Dailin (1)
From Tar Valon Library
Author: Leora Oldessroth
Dailin is Aiel of the Nine Valleys sept of the Taardad Aiel and is a member of the Far Dareis Mai warrior society (LoC, Ch. 26). She has red hair and grey eyes (TDR, Ch. 38). She is Aviendha's second-sister -- her mother's sister's daughter (i.e.: cousin) (TDR, Ch. 39).
- Dailin, Aviendha, Bain, and Chiad are sent by the Wise Ones to seek He Who Comes With the Dawn (TDR, Ch. 39).
- Dailin is severely injured; she asks the other Maidens she is with to carry her to the banks of the river so she can die by the water (TDR, Ch. 38).
- The other Maidens she is with, including Aviendha, find Elayne, Egwene, and Nynaeve walking along the river bank, recognize them as being Aes Sedai, and ask them to Heal her, which Nynaeve does (TDR, Ch. 38).
- Dailin and the other Maidens rescue Elayne, Egwene, and Nynaeve after they are captured by Darkfriends; Dailin takes an injury from the sword of a Myrddraal and dies (TDR, Ch. 39).
- Dailin is on Rand's list of women who have died for him (LoC, Ch. 26) though it is unknown how Rand knows of her.