Letter from the Editor: July 2015

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Author: Maibella Rhoiden

TVT editor letter.png

The Tar Valon Times welcomed six new Reporters this term, bringing our total Staff up to nineteen amazing members! According to the Library we are currently tied for the largest TVT Staff even (we're tied with 2013 Term 1 Staff). I’m incredibly pleased with the energy and ideas that the Reporters generated in the TVT forums this past month and the full-loaded issue of the Tar Valon Times they produced. Go team!

We are venturing into uncharted territory with several new series this month. Sailea Nerid kicks off Global Issues with an introduction to some of the weighty topics she’ll cover over the next several months. These are serious and sensitive topics and I trust our readers will be appropriately sensitive in their comments. In Forum Focus Alyccea Nymaessene showcases the new Servant of All forum and she also introduces our first Servant of the Month.

This issue has lots of our regular features as well, including a Mafia Interview, a recipe, book and movie reviews, and more. This is also the month you get to vote on the gorgeous submissions in Erin Sedai’s Coloring Contest.

There is a lot to read in this issue of the TVT so I’ll leave you to it. Oh, and be sure to comment on the articles you enjoy and to tell your friends about them too!

Tar Valon Times Newsletter version