Sigils and Banners

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Author: Atarah al'Norahn

Sorted Alphabetically


Agelmar Jagad of Shienar: three running red foxes (TEotW, Ch. 48).

al'Thor's banner: The ancient white and black symbol of Aes Sedai on a crimson background (ACoS, Ch. 1). It is also called by other names: the Banner of Light ACoS, Ch. 1, the Dragon Banner, "as if there were not another that bore that name" (KoD, Ch. 21).

Almoth (Historical Nation): blue for the sky above, black for the earth below, with the spreading Tree of Life to join them (TGH, Ch. 7).

Altara: (Banner) The Golden Leopards on a field checked four-by-four in red and blue; red is next to the staff on the topmost row.

Altara: (Sigil) Two golden leopards, one above the other; known as the Golden Leopards or the Leopards.

Amadicia: (Banner) The Thistle and Star on a field horizontally striped blue and gold, three of blue stripes and two gold.

Amadicia: (Sigil) A red thistle leaf laid over a silver six-pointed star; known as the Thistle and Star.

Andor: (Banner) A white lion rampant on a field of red.

Andor: (Sigil) A rampant red lion; known as the White Lion.

Anshar (House) of Andor: Red Fox (CoT, Ch. 15).

Arad Doman: (Banner) The Sword and the Hand on a field of four green and three blue horizontal stripes.

Arad Doman: (Sigil) A silver hand grasping a silver sword by the blade, point down; known as the Sword and Hand.

Arafel: (Banner) Three white roses on a field of red, quartered with three red roses on a field of white.

Arafel: (Sigil) a red rose and a white rose; known as the Roses.

Arawn (House) of Andor: the silver Triple Keys (LoC, Ch. 1).

Arilyn Dhulaine of Cairhien: a pair of silver stars atop red and green stripes (ACoS, Ch. 19).

Artur Hawkwing: A golden hawk in flight (TEotW, Glossary).


Band of the Red Hand: a white banner with a red hand LoC, Ch. 5).

Baryn (House) of Andor: Winged Hammer (CoT, Ch. 15).

Bashere (House) of Saldaea: three red kingspenny blossoms on a field of blue (ACoS, Ch. 41).


Caeren (House) of Andor: Sword and Star (CoT, Ch. 15).

Cairhien: (Banner) A many-rayed golden rising sun on a field of blue.

Cairhien: (Sigil) A many-rayed golden rising sun; known as the Rising Sun.

Caldevwin (House) of Cairhien: (Colors) red and yellow (TGH, Ch. 21)

Carlys Ankarin of Andor: paired White Leopards (CoT, Prologue).

Chachin (City): A prancing Red Horse (NS, Ch. 22).

Chadmar (House) of Arad Doman: A gold and black banner (TGS, Ch. 29).


Daerilla Raened of Andor: five Silver Stars (CoT, Prologue).

Damodred (House) of Cairhien: (Colors) red, green and white (TGH, Ch. 30).

Damodred (House) of Cairhien: (Sigil) the Crown and Tree (TGH, Ch. 30).

Daricain Annallin of Cairhien: (Con) small squares of red and black (TFoH, Ch. 30).

Dawlin Armaghan of Andor: the Oak and Axe (CoT, Prologue).

Dhulain (House) of Cairhien: (Colors) red and green (ACoS, Ch. 19).

Dobraine Taborwin of Cairhien: (Con) a blue square with two white diamonds (LoC, Ch. 54).

Dragon Banner: a white banner with a scarlet and gold serpent, with five golden-clawed toes on each foot and a golden mane and eyes (TEotW, Ch. 52). Used by Lews Therin Telamon and Rand al'Thor. Some people use this name to refer to the Banner of Light, the ancient white and black symbol of Aes Sedai on a crimson background (KoD, Ch. 21)


Easar Togita of Shienar: a white hart.

Edeyn ti Gemallen Arrel of Kandor: a crouching lioness (NS, Ch. 22).

Elayne Trakand of Andor: a gold lily (TEotW, Glossary).

Eram Talkend of Andor: a golden Winged Hand (CoT, Prologue).


Galadedrid Damodred of Andor/Cairhien: winged silver sword, point down.

Gareth Bryne of Andor: three stars with five rays each (TEoTW, Glossary).

Gawyn Trakand of Andor: a white boar (TSR, Ch. 1).

Ghealdan: (Banner) Three silver stars arranged one above and two below; known as the Stars or the Silver Stars.

Ghealdan: (Sigil) The Silver Stars on a field of Red.


Handoin of Seanchan: uses the symbol of the boar (AMoL, Ch. 32).

Haevin (House) of Andor: the Blue Bear (CoT, Ch. 13).


Illian: (Banner) Nine Golden Bees on a field of dark green. Fringed in gold if flown where the sovereign is present.

Illian: (Sigil) Nine golden bees arranged in a diamond, from top to bottom 1-2-3-2-1; known as the Golden Bees.

Ingtar Shinowa of Shienar: the Gray Owl (TEotW, Ch. 48).


Jailin Maran of Andor: a cross-hatched Red Wall (CoT, Prologue).


Kandor: (Banner) The Red Horse on a field of pale green.

Kandor: (Sigil) A rearing red horse; known as the Red Horse.


Laman Damodred of Cairhien: (Sigil) the Charging Boar (TGH, Ch. 30).

Light, banner of: The ancient white and black symbol of Aes Sedai on a crimson background (ACoS, Ch. 1). It is also called by other names: al'Thor's banner ACoS, Ch. 1, the Dragon Banner, "as if there were not another that bore that name" (KoD, Ch. 21).

Logain Ablar: he takes a sigil of three gold crowns on a blue field (KoD, Ch. 18).


Malkier: (Sigil) the Golden Crane.

Manetheren: (Sigil) the Red Eagle.

Marne (House) of Andor: Four Moons (CoT, Ch. 15).

Matrim Cauthon: uses the Band of the Red Hand banner; a white banner with a red hand LoC, Ch. 5).

Mattin Stepaneos den Balgar of Illian: three leopards, silver on black (LoC, Ch. 9).

Mayene: (Banner) A golden hawk in flight; known as the Golden Hawk.

Mayene: (Sigil) A Golden Hawk in flight on a field of blue. Fringed in gold if flown when the First is present.

Meresin Daganred: (Con) wavy vertical ines of red and white (TFoH, Ch. 30).

Morgase Trakand of Andor: three golden keys.

Murandy: (Banner) A red bull; known as the Red Bull.

Murandy: (Sigil) The Red Bull on a field vertically striped blue and white; three blue and two white. Fringed in red when flown where the sovereign is present.


Panarch of Tarabon: The Golden Tree with the addition of a green staff behind the tree.

Perrin Aybara: a white banner with a red border and a red wolf head (TSR, Ch. 42). Frequently referred to as the "wolfhead banner."


Rai (House of) of Kandor: An oak set aflame (ToM, Prologue).

Riatin (House) of Cairhien: (Sigil) five stars (TGH, Ch. 9).


Saighan (House) of Cairhien: (Sigil) a silver diamond on a red and yellow checked field (ACoS, Ch. 4).

Saldaea: (Banner) Three silver fish, one above the other; known as the Silver Fish.

Saldaea: (Sigil) Three Silver Fish on a field of dark blue.

Samon (High Lord) of Tear/Be'lal: A silver-gauntleted fist clutching jagged lightning bolts (TDR, Ch. 51).

Sarand (House) of Andor: the Golden Boars (CoT, Ch. 15).

Seanchan: (Banner) A wide border of royal blue around a white box inside which a golden hawk in flight clutches three lightning bolts in its claws. If the Empress (or Emperor) is present, it is fringed in gold; if the heir to the throne is present, it is fringed in blue.

Seanchan: (Sigil) A golden hawk in flight, clutching three lightning bolts in its claws.

Shienar: (Banner) A black swooping hawk on a field of three blue and two white horizontal stripes. By tradition, the sigil of the reigning king is also a sign of Shienar.

Shienar: (Sigil) A swooping black hawk; known as the Black Hawk.


Taborwin (House) of Cairhien: (Colors) blue and white (TPoD, Ch. 27).

Talmanes Delovinde of Cairhien: (Con) three yellow stars on blue (TFoH, Ch. 43).

Talmanes Delovinde of Cairhien: (Sigil) a black fox (TFoH, Ch. 43).

Tarabon: (Banner) golden tree with a thick bole and spreading branches balanced by roots below; known as the Tree or the Golden Tree.

Tarabon: (Sigil) The Golden Tree on a field vertically striped red and white; four red and three white.

Taravin (House) of Andor: Owl and Oak (WH, Prologue).

Taringail Damodred of Cairhien: a golden double-bitted battleaxe (TEotW, Glossary).

Tear: (Banner) three white crescent moons arranged diagonally; known as the Moons or the Crescent Moons.

Tear: (Sigil) Three white Crescent Moons slanting across a field half red, half gold.

Tigraine of Andor: a woman's hand gripping a thorny rose-stem with a white blossom (TGH, Glossary).

Traitor's banner of Saldaea: a black and yellow triangular pendant (ToM, Ch. 24). The banner worn by those who had to overthrow Vram Torkumen.

Trakand (House) of Andor: a silver keystone.


Varan Marcasiev of Kandor: a Red Stag (NS, Ch. 15).


Weiramon Saniago (High Lord) of Tear: the silver Crescent and Stars (TFoH, Ch. 41).

Wolfhead banner: Perrin Aybara's banner; a white banner with a red border and a red wolf head (TSR, Ch. 42).

Sorted by Nation


National Sigil: Two golden leopards, one above the other; known as the Golden Leopards or the Leopards.

National Banner: The Golden Leopards on a field checked four-by-four in red and blue; red is next to the staff on the topmost row.


National Sigil: A red thistle leaf laid over a silver six-pointed star; known as the Thistle and Star.

National Banner: The Thistle and Star on a field horizontally striped blue and gold, three of blue stripes and two gold.


National Sigil: A rampant red lion; known as the White Lion.

National Banner: A white lion rampant on a field of red.

House Anshar: Red Fox (CoT, Ch. 15).

House Arawn: the silver Triple Keys (LoC, Ch. 1).

House Baryn: Winged Hammer (CoT, Ch. 15).

House Caeren: Sword and Star (CoT, Ch. 15).

House Haevin: the Blue Bear (CoT, Ch. 13).

House Marne: Four Moons (CoT, Ch. 15).

House Sarand of Andor: the Golden Boars (CoT, Ch. 15).

House Taravin: Owl and Oak (WH, Prologue).

House Trakand: a silver keystone.

Carlys Ankarin: paired White Leopards (CoT, Prologue).

Daerilla Raened: five Silver Stars (CoT, Prologue).

Dawlin Armaghn: the Oak and Axe (CoT, Prologue).

Elayne Trakand: a gold lily (TEotW, Glossary).

Eram Talkend: a golden Winged Hand (CoT, Prologue).

Galadedrid Damodred: a winged silver sword, point down.

Gawyn Trakand: a white boar (TSR, Ch. 1).

Jailin Maran of Andor: a cross-hatched Red Wall (CoT, Prologue).

Morgase Trakand: three golden keys.

Tigraine: a woman's hand gripping a thorny rose-stem with a white blossom (TGH, Glossary)

Arad Doman

National Sigil: A silver hand grasping a silver sword by the blade, point down; known as the Sword and Hand.

National Banner: The Sword and the Hand on a field of four green and three blue horizontal stripes.

House Chadmar: A banner of gold and black (TGS, Ch. 29).


National Sigil: a red rose and a white rose; known as the Roses.

National Banner: Three white roses on a field of red, quartered with three red roses on a field of white.


National Sigil: A many-rayed golden rising sun; known as the Rising Sun.

National Banner: A many-rayed golden rising sun on a field of blue.

House Caldevwin: Colors - red and yellow (TGH, Ch. 21)

House Damodred: Colors - red, green and white. Sigil - the Crown and Tree (TGH, Ch. 30).

House Dhulaine: Colors - red and green (ACoS, Ch. 19)

House Riatin: Sigil - Five Stars (TGH, Ch. 9)

House Saighan: Sigil - a silver diamond on a red and yellow checked field (ACoS, Ch. 4)

House Taborwin: Colors - blue and white (TPoD, Ch. 27)

Arilyn Dhulaine: Sigil - a pair of silver stars atop red and green stripes (ACoS, Ch. 19)

Daricain Annallin: Con - small squares of red and black (TFoH, Ch. 30)

Dobraine Taborwin: Con - a blue square with two white diamonds (LoC, Ch. 54)

Galadedrid Damodred: Sigil - a winged silver sword, point down.

Laman Damodred: Sigil - the Charging Boar (TGH, Ch. 30)

Meresin Daganred: Con - wavy vertical lines of red and white (TFoH, Ch. 30)

Talmanes Delovinde: Sigil - a black fox. Con - three yellow stars on blue (TFoH, Ch. 43)

Taringail Damodred: Sigil - a golden double-bitted battleaxe (TEotW, Glossary).


National Sigil: Three silver stars arranged one above and two below; known as the Stars or the Silver Stars.

National Banner: The Silver Stars on a field of Red.


National Sigil: Nine golden bees arranged in a diamond, from top to bottom 1-2-3-2-1; known as the Golden Bees.

National Banner: Nine Golden Bees on a field of dark green. Fringed in gold if flown where the sovereign is present.

Mattin Stepaneos den Balgar: three leopards, silver on black (LoC, Ch. 9).


National Sigil: A rearing red horse; known as the Red Horse.

National Banner: The Red Horse on a field of pale green.

The City of Chachin: A prancing Red Horse (NS, Ch. 22).

House Rai: An oak set aflame (ToM, Prologue).

Edeyn ti Gemallen Arrel: a crouching lioness (NS, Ch. 22)

Varan Marcasiev: a Red Stag (NS, Ch. 15).


National Sigil: the Golden Crane.


National Sigil: A golden hawk in flight; known as the Golden Hawk.

National Banner: A Golden Hawk in flight on a field of blue. Fringed in gold if flown when the First is present.


National Sigil: A red bull; known as the Red Bull.

National Banner: The Red Bull on a field vertically striped blue and white; three blue and two white. Fringed in red when flown where the sovereign is present.


National Sigil: Three silver fish, one above the other; known as the Silver Fish.

National Banner: Three silver fish on a field of dark blue.

House Bashere: three red kingspenny blossoms on a field of blue (ACoS, Ch. 41).

Traitor's banner: a black and yellow triangular pendant (ToM, Ch. 24). The banner worn by those who had to overthrow Vram Torkumen.


National Sigil: A golden hawk in flight, clutching three lightning bolts in its claws.

National Banner: A wide border of royal blue around a white box inside which a golden hawk in flight clutches three lightning bolts in its claws. If the Empress (or Emperor) is present, it is fringed in gold; if the heir to the throne is present, it is fringed in blue.

Handoin: uses the symbol of the boar (AMoL, Ch. 32).


National Sigil: A swooping black hawk; known as the Black Hawk.

National Banner: A black swooping hawk on a field of three blue and two white horizontal stripes. By tradition, the sigil of the reigning king is also a sign of Shienar.

Agelmar Jagad: three running red foxes (TEotW, Ch. 48).

Easar Togita: a white hart

Ingtar Shinowa: the Gray Owl (TEotW, Ch. 48).


National Sigil: A golden tree with a thick bole and spreading branches balanced by roots below; known as the Tree or the Golden Tree.

National Banner: The Golden Tree on a field vertically striped red and white; four red and three white.

The Panarch: The Golden Tree with the addition of a green staff behind the tree.


National Sigil: Three white crescent moons arranged diagonally; known as the Moons or the Crescent Moons.

National Banner: Three white Crescent Moons slanting across a field half red, half gold.

High Lord Samon/Be'lal: A silver-gauntleted fist clutching jagged lightning bolts (TDR, Ch. 51).

Weiramon Saniago: the silver Crescent and Stars (TFoH, Ch. 41).


Band of the Red Hand: a white banner with a red hand LoC, Ch. 5).

Banner of Light: The ancient white and black symbol of Aes Sedai on a crimson background (ACoS, Ch. 1). It is also called by other names: al'Thor's banner ACoS, Ch. 1, the Dragon Banner, "as if there were not another that bore that name" (KoD, Ch. 21).

Dragon banner: a white banner with a scarlet and gold serpent, with five golden-clawed toes on each foot and a golden mane and eyes (TEotW, Ch. 52). Used by Lews Therin Telamon and Rand al'Thor.

Logain Ablar: he takes a sigil of three gold crowns on a blue field (KoD, Ch. 18).

Perrin Aybara: a white banner with a red border and a red wolf head (TSR, Ch. 42). Frequently referred to as the "wolfhead banner."

Unknown mercenary band: One of the mercenary bands Elayne hires to help secure her throne uses a banner with a running black wolf on a background of red (KoD, Ch. 32).


Almoth: blue for the sky above, black for the earth below, with the spreading Tree of Life to join them (TGH, Ch. 7).

Artur Hawkwing: A golden hawk in flight (TEotW, Glossary).

Manetheren: the Red Eagle.