Department of Research and Communications

From Tar Valon Library
Revision as of 14:45, 17 November 2009 by Toral Delvar (talk | contribs) (Positions)
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The TarValon.Net Membership Manual contains additional information on this topic.

The Department of Research oversees the Tower Library and the Tower Histories, as well as the book forums and the Classroom. The department is currently headed by Toral Delvar.


The department was originally formed as the department of Research and Communication and headed by the tower Librarian and Tar Valon Times editor. It was later split into the two separate departments we have today. With the dissolving of the Department of Communication, and the creation of the position of Tower voice, the department was reconstituted.


Main article: Department of Research and Communications (Positions)

Apart form the Director there are three other named positions in the Department

  • Assistant to the Director of Research - Responsible for providing general support and co-moderating the Department's forums
  • Tower Historian - Responsible for updating the Tower histories
  • Headteacher - Responsible for the classroom and organising classes available to all tower members
  • Tower Voice - Responsible for maintaining social networking sites and communicating news to the members.