Junior Member Contributors

From Tar Valon Library
Revision as of 04:18, 4 August 2010 by Kerna Shedrian (talk | contribs) (Former Members)
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TarValon.net gives all members the opportunity to serve in some way. The following are junior members who have not yet aspired, that have contributed.


Aldus Tyloredrid

  • TarValon Times Reporter

Monari'Lyn Al'Eradore

  • Library Editor

Naitsirk Boloo

  • Artisan's Guild Leader


Alicia Schairen

Amaryla Leper‎

  • Forum Moderator


  • Library Editor
  • TarValon Times writer

Elizabeth Ayrahien

  • Library Editor


  • Library Editor


Luciana Carera

  • TarValon Times writer

Satara al'Caelahn‎

  • Forum Moderator

Sikozu O'men

  • TarValon Times Reporter


Drake O' Neeus

  • Technical Manager of Tar Valon Radio

Gahylin Leonhardt

G'Tairon Faraner

  • Library Editor

Ttosk Vendal

  • Forum Moderator


Barmacral Tigana‎

  • Forum Moderator

Ben al'Den

  • Forum Moderator
  • TarValon Times writer

Bryce al'Mara‎

  • Forum Moderator

Gedhan Audax

  • Martial Guild Leader

Locus Sarania

  • TarValon Times Reporter

Former Members

There are also people who have made contributions that are no longer active. As they were not senior members, they will have been removed in one of the annual clean ups

  • Devin Xanatos
  • Feodan el'Dannan
  • Foxhead
  • Kayla Tari
  • Taimi Vandene - Former Accepted
  • Tzirena Widren - Former Accepted

Nyriane Amarotta

  • Forum Moderator

Rina Aragon

  • Library Researcher