Community Page: Photos of the Gray Ajah
Aes Sedai
From Events
Imzadi Sedai at Britain and Ireland Party 2017 in Callander, Scotland.
The Gray Ajah representatives at Anniversary Party 2022, (left to right) Siera, Megana, Merena, Arinna, Veriendha, Maibella.
Merena Sedai (left) and Arinna Sedai (right) receiving their gifts upon their raising at Anniversary Party 2022.
JordanCon 2023
Some of the M-named Grays at JordanCon 2023. From left to right - Maibella, Megana, and Merena.
Maibella Sedai (left) and Merena Sedai (right) received signed copies from Michael Livingston at JordanCon 2023. To the most left is Thaddius Gaidin.
From left to right - Merena, Megana, Veriendha, and Maibella, all at JordanCon 2023.
From left to right - Merena, Veriendha, Megana, and Maibella in their gorgeous dresses at JordanCon 2023.
The local Gray Aiel - Veriendha, in her Aiel costume at JordanCon 2023