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Sigil A swooping black hawk; the Black Hawk
Banner The Black Hawk on a field of three blue stripes and two white horizontal stripes.
Capital Fal Moran
Ruler King Easar Togita

Author: Toral Delvar

Pronunciation: shy-NAHR


Shienar is one of the Borderlands and as such has a martial culture, with the need for constant vigilance against Trolloc raids from the Blight to the north. Relationships with the other Borderlands are excellent, with this strengthened by intermarriages between the leading houses (TPoD, Prologue). As a result from the need for security, the constant jockeying for position of Daes Dae'mar, seen in many of the southern lands, is almost unknown there. As Shienar is far north, it can be very cold, enough to freeze the sap in trees and cause them to burst (TEotW, Ch. 46). Compared to further south, such as the Two Rivers, even a spring feels like winter (TEotW, Ch. 46). The land has many hills.

After Rand is proclaimed and has not visited the Blight, King Easar leads a larger army south, with the other Borderland rulers, to meet him, though whether to join or confront him is not known (WH, Prologue; WH, Ch. 27).


The Wheel of Time Roleplaying Game A similar entry appears in the Wheel of Time Companion, confirming the information. Other information is also included in the Companion, but we did not use it in the TarValon.Net Library.

Like all of the Borderlands, Shienar became a nation near the beginning of the War of the Hundred Years. Concerned about the ongoing war, the governors of the five northern provinces held a meeting; the outcome of this meeting was an agreement to form five independent nations. Because the purpose of these nations was to work together against the Blight and to protect themselves against the fighting in the southlands, for the most part Shienar did not take part in the war outside of self-defense. The first queen of Shienar was the governor of the province, Merean Tihomar.


alt a map of the continent, outlining the position of Shienar in the north-east

Relation to Previous National Borders

According to the maps, during the time of the Compact of the Ten Nations, the land that would become Shienar was part of the nation of Aramaelle. After the Trolloc wars, it was all part of the nation of Rhamdashar.


Shienar borders Arafel to the west and the Spine of the World, with the Niamh passes, on its eastern border. Until 950NE, Malkier lay to the north and Shienar was not truly one of the Borderlands, though it would still send men to fight (TEotW, Ch. 40). To the south, the land is unclaimed, though once it bordered Hardan, and when Hardan fell, Cairhien briefly claimed the land up to the river Erinin (TGH, Ch. 10).

Geographical Features

Bodies of Water
Hills and Mountains

There are stedding located in Shienar, including Stedding Sholloon. Sanshen and Qichen may also be in Shienar as they are the most northern of the thirteen stedding in the Spine of the World (LoC, Ch. 21).


The Throne

Shienar is a monarchy, with Easar of House Togita currently on the throne. He is widowed, with sons. Internal strife is almost unknown, with the presence of the Blight and threat from Shadowspawn looming large in everyone's minds; however, since Rand proclaimed himself, disagreements over whether he is the true Dragon have occasionally escalated into minor battles (TFoH, Prologue; LoC, Ch. 9).


Noble Houses
  • House Togita, the Royal family, Easar's Sigil is a White Hart
  • House Shinowa, sigil is a grey owl
  • House Yokata of Fal Eisen
  • House Jagad, sigil three running foxes of Fal Dara


Mounted Shienaran warriors are known as lancers, because of the weapons they carry (TWoRJTWoT, Ch. 28).

Fighting men from Shienar have their heads shaved except for a topknot (TWoRJTWoT, Ch. 28).

When the Shienaran military ride, every man knows who is next in line of the chain of command, such that even if all fall down to one man, he is not just a straggler, he has the command and the duty to do what must be done (TGH, Ch. 11).

Cities, Towns, and Villages

Where possible, Shienaran towns are built on high ground and cleared all around, with grass cut short to give a clear approach. Walls surrounding the towns have high look out towers and strong gates (TWoRJTWoT, Ch. 28).

Cities, towns, and villages in Shienar

Relations and Trade

People and Customs

The people there value peace, beauty and life above all else (TWoRJTWoT, Ch. 20).

Ogier are known and respected in towns such as Fal Dara, with the greeting "Kisereai ti wansho" or "glory to the builders” (TEotW, Ch. 46), to which the response is "I am unworthy and the work small, Tsingu ma chobal".

Shienarans have a love of ceremony and take shame the same way other people might take being branded a thief (TGH, Ch. 2).

Shienarans bathe in communal pools, men and women together, where rank loses its distinction (TGH, Ch. 2).

Men and women have separate apartments, with men not being allowed into the women's unless they have permission or are invited in. No male above the age of ten would enter without such permission (TGH, Ch. 4). If they want to speak with someone, they must send a message and wait for it to be delivered and for there to be a response (TGH, Ch. 8).

Feasts and Festivals

Appearance, Clothing, and Dress

Only the warriors wear topknots; menial laborers have a bowl type cut (TGH, Ch. 3).



They believe they all came from the earth and that they must return as they came, naked and unarmed, into the last embrace of the mother (TWoRJTWoT, Ch. 20). "The Light shine on you and the Creator shelter you. The last embrace of the mother welcome you home" (TGH, Ch. 10) is a common saying.

They use the expression "peace favor your sword", or Suravye ninto manshima taishite in the Old Tongue, as a blessing.

Characters from Shienar

Main article: Shienaran Character List
