TarValon.Net's February 2021 Recap
From Tar Valon Library
Author: Aintza Bisera
Published: February 28 2021 Tar Valon Blog Link
Another busy month for TarValon.Net has passed!
- The month started off with a bang, as we celebrated the retirement of Sa’areah Britthorn as Director of Membership. The Sa’lebration lasted for eight days, one day for each year of Sa'areah's tenure as Director. Thank you once again for your service, Sa’ and enjoy a well-deserved retirement.
- Our Marketing Project Manager, @Stasia t’Andrei, created an instructional guide on posting GIFS and images in the Tower. It can be found as a sticky in the “Ask the White Tower” forum.
- The Tar Valon Times were graced by The Brown Ajah in the Tar Valon Times Takeover! They share with us “Reading BIPOC Authors“, “The Brown Ajah in GIFS” and “Ferdinand“.
- The Great Charity Hunt continued powering along! Keep an eye out for a BIG update in March.
- We started out with two brand new shiny Social Media Managers! Congratulations to Ne’Mireth Delvar, new Social Media Manager, and the Assistant Social Media Manager, Siera al’Cere. I cannot wait to see what new ideas they bring to the table! #teammarketing
- We also received the announcement of the new Director of Membership! Congratulations to our very own Alenya Al’Roran!!! Alenya is known for her work ethic and devotion to the Tower. I am sure she is more than up to the challenge!
- Congratulations is also in order for Idine Espanyas, new Head of the Yellow Ajah!
- Alor Sionn, aka Mama Wolf, is the new Company Commander for VC!
- And there is a new Head Bear! Congrats to Miliham Rastoubel, newest Company Commander of SDS!
- Last, but certainly not least, with Alenya’s move from Marketing to Membership, the Director of Marketing position was left vacant. However, it was just announced that the new Director of Marketing is…. Aleita Taviah!!! Congratulations!!!
- Congratulations to our newest Aes Sedai, Asandra al’Terra, raised to the Green Ajah!
- Join me in congratulating Asandra al'Terra and Jalen te'Kreg on (renewing) their bond against the shadow!
There were quite a few positions open for hiring in February
- Head of the Yellow Ajah – Applications closed on February 9th.
- Company Commander of Val’Cueran – Applications closed on February 16th.
- Director of Marketing – Applications closed on February 17th.
- Servant of All Team – Applications closed on February 21st.
- Company Commander of San d’ma Shadar – Applications closed on February 23rd.
- Tar Valon Talks Podcast Team – Applications closed on February 23rd.
- Co-Director of Technology – Applications closed on February 24th.
- Head of the Gray Ajah – Applications close on March 1.
Keep an eye out for the TVT Takeover for March…. When our Novices and Recruits take over the Tar Valon Times!