Talk:Morrighan Daghdera
Is this Morrighan different than Morrighan Aelthyn? and Morrighan typed in by itself redirects to junior member contributions.
Yes, Morrighan Aelthyn was another Yellow Aspirant, but she's not been around for ages. --Loira Al'Ramoidra 07:17, 7 April 2011 (UTC)
We should probably change the Morrigan redirect to Morrighan Daghdera as most of them are hers
I just deleted it. I think one name redirects are clutter though I know there are a few more *shrug* --Kerna 20:39, 11 April 2011 (UTC)
Says she've teached in classroom, how do I get that confirmed? --Imzadi Hopewind 14:16, 23 December 2011 (UTC)
You could try checking the locked classes I taught. Or contact Willow & Aryela Sedai or our beloved subsupreme overlord.
haha. Anyway, we are only now beginning to track classes, for the merits. It was never really necessary before
I don't foresee the third time being a charm for me, so please don't worry about tracking that merit on this page. :)
Ok ^^ --Imzadi Hopewind 21:41, 6 January 2012 (UTC)