The Kin

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This article is a stub. A longer, more in depth article will be added at a later time.

The Kin are a secret group of women that formed as far back as The Trolloc Wars. They are based in Ebou Dar and have not finished their training in the White Tower. Most have been put out of the tower for one reason or the other. Usually because they could not pass the required tests. But some have left the tower for other reasons and are runaways. Some of the Kin are not very good at channeling. They are also not allowed to teach each other weaves (ACoS, Ch. 31).

They do not allow wilders (ACoS, Ch. 23). And they are never allowed to marry (TPoD, Ch. 4). The Kin think that the Aes Sedai do not know about their existence. But the Tower knows and uses the kin to return Tower runaways. Because they know sooner or later the runaways end up with the Kin (CoT, Ch. 14). The Tower is not aware of their actual numbers. This comes from not staying in one place for more than ten years so no one notices that they don’t age.

The Kin have a farm outside of Ebou Dar that serves as a retreat for women and also serves as a cover for Kin coming and going from Ebou Dar. The hard farm work is also used as a penance under the severe discipline system of the Kin. The Kin have no laws but follow the same rules as the novices and the Accepted of the Tower do. The wise women that live in Ebou Dar are members of the Kin. They wear a red belt to distinguish them from the others, and use the One power to heal.


No member of the Kin has made it past Accepted so they don't know how the Aes Sedai arrange their hierarchy. So they rank themselves by age. The oldest being the leader of the thirteen "Eldest of Elders." They are known as the Knitting Circle or just the Circle. Reanne Corly is the Eldest of the Kin in Ebou Dar. Although there are older Kin elsewhere. During her Accepted test, Reanne didn't make it through the three arches and was kicked out of the Tower. As the Kin have left Ebou Dar, technically,the Knitting circle does not exist any more.