Neetra Ninya

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Interview Jan 30 2008

What is your Tower name?

Neetra Ninya

How long have you been a member of

since 2002 I april of that year..

How was your time as Citizen/Novice/Accepted?

it was fun! I was a trouble maker:P

When were you raised to Aes Sedai of the Green Ajah?

umm...not sure.. I think it took me a year or so...

Why did you choose Green?

because I am green:P I never felt like I belonged to any other ajah and I can't imagine being anywhere else.

Are you like the Greens in the Books?

kinda but not really.

Do you like to party, love men and are you a sucker for fashion and make up?

I love men. I don't party much I am not a sucker for fashion but I do enjoy makeup and dressing up for special occasions.

To whom are you bonded, if you're bonded?

not bonded.(not for lack of trying :look)

What things do you do for

I co-ordinate the Big Sisters/Lil Sisters with Aliandra Sedai for my ajah.

How did you get to read the Series?

my brother told me to. then he told me to join the site.

Who is your mentee, if you have one?

none at this time.

Who is your favorite character of the Series? Favorite Nation?

fav character is either Aviendha or Mat and fav nation is really all the border lands.

Have you ever attended any Real Life Functions? Did you like them if you did, and why? (Why do you think people should come to any future functions?)

I went to the first official tower party at Ban's house in Portland OR. it was totally awesome and I can't wait till I someday get to another one:D

What kind of music do you like?

country and classical and opera

What are your favorite movies?

life as a house, but I'm a cheerleader, leagally blond, when harry met sally.

What is the craziest/stupidest thing you've ever done?

umm..seduced the man I eventually married a day after meeting him whilst on a camping trip.

What job do you have?


Do you have a pet?

two cats and a husband;)

What languages do you speak?

english, french canadian and german(some)

What profession did you want to have when you were a kid?

trucker or a teacher

Elayne or Cadsuane?


Aiel or Atha'an Miere?


Winter or summer?

I can't choose.

Day or night?

can't choose:P

A short bio about yourself.

I was a wrestler in high school, never went to college but still want to. went to a wonderful program called "winter session for young adults" which teaches communication skills and helps you understand more about yourself. then I met my hubby when I was 2.5 months away from turning 20(he was 29) and seduced him at a camping trip that I invited a total stranger(him) on. then in 2005 we had a baby and got married and I am now expecting my second baby! and I am 25 and have two nieces (17 and 19) living with us cause their dad (my hubby's brother) died last year. and that's me in a nutshell;)