Location Glossary S

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Author: Atarah al'Norahn

A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P, Q, R, S, T, U, V, W, X, Y, Z

Safer: One of the countries of the Compact of Ten Nations. It was located in the place now known as Almoth Plain and Toman Head.

Capital city: Iman.

Other sites: Miereallen, Shainrahien.

Saishen, Stedding: An Ogier stedding located in Saldaea.

Sa'las Plains: Plains located in Seanchan. Nothing else is known.

Saldaea: A country located in the Borderlands. To the west lies World's End, and then the Aryth Ocean, while Kandor lies to the east. The current ruler of Saldaea is Queen Tenobia.

Capital city: Maradon.

Other sites: Asnelle, Bashere, Gahaur, Ganai, Irinjavar, Kunwar, Mehar, Shahayni, Sidona, Tyr.

Salidar: A village located in Altara, near the country of Amadicia. It was abandoned until the rebel Aes Sedai claimed it as their headquarters.

Samaha: A village located in Ghealdan.

Sanshen, Stedding: An Ogier stedding located in the Spine of the World. It is one of the two northernmost stedding located in the Spine of the World.

Sand Hills: The western border of the Two Rivers. They are located in between the Mountains of Mist and the West Wood.

Satelle: A place that existed during the Shadow. "Sammael. I remember when he was first named Destroyer of Hope. After he betrayed the Gates of Hevan, and carried the Shadow down into the Rorn M'doi and the heart of Satelle. Hope did seem to die that day. Culan Cuhan wept."

Sea of L'Heye: A sea somewhere around Seanchan where is not exactly known. The city of Abunai is located on the Sea of L'Heye.

Sea of Storms: The ocean that lies to the south of the Westlands.

Storms, Sea of: see - Sea of Storms.

Seanchan: A nation located across the Aryth Ocean from the Westlands. It covers the whole continent on that side of the Aryth Ocean. Seanchan is currently ruled by The Empress, whose name we do not know. The Seanchan people are largely made up of the descendants of the army that Artur Hawkwing sent across the Aryth Ocean.

Capital city: Seandar.

Other sites: Abunai, Alqam, Anangore, Ancarid, Asinbayar, Barsabba, Dalenshar, Imfaral, Jianmin, Kaensada, Khoweal, Kirendad Marendalar, Merinloe, Muyami, 'Kon, Noren M'Shar, Qirat, Rampore, Sa'las Plains, Sea of L'Heye, Sen T'jore, Serengada Dai, Shon Kifar, Sohima, Tuel, Tzura

Seandar: The capital city of Seanchan, which is also the largest city on the continent. It is from Seandar that the Empress rules the nation of Seanchan.

Sehar: A village located in Altara. It lies near the River Eldar and the country of Amadicia.

Selean: A town in Cairhien. It is located at the western end of the Jangai Pass, in the Spine of the World. It was attacked by the Shaido.

Semalaren: A place in Seanchan

Sen T'jore: Most likely a region in Seanchan, possibly a swamp of some kind. There are trap-worms that spring out of the ground in the Sen T'jore.

Serenda Palace: The seat of the King of Amidacia, to miles from Amador

Serendahar: Existed during the Age of Legends. Rand remembers that Sammael tried to bait Lews Therin into an attack here.

Serengada Dai: A city, town or region within Seanchan.

Seven Striped Lass, the: One of the best inns in Western Caemlyn

Seven Towers: The capital city of the dead nation of Malkier.

Shadoon, Stedding: An Ogier stedding located along the Shadow Coast.

Shadar Logoth: The current name for the city of Aridhol, which existed during the Compact of Ten Nations and was destroyed in the Trolloc Wars. 'Shadar Logoth' means 'where the shadow waits'.

Shadow Coast: The southwest coast of the Westlands. It is mostly uninhabited.

Shaemal: The capital city of Coremanda, during the Compact of Ten Nations. There was a Waygate here.

Shahayni: A region in Saldaea.

Shainrahien: A city located in Safer, during the Compact of Ten Nations.

Shajin, Stedding: An Ogier stedding located in the Black Hills.

Shamendar, Stedding: An Ogier stedding located north of River Ivo.

Shangloon, Stedding: An Ogier stedding located in the Mountains of Mist.

Shangtai, Stedding: An Ogier stedding located in the Spine of the World. It is the southernmost stedding in the Spine of the World. It is Loial's home stedding.

Shanjin, Stedding: An Ogier stedding located in Arafel.

Shaken Fist, the: The nicest of the three inns in Trustair

Shal, River: A river that runs southwest from the Hills of Kintara and joins the Manetherendrelle.

Shamara: Another name for Shara.

Shanaine: A city in Manetheren, during the Compact of Ten Nations. It was located in the place now known as Jehannah.

Shandalle: A nation that existed during the Free Era. It was located in around what is now known as eastern Andor and western Cairhien. Artur Hawkwing was from the nation of Shandalle.

Shar Honelle: A city located in Aelgar, during the Compact of Ten Nations.

Shara: Aka. Shamara, Co'dansin, Tomaka, Kigali, Shibouya. It is a country located east of the Aiel Waste. The people of Shara are very secretive, and very little is known about them.

Shende Hold: A hold in the Aiel Waste belonging to the Chareen Aiel. Sorilea is it's Wise One.

Sherandu, Stedding: An Ogier stedding that was consumed by the Blight 1843 years ago.

Shibouya: Another name for Shara.

Shienar: A country located in the Borderlands. To the west is Arafel, and to the east is the Spine of the World. The border between Shienar and Arafel is formed by the Mora River. The current ruler of Shienar is King Easar Togita.

Capital city: Fal Moran.

Other sites: Ankor Dail, Camron Caan, Fal Dara, Fal Eisen, Fal Sion, Medo, Mos Shirare

Shilene Gate: One of the gates in the northern wall of Lugard

Shiota: A nation that existed during the Free Era. It was located in what is now known as eastern Altara and western Illian.

Shol Arbela: The capital city of Arafel, and the seat of power of King Paitar Nachiman.

Sholoon, Stedding: An Ogier stedding located in Shienar.

Shon Kifar: The tenth largest city in Seanchan.

Shorelle: A city that existed during the Age of Legends it was a port. Shorelle was Asmodean's birth place.

Sidon: A village located in Ghealdan. It lies along the River Boern.

Sidona: A region in Saldaea.

Sienda: A town in Amadicia. It is located east of Amador.

Silk Path: A roadway that crosses through the Jangai Pass. It connects Cairhien to the Aiel Waste.

Silver Circuit: A horse racing track just south of Ebou Dar

Silver Dolphin, the: An inn in Illian

Silver Horn, the: An inn in Maerone

Silver Penny, the: An inn in Chachin

Silver Pig, the: An inn in Lugard

Silver Road: A roadway that leads from Illian to Lugard.

Silver Swan, the: An inn in Caemlyn

Silverwall Keeps: Two large stone structures either side of the Firchon Pass along the border between Kandor and Arafel. T

Sintiang, Stedding: An Ogier stedding located in the Spine of the World.\

Sleeping Bay: A body of water in Seanchan

Smoke Springs Hold: A hold in the Aiel Waste belonging to the Goshien Aiel. It is their clan hold. It's clan chief is Bael, and it's Roofmistress is Dorindha.

So Eban: A village located in western Altara. It lies near both the River Eldar and the country of Amadicia.

So Habor: A town located in the northwestern region of Altara. It lies next to a river. The people of So Habor have recently become very distrustful and deadly afraid of ghosts.

So Tehar: A village located in Altara. It is described as a 'scruffy' village.

Sohadra: A place, most likely a city, that existed during the Age of Legends. Sammael escaped justice here, so it is probable that he did much damage.

Sohima: The seventh largest city in Seanchan.

Solanje: A town, city or region in Arad Doman which is not known.

Soralle Step: The site of a battle during the Trolloc Wars. Soralle Step was known for it's valor. It is one of the battles that Rashima Kerenmosa, Amyrlin of the White Tower, won against the Trollocs.

Soremaine: Located in Altara. It was the site of one of the battles during the Whitecloak war. It was here that Mattin Stepaneos was captured, and later ransomed.

South Bridge: A village that is connected to Far Madding by the Tear Gate and the Goim Bridge.

South Gate: One of the gates into Fal Dara

South Mettler: A town in Saldaea close to the border with Kandor

South Stable Gate: One of the gates from the Royal Palace in Caemlyn to the Inner city

Southern Hoop, the: An inn in So Tehar in Altara

Spine of the World: A range of mountains that separates the Westlands from the Aiel Waste.

Square of Tammaz: A great square in Illian where Hunters for the Horn swear their oath

Stair of Jehaan: The site of a battle after the fall of Malkier,

Stag and Lion, the: An inn in Baerlon in Andor

Star, the: A four storey high inn in Tear

Storn, River: A river that runs southwest through Murandy, where it joins the Reisendrelle at Lugard.

Stranded Goose, the: An inn in Ebou Dar

Street of Joy:

Sulara Hold: A hold in the Aiel Waste.

Sulmein Gap: The site of a historical battle.

Sunrise Garden: A garden on top of the Royal Palace of Andor's eastern ing

Sunrise Gate: A gate our of Caemlyn leading to the river Erinin

Sunset Gate: A gate in Tar Valon leading from the White Tower