Music, Poetry and Stories

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For a list of books mentioned in the series, see List of Books and Authors


Legend of the Dragon: A Fourth Age poem

Lord of Chaos (Song): A Fourth Age chant

Untitled Poem (1): Fragment of a poem written near the end of the Third Age


A Lugard Girl: A raunchy song

A Tanchico Song: A raunchy song

Aiel Battle Song:

Aiel Mourning Song:

Bottom of the Well: A song about desperation and doom

Coming Home From Tarwin's Gap:

Forward the Lion:

Goodman Pricket's Pipe: A song with different words in different countries

If You Go to be a Soldier:

Jak o' the Shadows:

Midean's Ford (Song):

Ogier Song:

Saldaean Poem:

The Color of Trust:

The Wind That Shakes the Willow: a popular but sad song.

Tinker in the Kitchen:

What He Said to Me:


Mara and the Three Foolish Kings: