bayle Domon said.)
Aine, 998 NE Day ? Shelter from the Storm Two days from joining the Thuatha'an, Perrin watched the girls' seductive dance for the first time. Perrin, Egwene and Elyas leave the Traveling People at sunrise one day.
Aine, 998 NE Day after Rand and Mat leave Whitebridge Footprints in Air Moiraine, Lan and Nynaeve reach Whitebridge and later continue on the Caemlyn Road.
Supposedly already into Adar, 998 NE Day ? Eyes without Pity Elyas, Perrin and Egwene run from ravens and reach an abandoned stedding.
Adar, 998 NE Day ? Children of the Shadow Perrin and Egwene are captured by the Whitecloaks.
Adar, 998 NE Day ? Play for your Supper Several days following Rand and Mat on their way towards Caemlyn.
Adar, 998 NE Day in Four Kings Four Kings in Shadow Rand and Mat reach Four Kings.
Adar, 998 NE Day 1 after Four Kings The Dark Waits Rand and Mat spend the morning getting soaked by rain, they ride with Alpert Mull during the day and sleep in Market Sheran during the night.
Adar, 998 NE Day 2 after Four Kings The Dark Waits In the morning Rand and Mat meet a darkfriend at the inn and leave Market Sheran, they got several short rides during the day and during the nigth, while Rand is feeling sick they are atacked by a darkfriend woman.
Adar, 998 NE Day 3 after Four Kings The Dark Waits The next morning Rand and Mat get on Hyam Kinch's cart.
Adar, 998 NE Day 4 after Four Kings The Last Village Rand and Mat reach Carysford after dark and sleep in a haystack.
Adar, 998 NE Day 5 after Four Kings The Last Village Rand and Mat walk all day on the Caemlyn road along with many other people going to Caemlyn, at the evening they reach the last village, they ride with Bunt towards Caemlyn.
Adar, 998 NE Day 6 after Four Kings Caemlyn Rand and Mat reach Caemlyn.
Adar, 998 NE Day 6 after Four Kings Web of the Pattern Rand and Mat go to Queen's Blessing and meet Master Gill, Rand meets Loial.
Adar, 998 NE A few days after Perrin is captured by the White Cloaks The Long Chase Nynaeve, Lan and Moiraine plan an escape for Perrin.
Adar, 998 NE A few days after Perrin is captured by the White Cloaks Rescue Perrin and Egwene were saved from the Whitecloaks, Moiraine and Lan realize Perrin can talk to wolves.
Adar, 998 NE A few days after Rand and Mat arrive in Caemlyn Weaving of the Web Rand goes out into the city to see Logain, reaches the castle and falls over the castle wall.
Adar, 998 NE A few days after Rand and Mat arrive in Caemlyn The Web Tightens Rand meets Elayne, Gawyn, Galad, Queen Morgase and Elaida.
Adar, 998 NE A few days after Rand and Mat arrive in Caemlyn Old Friends, and New Threats Rand rejoins Moiraine, Lan and the rest.
Adar, 998 NE A few days after Rand and Mat arrive in Caemlyn Remembrance of Dreams Everyone meets Loial, Moiraine decides they must leave Caemlyn and go to Fal Dara through the Ways.
Adar, 998 NE A few days after Rand and Mat arrive in Caemlyn Decisions and Apparitions Loial tells the others about the Ways, Moiraine is set on using them and they make plans for the trip.
Adar, 998 NE The next day after reunification The Dark Along the Ways The group, along with Loial, leaves the inn and reaches the Waygate in Caemlyn. They enter the Ways.
Adar, 998 NE Reunification day + 2 What Follows in Shadow The group travels along the Ways, and escape at Fal Dara's Waygate, after hearing the Black Wind.
Adar, 998 NE Reunification day + 2 Fal Dara The group reaches Fal Dara and they meet with lord Agelmar.
Adar, 998 NE Reunification day + 2 More Tales of the Wheel We find out Lan's story and Moiraine tells the group what she found out about Padan Fain. They must leave for the Bligh at dawn.
Adar, 998 NE Reunification day + 3 The Blight The next day the group enters the Blight. During the night they camp next to the Seven Towers. Nynaeve tells Lan she loves him.
Adar, 998 NE Reunification day + 4 The Dark One Stirs The day after, the group continues traveling through the Blight and they reach the Mountains of Dhoom. Rand's need is too strong after being attacked by creatures of the Blight and they enter the Green Man's place.
Adar, 998 NE Reunification day + 4 Meeting at the Eye The Green Man takes them to the Eye of the World.
Adar, 998 NE Reunification day + 4 Against the Shadow Rand kills Aginor and fights with Ba'alzamon.
Adar, 998 NE Reunification day + 4 Neither Beginning Nor End Everyone meets back at the Eye and find the Horn of Valere, the Dragon Banner and the Seal of the Dark One.
Adar, 998 NE Reunification day + 5 The Wheel Turns The group returns to Fal Dara and Moiraine shows the horn of Valere to Lord Agelmar.
Adar, 998 NE Reunification day + 12 The Wheel Turns Seven days later, Rand tells Egwene he should leave, Moiraine says the Dragon has been reborn.

In total the journey in The Eye of the World takes approximately two whole months - from leaving the Two Rivers to coming back from the Eye into Fal Dara.