Get To Know the Reds: Yenie
Yenie Antagar, Aes Sedai
If I told you, I'd have to kill you.
Cat, world famous Fluffy Sedai of the Red Ajah
Favorite Books
Most fantasy books, I have tons of em, and I read tons of em.
Favorite Movies
Movies like Fight Club etc that are weird, violent and funny me likes
Favorite TV Shows
Don't watch tv much but when I do it's usually Simpsons, How I met your Mother, 2½ men etc, silly comedies with other words.
I play insanely much World of Warcraft, plus a bunch of other computer games, read a bit and sleep. Yes, sleeping is a hobby.
If I could travel anywhere it would be to
Nowhere, I'm staying with my boyfriend right now and I don't want to go anywhere else. ^^
I chose the Red Ajah because
Back in da days when I picked Ajah, I think I picked it more for what I knew what it could be than for what the site Ajah was at the time. To stand up for what you believe in rather than follow the stream and having the courage and strength to not give in to something you do not believe in.
Positions I’ve held within the Red Ajah
Heart, Sitter and Head. And for a bit, all of these titles at once.
Positions I’ve held around the site
Mistress of Chat and Radio Tech-thingey. Still host TheDarkOne in the chatrooms. Not really a position, but I've also made a lot of the custom made smileys on the forums.