Aes Sedai (TV Series)
Book | TV show |
Author: Ilverin Matriam
Aes Sedai are an organization made up of only women, who are able to wield the One Power. "Aes Sedai" in the Old Tongue means "Servant of All."
The Aes Sedai are bound by three Oaths, promises made by them to end Arthur Hawkwing's siege of the White Tower. The three Oaths cannot be broken, the Aes Sedai are bound to them by a ter'angreal called the Oath Rod.
The three Oaths, binding each Aes Sedai to their exact verbiage, are as follows:
- To speak no word that is not true.
- To make no weapon with which one person may kill another.
- Never to use the One Power as a weapon, except in the last extreme defense of her life, or the life of her Warder, or another Aes Sedai.
An Aes Sedai cannot lie, but they also might not be telling the truth that one thinks they hear.
Normal people believe Aes Sedai to be a special type of people and are usually surprised by how normal they look.
The seat of the Aes Sedai power is called the White Tower and is located inside the island city of Tar Valon.
The Aes Sedai call each other "Sisters." They are however split into seven different groups, called Ajahs. Each of the Ajahs has its own purpose and is chosen by the woman once she is ready to attain the title of Aes Sedai.
The seven ajahs and their purposes are as follows:
- The Blue Ajah - seekers of justice;
- The Brown Ajah - keepers of the past;
- The Gray Ajah - law focused diplomats;
- The Green Ajah - warriors, standing ready for the Last Battle;
- The Red Ajah - dedicated to preventing the wrong and dangerous use of the One Power;
- The White Ajah - pursuers of truth and reason;
- The Yellow Ajah - healers of all living things;
The Amyrlin Seat
The structure of the Aes Sedai places one woman, the Amyrlin Seat, at their head. The Amyrlin Seat can make decisions and place judgments on the Aes Sedai themselves, or on men who have channeled the male half of the One Power.
The Amyrlin Seat is sworn into the position for life.
The Hall of the Tower
The Amyrlin is advised also by the Hall of the Tower, a council made up of three Sitters of each of the Ajahs.
Once a girl joins the Tower for training, she would be signed up as a Novice in the Novice book. Novices could stay at this level for years, depending on how quickly they learn. Once the Hall of the Tower decides that a Novice is ready to advance to the next level, they call on her to go through the Arches - a ter'angreal that tests the woman who enters through it, showing her her greatest fears.
After passing the Arches, a great serpent ring is given to the woman and she is raised to the level of Accepted. As Accepted, the channelers may have private lessons with Aes Sedai to advance in their training. At this level they may choose their own lessons and what direction they would like to take their lessons in.
Once deemed ready, the Accepted will take the Three Oaths and get raised to wear the Shawl as an Aes Sedai. At this time, they also choose their Ajah.
"Aes Sedai do not fight wars, they pull the strings of the world from their White Tower." Tam al'Thor