Forum Focus: The Library (Part I)
Author: Elyss Koh'inor, July 2018
This Forum Focus article will be the first section of a two-part review of the Library. This article will focus on the Head Librarian’s Desk and the Classroom.
- Head Librarian’s Desk
Here you can check in on ongoing Library projects as the Librarians and editors work to keep our member information, as well as information about The Wheel of Time current. Threads within this sub-forum also include the request for edits thread. If you ever notice something wrong with a page in the library, you can report it here.
Speaking of editing, the Head Librarian’s Desk is where you go to sign up to help with editing tasks. There is also a list of things you can do to help contribute to running the library. This is a great way to give back to the community, whether you’re a Junior Member looking to complete service to move forward in the ranks, or a Senior Member who just wants to help out.
- The Classroom
And even if you don’t know how to do Wiki editing, the Classroom might have courses to help you out! The classes are all based on the forums, with homework posted within threads or sent in through direct messages. Many members are familiar with the Classroom from the Citizen Class, a regular course designed to get new Citizens used to TarValon.Net. This includes both technical help such as changing avatars and sigs, as well as what different levels of membership look like.
Classes in the Classroom rotate out depending on the time of year and level of interest. Many classes are related to The Wheel of Time in some way, but there are other subjects as well. Wiki editing, graphic design basics to use in sigs, and knitting have all been previously taught.
If you want to see a particular class, or if you would like to teach a class yourself, there are threads within the Classroom where you can express your interest. (Though an email to the headmistress is also requested)
If you’d like to learn more about the Classroom, there’s a handy Frequently Asked Questions thread!
Next month we’ll head deeper into the library to explore Book Discussions, Wheel of Time News, and the Wheel of Time TV Show.