Health and Disease

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The One Power

Main article: Healing

Other forms

For those that cannot use the One Power to Heal, there are still a wide range of herbs and other treatments. In most villages, this is the role of one woman, such as the Wisdom


See also List of Herbs

Medicinal Herbs


Used as a tea for head pain (TSR, Ch. 52)

Andilay root

Used for fatigue (TDR, Ch. 48)


Used to aid mending bones (TDR, Ch. 48)


A herb from the Borderlands that can slow the spread of the taint from a Thakan'dar forged blade (ToM, Prologue)

Blue Goatflower

Used to aid mending bones along with boneknit (TDR, Ch. 48)


An unpleasant tasting tea, used mostly as a punishment (TFoH, Ch. 5)


Used as a tea for an upset stomach (TDR, Ch. 48)


Used as a tea for an upset stomach (TDR, Ch. 48)


Helps make blood (TDR, Ch. 38)


Used as a tea on people who have been moping (TDR, Ch. 7)


For knitting flesh (TDR, Ch. 38)


Used for fever (TDR, Ch. 10)


Used with ivy and sunburst root as an ointment of bruising (TEotW, Ch. 38)

Flatwort tea

Used for fatigue (TDR, Ch. 48)


Used with marasin in a tea to help sleep but not leave the person groggy (TEotW, Ch. 19)

Gheandin Blossom

Used powdered to treat otherwise fatal heart pains (TDR, Ch. 48)


Unknown use (TDR, Ch. 38)


Used as a tea to prevent conception (WH, Ch. 12


Used ground with five-finger and sunburst root as an ointment of bruising (TEotW, Ch. 38)


Used with foxtail in a tea to help sleep but not leave the person groggy (TEotW, Ch. 19)


Used as a tea for an upset stomach (TDR, Ch. 48)


Given along with sheepstongue root to people acting the fool or faking illness. It tastes unpleasant but does no harm (TGH, Ch. 8)

Red Daisy

Given as a tea with sheepstongue root. It may cure headaches, or may just be used on people who complain when nothing is wrong with them (TFoH, Ch. 13)

Sheepstongue Root

Given along with rannel to people acting the fool or faking illness. It tastes unpleasant but does no harm (TGH, Ch. 8)


Used as a tea with timsin root to cure headaches (TSR, Ch. 34)

Sunburst Root

Used with ivy and sunburst root as an ointment of bruising (TEotW, Ch. 38)

Timsin Root

Used as a tea with silverleaf to cure headaches (TSR, Ch. 34)


Used to ease birthing pains in a hard birth (TDR, Ch. 48)


Used as a tea for headpain (TSR, Ch. 52) and general fever (TGH, Ch. 14)

Worrynot Root

Used for fever (TDR, Ch. 10)

Poisonous Herbs

Crimsonthorn root

A sweet tasting root that will kill, but slowly, even in large amounts, first paralysing the victim (ACoS, Ch. 28, TPoD, Ch. 8)

Tarchrot Leaf

A bitter tasting poison that needs to be administered either repeatedly or in large amounts (TGS, Ch. 32)


Black Fever

A disease that killed Artur Hawkwing's parents

Blackbile Fever

A contagious disease (TGH, Prologue)

Breakbone Fever

A disease that causes the sufferer to sweat and writhe, but will typically pass (TEotW, Ch. 21)

Spotted Fever

A disease that once killed eleven people in Emonds's Field (CoT, Ch. 30)

Yelloweye Fever

A fever that turns the irises yellow and leaves the person unable to stand (TEotW, Ch. 38)