Hall of the Tower

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If you are looking for the TarValon.Net Hall, see Hall of Sitters and Warder Council

Author: Estyrien al'Halien


The White Tower is governed by the Amyrlin Seat, the Keeper of the Chronicles and the Hall of the Tower (TWoRJTWoT, Ch. 24). While the Amyrlin and the Keeper renounce their former Ajahs, the Hall is comprised of sisters from the seven Ajahs. Aes Sedai are referred to as sisters but members of the Hall of the Tower are referred to as Sitters. There are three Sitters from each Ajah - no matter the relative sizes of the Ajahs - and so the Hall is made up of twenty-one Sitters (LoC, Ch. 8).

The first mention of the Hall of the Tower is during 98 AB, the same year that the construction of Tar Valon and the White Tower began. Seven sisters were known to be advising the Amyrlin Seat - perhaps the beginning of the seven Ajahs - and a Hall had been chosen. Very little is known about his early Hall, and the next mention is not until 200 AB. It is known that by this time the Hall was made up of twenty-one Sitters, three for each Ajah. The Hall was changing into the one recognised today (TWoRJTWoT, Ch. 9).

The Hall of the Tower itself is located in the lower half of the White Tower (TWoRJTWoT, Ch. 24). There are three sets of doors leading into the Hall, each made of dark wood and inlaid with the silver Flame of Tar Valon. From these doors run ramps made of silver-streaked white stone, leading to the Hall itself (TDR, Ch. 22).

The Hall is a large, circular room with a domed ceiling thirty paces above the floor. In the centre of the floor lies the Flame of Tar Valon; the flame is surrounded by seven spirals, corresponding to the seven Ajahs. A raised platform runs around the edge of the Hall, with steps leading up to it. On this platform are twenty-one chairs, grouped in threes. This is where the Sitters sit during sessions, grouped according to their Ajahs. These sets of three chairs are painted and cushioned in the colour of the Ajah. The Amyrlin Seat is also on this platform; it is a chair carved in vines and leaves and painted in the colours of the seven Ajahs

Formal Sessions of the Hall

Considerable ceremony accompanies a call for the Hall to Sit (TPoD, Ch. 16). The call can be made by the Amyrlin Seat or any Sitter (TPoD, Ch. 16, CoT, Ch. 18). When the Amyrlin is responsible, the Keeper must announce the following:

"the Amyrlin Seat calls the Hall to sit this day in formal session. Let preparations be made with all speed." (TPoD, Ch. 16).

If a Sitter is responsible for a call to sit, custom demands that the Amyrlin Seat is informed of it (The only exception is if the Hall is sitting to depose of her) ACoS, Ch. 12). A sister will be sent to the Amyrlin to tell her (CoT, Ch. 18). However, there wass nothing to prevent the Hall from sitting before the Amyrlin has arrived (CoT, Ch. 19) until Egwene al'Vere persuaded the Hall to change the law so that the Amyrlin be given ample opportunity to attend (ToM, Ch. 27).

Not all Sitters must be present when the Hall sits. In fact, a formal session can occur when there are at least eleven Sitters present (ACoS Glossary). Once eleven are present, the formal session can begin and certain formalities must be met (TPoD, Ch. 18). However, since Egwene persuaded the Hall to change the law, all sisters must be informed and the Hall cannot sit unless they either have arrived or given word that they will not be attending (ToM, Ch. 27).

The Keeper must announce the Amyrlin Seat before she can enter the Hall:

"she comes; she comes! The Watcher of the Seals, the Flame of Tar Valon, the Amyrlin Seat. Attend you all, for she comes!" (TPoD, Ch. 16).

This announcement is made so that the Sitters are aware of her presence; there may be some issues that the Sitters want to discuss without her being present (CoT, Ch. 19).

At the beginning of the session, the youngest Sitter present must stand, embrace saidar and speak the following phrases:

"What is brought before the Hall of the Tower is for the Hall alone to consider. Whosoever intrudes unbidden, woman or man, initiate or outsider, whether they come in peace or in anger, I will bind according to the law, to face the law. Know that what I speak is true; it will and shall be done."

The Sitter then returns to her seat. The second youngest Sitter then stands, also embraces saidar, and utters the following:

"there are those within earshot who are not of the Hall. What is spoken in the Hall of the Tower is for the Hall alone to hear, until and unless the Hall decides otherwise. I will make us private. I will seal our words to our ears only."

The Sitter then weaves a ward to guard against eavesdropping around the entire Hall and returns to her seat (TPoD, Ch. 19). The weave is made of Air and Fire with touches of Water (LoC, Ch. 8).

The Hall is then considered to be in formal session and discussion can begin and proposals be made (TPoD, Ch. 18). When a proposal is laid before the Hall, Sitters are asked to speak for and against it; either the Amyrlin Seat or the oldest Sitter will ask the question. The order in which Sitters speak depends on which Sitter is on her feet first. When the Sitters have finished discussing the matter, the Sitter/Amyrlin will ask for the Sitters who agree with the proposal to stand. If the lesser and/or the greater consensus is met, the proposal is passed (CoT, Ch. 19). However, the proposal cannot be carried out until the Amyrlin decrees it so TPoD, Ch. 16.

When the session is finished, the Keeper will announce that it is so and will dismiss the Sitters:

"Depart now in the Light." (CoT, Ch. 20).

The Consensuses

Proposals can be passed by the Hall when the lesser or greater consensus is reached (ACoS, Glossary).

The greater consensus occurs when every Sitter in a sitting stands for a proposal, though not every Sitter need be present. All Ajahs must be represented, except for the removal of an Amyrlin and/or Keeper. In such a case, the Sitters from their former Ajah are not informed of the sitting until after the vote has occurred (ACoS, Glossary). Instances of when the greater consensus is required include the raising of an Amyrlin, the deposing of an Amyrlin and/or her Keeper and the decision to still a woman (LoC, Ch. 35, ACoS, Glossary; ACoS, Ch. 32).

The lesser consensus occurs when two thirds of the Sitters present stand for a proposal. It is not normally necessary for every Ajah to be represented in the vote, the exception being the voting on a declaration of war (ACoS, Glossary). Examples of decisions requiring the lesser consensus include trying a sister for collusion, voting on a declaration of war (something that many sisters believe should be decided by the greater consensus) and a vote on allowing the Amyrlin Seat to be put in any type of dangerous situation (TPoD, Ch. 16, ACoS Glossary; ACoS, Ch. 19).

Although only the lesser consensus is required for some proposals, the greater consensus is always strived for. Discussion will continue, sometimes for days, until all Sitters stand for the proposal or one or more Sitters make it plain that they will not stand, no matter how long the discussion lasts (CoT, Ch. 19). Although unity is greatly desired in the Hall, Sitters usually make finding a consensus, lesser or greater, hard work (CoT, Ch. 18). Once the consensus has been reached, no Sitter should hinder its progress, no matter how they voted on the matter. However, Sitters can show their displeasure by leaving their chairs in protest (CoT, Ch. 19).

There is one case in which the Hall must meet a proposal with the greater consensus. When the Hall stands to declare war, the Law of War states that Amyrlin Seat must prosecute the war by decree. The Sitters may be consulted on matters, but the Hall must meet each and every decree regarding the war with the greater consensus (TPoD, Ch. 18).

Traditions, Customs and Laws in the Hall

There are many customs, traditions and laws that must be followed in the Hall. Laws often contradict other laws while customs and traditions are often considered as important, if not more so, than laws. This makes navigating the etiquette in the Hall hard at best (CoT, Ch. 19).

In normal circumstances, mentioning age among Aes Sedai is considered to be very rude. However, this is not the case with the Hall (TPoD, Ch. 18). The oldest Sitter is given some measure of authority over other Sitters; she is allowed to speak first when the Hall is convened and makes pronouncements from the Hall (CoT, Ch. 19) TPoD, Ch. 18; LoC, Ch. 15). The two oldest Sitters can claim the seats nearest the Amyrlin Seat for their Ajahs; the other Ajah's arrangements are determined by which Sitters arrive first (CoT, Ch. 19). The youngest Sitter must be prepared to catch anyone attempting to enter the Hall uninvited and ensures that all those in the Hall during the raising of an Amyrlin are female (TPoD, Ch. 18; LoC, Ch. 35). The second youngest Sitter must weave a ward around the Hall during formal sessions and must be the one to bring sisters before the Hall when they are asked to give a report. She is also the one to tell them:

"You have been called before the Hall of the Tower to relate what you have seen. I charge you to speak of these things without the evasion or holding back, and to answer all questions in complete fullness, leaving out nothing. Say now that you will do so, under the Light and by your hope of the rebirth and salvation, or suffer the consequences." (TPoD, Ch. 18, CoT, Ch. 19).

A Sitter stands up when she addresses the Amyrlin and the rest of the Hall. Sitters stand up when the Amyrlin enters and sit when she does. The Keeper remains standing by her side throughout the sitting (TDR, Ch. 22).

No one puts a proposal before the Hall without speaking to some of the Sitters beforehand. This is tradition as much as practicality (TPoD, Ch. 18).

Under the Law of War, a question of war cannot be shelved. It must be discussed before any other question called after it (TPoD, Ch. 18).

Speeches are forbidden within the Hall, though many sisters come close (CoT, Ch. 19).

Displays of anger within the Hall are forbidden; goading is not (CoT, Ch. 19).

Channeling is forbidden in the Hall, except for a few precise functions. This custom was started in the early years of the Tower when assassination among Aes Sedai was common (CoT, Ch. 19).

Sitters are not supposed to speak when they stand for a proposal (CoT, Ch. 19).

When sisters are asked to give a report before the Hall, the response is addressed to the Amyrlin Seat (CoT, Ch. 19).

When the Hall is called to sit by a Sitter asking a question, that question must be addressed before any other (CoT, Ch. 19).

The Amyrlin Raising Ceremony

The Hall reigns over the Tower during the period between Amyrlins. There are strict laws to ensure that the Sitters do not abuse this power and to make sure that a new Amyrlin is chosen quickly (NS, Ch. 18). The Hall discusses suitable candidates, suggestions being made by the Sitters, and then a summons is sent to the potential Amyrlin (ACoS, Ch. 32; LoC, Ch. 32). Three sisters are sent to summon her and the phrases are thus:

Sister One: "(Name of candidate), you are summoned before the Hall of the Tower." Sister Two: "Ask not why you are summoned. It is yours to answer, not to question." Sister Three: "Delay not in you coming. It is yours to obey in haste." All Sisters: "It is well to fear the summons of the Hall. It is well to obey in haste and humility, unasking. You are summoned to kneel before the Hall of the Tower and accept their judgement." (LoC, Ch. 32).

These summons are the same as the summons for a trial and neither can be refused. It is the Hall's decision on whether or not the candidate should be made the Amyrlin Seat.

The candidate enters the Hall with her three sponsors and the oldest Sitter begins the ceremony: Sitter: "Who comes before the Hall of the Tower" Candidate: "One who comes obediently in the Light" Sitter: "Who comes before the Hall of the Tower" Candidate: "One who comes humbly in the Light" Sitter: "Who comes before the Hall of the Tower" Candidate: "One who comes at the Summons of the Hall, obedient and humble in the Light, asking only to accept the will of the Hall"

The youngest Sitter then speaks: "Are there any present save women" The Sitters then bare their breasts, starting with the oldest, then the youngest and saying "I am a woman", before being inspected by the youngest to confirm they are female. The Sitters, but not the candidate my then replace their shawl.

The oldest sitter then asks who stands for the woman and pledges for her, heart for heart, soul for soul, life for life they answer "I so pledge"

After they have answered, she questions the candidate:

Sitter: "Why are you here, (name) Candidate: "I was summoned by the Hall of the Tower Sitter: "What do you seek, (name) Candidate: "to serve the White Tower, nothing more and nothing less" Sitter: "How would you serve, (name) Candidate: With my heart and soul and my life, in the Light, Without fear or favor in the Light" Sitter: "Where would you serve, (name) Candidate: In the Amyrlin Seat, if it pleases the Hall of the Tower"

For the candidate to be raised, the greater consensus is required. There can be up to three votes on the raising of a candidate. Rarely is a candidate raised by the first vote; at least some Sitters will remain sitting to make it plain to the candidate that they will not be lapdogs. If this is the case, the candidate washes the feet of those who remain seated with the words "please allow me to serve"

Less than nine Sitters standing in this vote is an outright rejection of the candidate. If the greater consensus is not achieved after the third vote then the candidate cannot be raised (LoC, Ch. 35; TGS, Ch. 46).

The Hall, the Amyrlin and the Keeper

Once the Hall has raised the new Amyrlin, it is their job to announce it to the Tower. The Sitters, lined up in age order, stand before the sisters of the Tower and the oldest Sitter announces the new Amyrlin. The Sitters raise the Amyrlin above the heads of the crowd using saidar and the Amyrlin gives her first speech. It is during this speech that the new Keeper of the Chronicles is announced. The Hall does not have any say in who the Amyrlin chooses to become her Keeper (LoC, Ch. 36).

Although the Amyrlin Seat is the leader of the Aes Sedai, she must learn to direct the Hall should she wish to keep her reign strong (TWoRJTWoT, Ch. 24). Strong Amyrlins, such as Gerra Kishar, succeeded by playing the Sitters against each other while weak Amyrlins, Shein Chunla being an example, failed to maintain the balance with the Hall and ended up as mere puppets (TPoD, Ch. 15, (CoT, Ch. 19).

While Amyrlin can decree anything she wishes, the Hall must support her for the decree to carry any true weight. The Hall can find many ways to prevent the decrees being carried out without directly defying the Amyrlin (ACoS, Glossary). The Hall will only directly defy the Amyrlin if all of the Sitters are unanimously against her (CoT, Ch. 21). This means that the Amyrlin's relationship with the Hall is very precarious, even more unstable than her dealings with the Ajahs (CoT, Ch. 19).

No matter how strong an Amyrlin is outside of the Hall of the Tower, inside she is merely a first among equals. The Sitters feel their power in the Hall (CoT, Ch. 19). However, the Amyrlin does retain some power within the Hall. She can unchair any Sitter and that call must be heeded. This is rarely done without real cause because the Sitter's Ajah can choose to return her to the Hall. It is also possible for an Amyrlin to demand the mass resignation of the entire Hall. This has only happened four times in the history of the Tower; in two of these times, the Amyrlin was herself forced to resign and go into exile and the other two times saw an almost entirely new Hall formed (ACoS, Glossary).

There is only one law that restricts the power of the Amyrlin Seat. She is not allowed to place herself in any danger without the agreement of the lesser consensus of the Hall (ACoS, Ch. 9).

If the Amyrlin is strong, the Keeper is equal to the Sitters outside of the Hall (NS, Ch. 2). However, she is not supposed to have any significant influence within the Hall (ACoS, Prologue). The Keeper is even unable to enter the Hall without the Amyrlin being present. She is also not allowed to enter into discussions in the Hall (CoT, Ch. 19).

The Hall can also choose to depose the Amyrlin Seat and her Keeper. It is also possible for the Hall to remove a Keeper at the request of the Amyrlin. The greater consensus is required for these removals (ACoS, Glossary).

The Sitters

The Sitters are twenty-one of the most powerful sisters in the Tower. They overturn the normal hierarchy of strength in the One Power and demand respect from other sisters (LoC, Ch. 40). An order from a Sitter is expected to be obeyed, especially if she is from the sister's Ajah (TPoD, Ch. 26). Their power is such that few sisters would bother a lone Sitter (TPoD, Ch. 16).

Sitters are supposedly equal in the Hall. However, the oldest Sitter has some authority over the other Sitters and the longer a Sitter has held a chair, the more authority she has (CoT, Ch. 19).

Sitters discuss a lot of varied topics in the Hall, all of which are very important to the Tower as a whole. It is therefore vital that the Sitters be very knowledgeable and wise, to the extent that it is believed that Sitters know more of a country's politics that its ruler does (NS, Ch. 6). Knowledge is gained over time; this is probably the reason why Sitters have usually worn the shawl for at least seventy or eighty years before being given a chair (ACoS, Ch. 8). Therefore Sitters are usually more than one hundred years old TPoD, Ch. 16. It is also important for a Sitter to be eloquent and to be persuasive in her arguments, something essential during the discussion after a proposal is made (CoT, Ch. 19).

It is not unusual for a Sitter to hold a chair for a period running into several decades. However, it is unusual for a Sitter to return to the Hall after leaving it (ACoS, Glossary).

Traditionally, if a Sitter was away from the Tower, her seat would be vacant, but a new law has meant that a surrogate must be appointed (ToM, Ch. 27).

The Sitters and their Ajahs

The Sitters represent their Ajahs in the Hall of the Tower and so the Hall is the only true meeting point for the seven Ajahs (CoT, Ch. 17).

It is unusual for the head of an Ajah to be a Sitter (NS, Ch. 12). The Sitters do not always see eye-to-eye with their head of Ajah and so this creates difficulties on what stance the Sitters should take within the Hall (CoT, Ch. 16). Sitters often balk at arm-twisting from the heads and even when they are forced to take a position that they do not agree with, they can find other ways to show their displeasure (CoT, Ch. 21). However, Sitters of the same Ajah usually give the appearance of a united front, or at least refrain from speaking against their fellow Ajah Sitters (CoT, Ch. 19).

The Ajahs share their information from their eyes-and-ears with the other Ajahs through their Sitters. However, no Ajah shares all of its information (TWoRJTWoT, Ch. 24).

The ways that Sitters are chosen vary from Ajah to Ajah. In theGray Ajah, possible candidates for becoming a Sitter are discussed until three possibilities remain. A secret ballot is then held to decide who should be given the chair. The Captain-General of the Green Ajah accepts nominations for a new Sitter and then chooses one sister to become the Sitter (CoT, Prologue). In all cases, however, the choosing of a Sitter depends on her skill and wisdom, not her strength in the One Power (ACoS, Ch. 11).

Ajahs support or oppose each other and these alliances and hatreds often extend to the Hall. The Blue Ajah and the Green Ajahs usually support each other, an alliance dating back centuries (TGH, Ch. 4). The Blue and Red Ajah oppose each other on every matter presented to the Hall because of a long-standing animosity between the Ajahs (NS, Ch. 18). The Red Ajah also opposes the White Ajah and has done so for a thousand years; the Reds dislike the fact that the Whites support the Blues in the Hall (TSR, Ch. 1). Other alliances are not as long lived and can change quickly (NS, Ch. 18).


Sitters are present during the raising of an Accepted to the shawl. They stand in their Ajahs and are accompanied by the newest raised Aes Sedai of their Ajah (NS, Ch. 11).

Many sisters are not required to stand before the Hall during their lives (CoT, Ch. 19). Most are glad of this, as being questioned by the Hall is never pleasant (NS, Ch. 13).

The Hall will ask questions of any sister who requests too much money for personal reasons (NS, Ch. 13).

Two of the main concerns of the Hall are that fewer girls who can channel are found every year and of those few, none have any real strength in the One Power (TGH, Ch. 4).

An Ajah can gain status in the Hall by achieving something outside the Hall (TGH, Ch. 4).

By Tower law, the gentling of a male channeler can only be pronounced in the Hall of the Tower (TDR, Ch. 22).

Sitters wear their shawls in the Hall (TFoH, Prologue).

Sitters do not tell other sisters what is discussed in the Hall (LoC, Ch. 7).

There are secret records in the Tower that are only available to the Amyrlin, her Keeper, the Hall and the librarians who keep them (ACoS, Prologue).

Under certain circumstances, it may be deemed necessary for the three Sitters of an Ajah to resign and go into exile voluntarily (ACoS, Prologue).

The Hall can determine the punishment of sisters. The sister's Ajah can also add to this punishment, should they see fit (ACoS, Ch. 12).

Documents can be "sealed to the Hall"; this means that only Sitters, the Amyrlin and the Keeper can read them. Any person who is not of this rank and who reads these documents is guilty of a very serious crime (ACoS, Ch. 12).

There have been six mutinies in the Tower's history. In all cases, the Amyrlin and the entire Hall were forced to resign (ACoS, Ch. 12).

In roughly 250 AB, there were two rival Halls and it was called the Year of the Four Amyrlins. This is much like the current situation between the sisters supporting Elaida and the sisters supporting Egwene (TPoD, Ch. 16).

Angreal, sa'angreal and ter'angreal within the Tower's possession can only be loaned to sisters with the Hall's permission (ACoS, Ch. 10). The Sitters have the right to use any of the ter'angreal without asking permission (TPoD, Ch. 26).

Sitters can speak openly with each other, even if there is strife between the Ajahs (WH, Prologue).

Sitters' rights do not exist outside of the Hall of the Tower (WH, Prologue).

Sitters know sisters who spend a lot of time in the Tower well enough to attach names to faces (CoT, Prologue).

Anybody but a Sitter would face a penance for discussing who might be the heads of the Ajahs (CoT, Prologue).

Any invitation to the Hall of the Tower is a summons, no matter how it is phrased (CoT, Ch. 18).

If the Hall is not formally sitting, other sisters can enter the Hall to listen to the discussion. It is the Sitters' decision whether or not to make the session formal. Several Sitters can override another Sitter's decision if they believe that it should be otherwise (CoT, Ch. 19).

Some Sitters bring cushions to the Hall with them if they believe that the sitting will be long (CoT, Ch. 19).

The Amyrlin Seat is not required to stay throughout a sitting of the Hall. She can leave at any time, although the sitting must be halted as the formalities are dealt with (CoT, Ch. 20).

List of Past Sitters


Anlee (Sitter in 978 NE)

Eadyth (Sitter in 978 NE)






Jarna Malari (Sitter in 978 NE)


Amira Moselle (stepped down in 999 NE, replaced by Elaida)

Lirene Doirellin (was forced to resign c. 985 NE)

Toveine Gazal (was forced to resign c. 985 NE)

Tsutama Rath (was Sitter in 978 NE and was forced to resign c. 985 NE)

Elaida (Sitter in 999NE, raised to the Amyrlin Seat.)


Ferane Neheran (retired from a previous term as Sitter c. 990 NE)


Romanda Cassin (became Sitter c. 893 NE and retired c. 973 NE)

Suana Dragand (served a previous term as Sitter for forty years)

List of Sitters Before the Split


Lelaine Akashi (became Sitter c. 960 NE)


Unknown (presumably killed in the fighting)


Janya Frende

Saerin Asnobar (voted to depose Siuan Sanche)

Takima (became Sitter c. 991 NE)



Rubinde (voted to depose Siuan Sanche)

Talene Minly (voted to depose Siuan Sanche)



Yukiri (voted to depose Siuan Sanche)

Evanellein (voted to depose Siuan Sanche)


Elaida do Avriny a'Roihan (voted to depose Siuan Sanche)

Pevara (became Sitter c. 985 NE; voted to depose Siuan Sanche)

Teslyn Baradon (became Sitter c. 985 NE; voted to depose Siuan Sanche)



Seaine Herimon (became Sitter c. 986 NE)

Velina Behar (voted to depose Siuan Sanche)


Doesine (voted to depose Siuan Sanche)

Magla Daronos

Sedore Dajenna (voted to depose Siuan Sanche)

List of Elaida's Sitters


Juilaine Madome (too young)

Saerin Asnobar



Joline Maza (forced to resign by Elaida in 999 NE)

Rina Hafden (replaces Joline; too young)


Talene Minly


Andaya Forae (too young)




Duhara Basaheen

Javindhra Doraille

Pevara Tazanovni

Teslyn Baradon (forced to resign by Elaida in 999 NE)


Ferane Neheran

Seaine Herimon

Velina Behar


Doesine Alwain

Sedore Dajenna

Suana Dragand

List of Salidar Sitters


Lelaine Akashi


Moria Karentanis


Escaralde (too young)

Janya Frende




Malind Nachenin (too young)

Samalin (too young)


Delana Mosalaine (too young)

Kwamesa (too young)

Naorisa Cambral



Aledrin (too young)

Berana (too young)



Magla Daronos

Salita Toranes (too young)

Romanda Cassin

List of Sitters after reunification


Lelaine Akashi


The third blue sister, who would have replaced Moria Karentanis is unknown.


Janya Frende

Saerin Asnobar







Andaya Forae





Raechin Connoral

Viria Connoral


Ferane Neheran

Seaine Herimon





Romanda Cassin


"Those were the two main concerns in the Hall of the Tower, that fewer girls who could be trained to channel the One Power were found every year, or so it seemed, and that fewer of real power were found." (The Great Hunt, Chapter 4)

"The Hall always sought consensus; in the end, all votes were unanimous, though it could take a great deal of talking to make it so." (Lord of Chaos, Chapter 35)

"An Amyrlin could issue any decree she wished, her word and law absolute. Yet as a practical matter, without the support of the Hall of the Tower, many of those decrees were wasted ink and paper." (A Crown of Swords, Prologue)

"Some Amyrlins had become little more than puppets when the Hall acquired a taste for rejecting what they put forward." (A Crown of Swords, Prologue)

"The Amyrlin Seat being valued with the White Tower itself, as the very heart of the White Tower, she must not be endangered without dire necessity, therefore unless the White Tower be at war by declaration of the Hall of the Tower, the Amyrlin Seat shall seek the lesser consensus of the Hall of the Tower before deliberately placing herself in the way of any danger, and she shall abide by the consensus that stands." (A Crown of Swords, Chapter 9)

"Hall of the Tower, the: the legislative body of the Aes Sedai, traditionally consisting of three Sitters in the Hall from each of the seven Ajahs." (A Crown of Swords, Glossary)

"the Law of War states, "As one set of hands must guide a sword, so the Amyrlin Seat shall direct and prosecute the war by decree. She shall seek the advice of the Hall of the Tower, but the Hall shall carry out her decrees with all possible speed, and for the sake of unity, they shall? they shall and must approve any decree of the Amyrlin Seat regarding the prosecution of the war with the greater consensus." (The Path of Daggers, Chapter 18)

"As you keep saying, skill and a deft hand are necessary to get anything done in the Hall, but luck is absolutely required." (The Path of Daggers, Chapter 18)

"Surprises in the Hall were seldom good. Surprises you learned about late were worse." (Crossroads of Twilight, Chapter 19)

"Siuan said as many Amyrlins had failed by believing that the Sitters were fully her equals as by believing the difference was wider than really existed." (Crossroads of Twilight, Chapter 19)

"In actuality, according to sources close to the Tower, the Amyrlin must usually engage in fairly sophisticated political give and take with the Hall to remain strong." (The World of Robert Jordan's "The Wheel of Time", Chapter Chapter 24)