Former Senior Members
Although a person who has attained the rank of Gaidin or Aes Sedai at TarValon.Net will keep that rank indefinitely, occasionally a person will choose to leave the site and ask to be removed from our list of members. Others may choose to step back and become a Citizen, or leave the site and then return to the ranks. Very occasionally a person may breach the code of conduct so severely they are banned from the site. Some of these people previously held positions at TarValon.Net, or contributed articles in the library.
Absent Members
People who have not been at the site in years, but who are not known to have officially retired. Thus, they would be entitled to their rank if they chose to return.
- Jigrah Soulprotector - Gaidin of Dai M'Hael
- Kerric Shaigar - Gaidin (raised before Companies existed)
Retired Members
People who are known to have left the site. This list does not include ex members who have been banned
- Adolla Ceryia - Formerly an Aes Sedai of the Brown Ajah
- Aidan Pendragon - Formerly an Aes Sedai of the White Ajah
- Alyria Ess - Formerly an Aes Sedai of the Blue Ajah, and before that an Aes Sedai of the Gray Ajah
- Amara Danicek - Formerly an Aes Sedai of the White Ajah
- Anya Valerin - Formerly an Aes Sedai of the Blue Ajah
- Arella Mathara - Formerly an Aes Sedai of the Brown Ajah
- Aryawnah Federov - Formerly an Aes Sedai of the Green Ajah
- Asandra al'Terra - Formerly an Aes Sedai of the Green Ajah, and before that an Aes Sedai of the Blue Ajah
- Cahalan Sothron - Formerly an Aes Sedai of the Blue Ajah
- Cinnamin Draconna - Formerly an Aes Sedai of the Brown Ajah
- Cyn Wyndbourne - Formerly a Gaidin of San d'ma Shadar
- Deoan Kakarot - Formerly a Gaidin of Dai M'Hael
- Dieda Eriu - Formerly an Aes Sedai of the Brown Ajah
- Dracaenaa al'Landgraf - Formerly an Aes Sedai of the Brown Ajah
- Dralyn Montsier - Formerly an Aes Sedai of the Green Ajah, and before that an Aes Sedai of the White Ajah
- Drimylos al'Bai - Formerly a Gaidin of Val'Cueran
- Ela al'Tharin - Formerly an Aes Sedai of the Yellow Ajah
- Elia LePhant - Formerly an Aes Sedai of the Brown Ajah, and before that an Aes Sedai of the Red Ajah
- Elarielle Mandellon - Formerly an Aes Sedai of the Blue Ajah
- Former Member 065 - Formerly a Gaidin of Mahdi'in d'ma Dieb
- Illiana a'Lyon - Formerly an Aes Sedai of the Yellow Ajah
- Imogen Rova - Formerly an Aes Sedai of the Yellow Ajah
- Jade Sedona - Formerly an Aes Sedai of the Green Ajah
- Jalen te'Kreg - Formerly a Gaidin of Mahdi'in d'ma Dieb
- Jenalla Selar - Formerly an Aes Sedai of the Brown Ajah
- Jocasta Braithe - Formerly an Aes Sedai of the Blue Ajah
- Katarianna al'Leya - Formerly an Aes Sedai of the Green Ajah
- Khisanth al'Danya - Formerly an Aes Sedai of the Yellow Ajah
- Kitan Tataru - Formerly an Aes Sedai of the White Ajah, before that an Aes Sedai of the Green Ajah
- Leala ni al'Dareis t'al'Caleum - Formerly an Aes Sedai of the Green Ajah, and before that an Aes Sedai of the White Ajah
- Leora Oldessroth - Formerly an Aes Sedai of the Red Ajah and Keeper of the Chronicles
- Lia Kellenit - Formerly an Aes Sedai of the Brown Ajah, before that an Aes Sedai of the Green Ajah
- Lifa NiCrioi - Formerly an Aes Sedai of the Red Ajah
- Loira al'Ramoidra - Formerly an Aes Sedai of the White Ajah
- Lugh of the Vanth - Formerly a Gaidin of Dai M'Hael
- Lyndo Shiranui - Formerly an Aes Sedai of the Blue Ajah
- Lyuna Ishizu - Formerly an Aes Sedai of the Red Ajah
- Mirindyin Zakura - Formerly an Aes Sedai of the Gray Ajah
- Morgana Arakos - Formerly an Aes Sedai of the Blue Ajah
- Nadezhda al'Lanahrin - Formerly an Aes Sedai of the Blue Ajah, and before that an Aes Sedai of the Red Ajah
- Nairah Tarak - Formerly an Aes Sedai of the Blue Ajah
- Nethanel al'Tere - Formerly an Unaffiliated Gaidin, and before that a Gaidin of San d'ma Shadar
- Noura Sofen - Formerly an Aes Sedai of the White Ajah
- Paedrig Al'Dar - Formerly a Gaidin of San d'ma Shadar
- Pylar al'Stnap - Formerly an Aes Sedai of the Brown Ajah, before that an Aes Sedai of the Yellow Ajah
- Rhed al'Tere - Formerly an Aes Sedai of the Brown Ajah, before that of all and none as the Amyrlin Seat, before that an Aes Sedai of the Red Ajah
- Raleien din Arsenia - Formerly an Aes Sedai of the White Ajah
- Rioldina al'Juriel - Formerly an Aes Sedai of the White Ajah
- Ruslan Ryslan - Formerly an Aes Sedai of the Blue Ajah
- Ryquan Malardius - Formerly a Gaidin of Val'Cueran
- Seandre ay'Luthien - Formerly an Aes Sedai of the Blue Ajah
- Serelda Mirecle - Formerly a Aes Sedai of the Red Ajah
- Serena Alanshi - Formerly an Aes Sedai of the Green Ajah
- Serenla Tamowith - Formerly an Aes Sedai of the Brown Ajah
- Syera Faelron - Formerly an Unaffiliated Aes Sedai, before that an Aes Sedai of the Blue Ajah, before that an Aes Sedai of the Red Ajah, before that an Aes Sedai of the White Ajah
- Selexia Cohn - Formerly an Aes Sedai of the Red Ajah
- Shienar Rexix - Formerly a Gaidin of Dai M'Hael
- Shirlyn Cheade - Formerly an Aes Sedai of the White Ajah
- Sienna Hanon - Formerly an Aes Sedai of the White Ajah
- Stephen Lightheart - Formerly an Aes Sedai of the White Ajah and before that a Gaidin of San d'ma Shadar
- Tallan Daar - Formerly an Aes Sedai of the Brown Ajah, and before that an Aes Sedai of the Green Ajah
- Tinnlin Fundon - Formerly a Gaidin of Val'Cueran
- Verscen Ter Sala- Formerly a Gaidin of Dai M'Hael
- Xavier Wester - Formerly a Gaidin of Dai M'Hael
Returned Members
Senior Members who officially retired from the site but returned to work their way up the ranks again.
- Senior Members
- Atane Valthon - Formerly a Gaidin of Dai M'Hael, now a Gaidin of Val'Cueran
- Da'mas Tamoryn - Formerly a Gaidin of Val'Cueran, now a Gaidin of Dai M'Hael
- Jenarra Tikvah - Formerly an Aes Sedai of the Gray Ajah, now an Aes Sedai of the Gray Ajah
- Lealenya Terim - Formerly an Aes Sedai of the Brown Ajah, now an Aes Sedai of the Gray Ajah
- Melana al'Cairera - Formerly an Aes Sedai of the Blue Ajah, now an Aes Sedai of the Green Ajah
- Pip al'Dealys - Formerly a Gaidin of Mahdi'in d'ma Dieb, now a Gaidin of Mahdi'in d'ma Dieb
- Sandriel Andarin - Formerly an Aes Sedai of the Blue Ajah, now an Aes Sedai of the Blue Ajah
- Tel Jagin - Formerly a Gaidin of Dai M'Hael, now a Gaidin of Dai M'Hael
- Zashara Sho'am - Formerly an Aes Sedai of the Gray Ajah, now an Aes Sedai of the Brown Ajah
- Citizens
- Adanys Wynterwulf - Formerly an Aes Sedai of the White Ajah, now a Citizen
- Maddie Vitalia - Formerly an Aes Sedai of the Brown Ajah, now a Citizen, also formerly known as Madelaine Vitalia
- Willow Elbereth - Formerly an Aes Sedai of the Yellow Ajah, now a Citizen
Banned Members
- Main article: Banned Members