Member Spotlight: Ne'Mireth Delvar

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Author: Jahily al'Karee
Published: March 12, 2021 Tar Valon Times Blog

Greetings and salutations! This month, I am pleased to bring you our next Member Spotlight featuring our new Social Media Manager, Ne’Mireth ni Simoua t’Delvar. “Mira” is an Aes Sedai of the Green Ajah, married to Toral Delvar. They live in Michigan, and are the parents of two children, plus two cats – Gkhar and Londo. Mira says they are a fun family, which you can tell by the photos below! They like to play games, watch a lot of anime, and travel.

Mira grew up in the Ukraine, and her family was able to move to the United States in 1992. She is a business owner, having created her own line of spice blends and sauces called Cheeky Spices. Mira is also a bootcamp fitness instructor — “It lets me unleash the inner Russian on poor unsuspecting people.”


Mira found TarValon.Net when she was reading the series and came across something that didn’t make sense. “I swear I saw the site in the back of the book under references but I’m told that couldn’t have been true.” (TarValon.Net is referenced in the WoT Companion.) Mira stuck around as she started getting to know people, bonded her warder Jaim al'Bearach, and met/married Toral. There is also a large group of members who live in Michigan and are close to each other. Affectionately known as the Mitten Crew.

I asked Mira how she decided that the Green Ajah was for her, she said:

“I actually thought I was a yellow. Then blue. And then was told by Toral that I am a blatant green and to stop being dumb and go aspire (this was before guesting). I loved greens instantly, as soon as I aspired and saw them in their own forums. I had never felt more at home as I did in Green. Most of my friends from the site are also Greens. They are a fun and honest bunch. Love them.”

Mira holds a Masters of Business Administration, and is an experienced digital marketer. This background has helped her grow her business, and also has greatly benefited our site, now for the second time. Mira held the position of Social Marketing Manager at TarValon.Net from 2015-2017. Now updated to Social Media Manager, Mira has taken up the mantle again.

When asked why she wanted to serve in the position again, Mira said, “When my Warder Jaim passed away from a brief but vicious struggle with cancer, I was devastated. I still am. It’s been two years and I ugly cried … on his death day. But he did so much for this site, and I felt that to honor him I have to come back to serve.”

Mira has already hit the ground running in the past few weeks. She’s so full of energy, funny to chat with, and clearly wants the best for our community. I look forward to seeing where she leads her team during her tenure!