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{{Template:MemberInfo VC
|TowerName=Serenla Tamowith
|TowerName=Serenla Tamowith
|Location=Atlanta, GA,USA
|Location=Atlanta, GA, {{US}}
|Birthday=August 10  
|Birthday=August 10  
|Affiliation=[[Community Page: Brown Ajah HQ|Brown Ajah]]
|TowerRank=[[Aes Sedai]]
|TowerTitle=Director of Membership
|JoinDate=August 2004
|JoinDate=August 15, 2004
|BondedTo=[[Aves Keynes]]
|BondedTo=[[Aves Keynes]] & [[Nethanel al'Tere]]
==Tower History==
*Joined {{TV}}: August 15, 2004
*Joined {{Tower}}: August 9, 2005
*Raised {{Accepted}}: December 15, 2005
*Raised {{as}}: April 26, 2006
==Service to the Tower==
==Tower Involvement==
*{{head}} of the {{brown2}}:
**November 8, 2021 - July 16, 2022
**September 27, 2007 - December 13, 2008
*{{sitter}} for the {{brown2}}:
*[[Conference Coordinator]]:
**March 25, 2016 - April 13, 2018
**Date unknown - June 29, 2009
*{{social}}: May 31, 2016 - February 28, 2018
*[[Archivist]]: December 1, 2012 - November 11, 2015
*[[Integration Focus Group]] member: May 1, 2014 - October 18, 2014
*[[Trainee Archivist]]: August 14, 2012 - November 30, 2012
*[[Director of Membership]]: November 24, 2008 - September 14, 2012
*{{heart}} of the {{brown2}}: January 1, 2007 - September 27, 2007
*{{Articles|Serenla Tamowith}}
*{{editor|Serenla Tamowith 2}}
*Committee member:
**[[Anniversary Party 2008]]
**[[Anniversary Party 2010]]
**[[Anniversary Party 2011]]
**[[Anniversary Party 2012]]
**[[Dragon*Con 2006]]
**[[Dragon*Con 2007]]
**[[Dragon*Con 2008]]
**[[Dragon*Con 2009]]
I've served as the Heart of the Brown Ajah twice, the Head of the Brown Ajah and am currently the Director of Membership. I've also served several years as the Convention Coordinator, but this will soon pass to another. I've served on committees at Anni 2008 and at Dragon*cons 2006-2008 also. As a Novice I also did several chapter summaries for the Library.
*{{AAyear|2011}}: Volunteer of the Year - 2011
*{{MCyear|2011}}: Director Service Award - 2011
*{{MCyear|2012}}: Most "In-the-Know" Member - 2012
*{{MCyear|2012}}: Member You'd Most Like to go Out for a Night on the Town With - 2012
*{{MCyear|2013}}: Staff or Admin Member Most Likely to Take Over the Tower (For Real) - 2013
===Other Recognition===
*[[Image:Brownout Awards 2020 Trophy Badge.png]] Brown Out Awards: Participation trophy - 2020
*[[Image:Brownout Awards 2020 Tingle Badge.png]] Brown Out Awards: Biggest Tingler collection - 2020
*[[Image:2020 Spamalot Merit Badge.png]] The Unique and Totally Legit Spamalot Merit - 2020
*******This merit automatically entitles thee to three additional bonds. First shalt thou copy the image link. Then, shalt thou bond three persons. No more. No less. Three shalt be the number thou shalt bond, and the number of the bonding shall be three. Four shalt thou not bond, nor either bond thou two, excepting that thou then proceed to three. Five is right out. Once the number three, being the third number, be reached, then, lobbest thou thy Spamalot Merit towards thy sig, and bond purists who, being naughty in My sight, shall ragequit.
{{checked|201701}}{{Mentor3}}{{AdminWorking|15}}{{Group-Sitter-Heart-Head|needs 3 more months as Head}}{{Writing|5}}{{Verify-EditingSilver}}
==Senior Member Interview==
''Senior Member Interview, January 29, 2008''
'''What is your Tower name?'''
====Privileges Earned====
*Events Discount
*Extra Bond
Serenla Tamowith
==Tower Relationships==
*{{Bonded}} to [[Aves Keynes]], {{gaidin}} of {{mdd}}: June 1, 2008 - present
*{{Bonded}} to [[Nethanel al'Tere]], {{gaidin}} of {{sds}}: March 31, 2012 - present
'''When were you raised to Aes Sedai of the Brown Ajah?'''
*[[Kiana A'Jadein]], {{as}} of the {{green2}}
Raised Aes Sedai April 2006
*[[Ajailyn Morrivinna]], {{as}} of the {{red2}}
*[[Kantoka al'Meier]], former {{novice}}
*[[Anika Forsyn]], {{as}} of the {{yellow2}}
*[[Jeffan Caliarthan]], {{as}} of the {{blue2}}
*[[Renia Tevron]], former {{accepted}}
*[[Kenith Sna'aps]], {{accepted}}
===Other Tower Relationships===
'''Why did you choose Brown?'''
==Official Event Attendance==
*[[2008 Admin Meeting]]
I chose Brown because that is where I belonged. It is where I felt most comfortable and was the Ajah at tv.net that I identified with the most.
{{anni2015}}: Co-[[Local Liaison]]
'''Are you like the Browns in the Books?'''
Well, I read a lot. And I like to know things. I've been accused of being rather spacey. But as far as the obsessive research goes, nope.
==Tower Sworn Interview==
'''Do you love books and do you daydream a lot?'''  
''November 9, 2014''
Yes to both.
'''Why did you choose Brown?'''
This question has a really long answer. Ultimately because it's my home. Having been the Director of Membership for 4 years and seeing all the other groups I'm positive of this. We're pretty straightforward without being in your face bitchy. We don't suffer fools gladly. We're supportive without being touchy-feely. I just really enjoy us as a group. I think we're awesome.
'''How was your time as Citizen/Novice/Accepted?'''
'''Are you like the Browns in the books? Do you love books and have a tendency to daydream?'''
I spent a year as a Citizen and had a blast. It was the right thing for me to wait to apply to the Tower. Novice and Accepted were great! I had even more fun
I don't know that I'm really like the Browns in the books. I do love books and I love to read. I'm not much of a daydreamer.  
once I got into the Tower Halls and started interacting more with the people there.
'''Do you have a favorite Brown Ajah character from the novels?'''
'''How long have you been a member of TV.net?'''
Verin and Saerin. I won't go into details because spoilers.
I've been a member since August 2004.
'''How long have you been a fan of the Wheel of Time series?'''
Um, sometime in my mid teens?
'''What things do you do for TV.net?'''
'''How did you first get into the series?'''
For TV.net? Well, I'm the current Heart of the Brown Ajah, so that means helping Ismene out when she needs it. I'm going to be next year's Dragon*con local liason which will be lots of organizing.
My Mother turned me on to the series. She tried to get me to read Eye of the World several times before I finally gave in.  
'''Who is your favorite "hero"?'''
'''How did you get to read the Series?'''
Mat all the way. My kind of guy.
My Mother introduced me to the series.
'''Favorite bad guy/gal?'''
Hmm this is tough. Graendal is a top pick here.
'''To whom are you bonded, if you're bonded?'''
'''Favorite book and scene?'''
Not bonded.
I'm really fond of Fires of Heaven in the early part of the series. For the last part I don't think I can pick a favorite. There's so much good stuff going on there.
As for scene, I LOVE Nynaeve's scene where she sets Lan at the end of the Borderlands for his journey to Tarwin's Gap.  
'''If you were set down in Randland, who/what would you see yourself as? An Aes Sedai? Innkeeper? Seanchan Captain?'''
'''Who is your mentee, if you have one?'''
I have no idea. Probably a tavern wench but I'd love to be an Aes Sedai.
My mentee is Muerandah d'Acre.
'''How did you find TarValon.Net and what convinced you to stay and become Tower Sworn?'''
I found the site when I was looking for a release date for one of the books. I have no idea which one. I lurked around for a while before finally making an account. I stayed because the forums here were so different from any I'd found elsewhere. Actually friendly and people responded.
'''Who is your favorite character of the Series? Favorite Nation?'''  
'''What do you do in "real life"?'''
Hmm, I love Verin. Big surprise right? Not the whole nation, but I love Ebou Dar.
I work in e-commerce for a restaurant supply company.
'''Do you have any hobbies?'''
'''Have you ever attended any Real Life Functions? Did you like them if you did, and why? (Why do you think people should come to any future functions?)'''
I crochet, read a lot and waste time on the internet.
I've been to Dragon*con '05, '06 and '07. I hope to make an Anni one day. I've also hosted and attended smaller informal gatherings. I love them! I love getting to know new people. Really, some people are more outgoing in RL, some more introverted than they are on the boards. I've met some of my closest friends by going to RL events.
'''What kind of music do you enjoy listening to?'''
Most of it.
'''What kind of music do you like?'''
'''What are some of your favorite movies / television shows?'''
Sort of a mix. Some rap, top 40, pop, country, R&B, Blues, rock - classic, alternative and just straight rock.
Supernatural, Doctor Who, American Horror Story. Couples Retreat cracks me up every time I watch it, Fight Club. Lots of others that I just can't pull out of my brain right now.  
'''Aside from The Wheel of Time, what are a few of your favorite books/series?'''
'''What is the craziest/stupidest thing you've ever done?'''
I like a lot of urban fantasy and trashy erotica.  
I plead the 5th.
'''What job do you have?'''
I'm an analyst at a bank.
'''Do you have a pet?'''
I have two Great Danes! Don't get me started, I'll talk about them forever.
'''What languages do you speak?'''
Just English.
'''What profession did you want to have when you were a kid?'''
'''What profession did you want to have when you were a kid?'''
I wanted to be a Social Worker.
I wanted to be a social worker.  
'''Seanchan or Shara?'''
Shara. I just like the idea of slaying anyone who steps past their assigned boundaries.
'''Verin or Adeleas?'''
Verin, ftw.
'''Board games or computer games?'''
Board games.
'''Coke or Pepsi?'''
Coke. I'm from Atlanta!
[[Community_Page:_Brown_Ajah_HQ|Back to The Brown HQ]]
'''A short bio about yourself.'''
[[Category:Tower Sworn Interviews]]
Let's see... I'm 32, married, no kids. Don't think I'm going to have any. I live outside Atlanta, GA.
[http://library.tarvalon.net/index.php?title=Community_Page:_Brown_Ajah_HQ Back to The Brown HQ]
[[Category:Senior Member Interviews]]
[[Category:Brown Ajah Interviews]]
[[Category:Brown Ajah Interviews]]
[[Category:Absent Brown Ajah Aes Sedai]]
[[Category:Absent Mahdi'in d'ma Dieb Bondmates]]
[[Category:Absent San d'ma Shadar Bondmates]]
[[Category:Absent TarValon.Net Aes Sedai]]
[[Category:US Members]]
[[Category:North American Members]]
[[Category:Who's Who Members]]

Latest revision as of 17:54, 23 April 2024

Serenla Tamowith
Real Name Jen
Location Atlanta, GA, USA
Birthday August 10
TarValon.Net Information
Affiliation Brown Ajah
Rank Aes Sedai
Join Date August 15, 2004
Bonded to Aves Keynes & Nethanel al'Tere
Link to Forum Profile

Tower History

Tower Involvement




Other Recognition

  • Brownout Awards 2020 Trophy Badge.png Brown Out Awards: Participation trophy - 2020
  • Brownout Awards 2020 Tingle Badge.png Brown Out Awards: Biggest Tingler collection - 2020
  • 2020 Spamalot Merit Badge.png The Unique and Totally Legit Spamalot Merit - 2020
              • This merit automatically entitles thee to three additional bonds. First shalt thou copy the image link. Then, shalt thou bond three persons. No more. No less. Three shalt be the number thou shalt bond, and the number of the bonding shall be three. Four shalt thou not bond, nor either bond thou two, excepting that thou then proceed to three. Five is right out. Once the number three, being the third number, be reached, then, lobbest thou thy Spamalot Merit towards thy sig, and bond purists who, being naughty in My sight, shall ragequit.



Membership Merit Gold 300.png Membership Merit Gold 300.png Membership Merit Gold 300.png Senior Membership Merit Gold 300.png Senior Membership Merit Gold 300.png Senior Membership Merit Gold 300.png Local Liaison Merit Gold 300.png Events Attendance Merit Gold 300.png Amyrlins Award Merit 300.png Climbing The Ladder Merit 300.png Group Pride Merit 300.png Officer Merit Gold 300.png Executive Merit Gold 300.png Staff Merit Gold 300.png Staff Merit Gold 300.png


Participation Committee Merit Silver 300.png Members Choice Award 300.png Members Choice Award 300.png Members Choice Award 300.png Members Choice Award 300.png Teaching Merit Silver 300.png SponsorSilver300.png

Privileges Earned

  • Events Discount
  • Extra Bond


Light Green.png

Tower Relationships




Other Tower Relationships

Official Event Attendance

Tower Sworn Interview

November 9, 2014

Why did you choose Brown?

This question has a really long answer. Ultimately because it's my home. Having been the Director of Membership for 4 years and seeing all the other groups I'm positive of this. We're pretty straightforward without being in your face bitchy. We don't suffer fools gladly. We're supportive without being touchy-feely. I just really enjoy us as a group. I think we're awesome.

Are you like the Browns in the books? Do you love books and have a tendency to daydream?

I don't know that I'm really like the Browns in the books. I do love books and I love to read. I'm not much of a daydreamer.

Do you have a favorite Brown Ajah character from the novels?

Verin and Saerin. I won't go into details because spoilers.

How long have you been a fan of the Wheel of Time series?

Um, sometime in my mid teens?

How did you first get into the series?

My Mother turned me on to the series. She tried to get me to read Eye of the World several times before I finally gave in.

Who is your favorite "hero"?

Mat all the way. My kind of guy.

Favorite bad guy/gal?

Hmm this is tough. Graendal is a top pick here.

Favorite book and scene?

I'm really fond of Fires of Heaven in the early part of the series. For the last part I don't think I can pick a favorite. There's so much good stuff going on there. As for scene, I LOVE Nynaeve's scene where she sets Lan at the end of the Borderlands for his journey to Tarwin's Gap.

If you were set down in Randland, who/what would you see yourself as? An Aes Sedai? Innkeeper? Seanchan Captain?

I have no idea. Probably a tavern wench but I'd love to be an Aes Sedai.

How did you find TarValon.Net and what convinced you to stay and become Tower Sworn?

I found the site when I was looking for a release date for one of the books. I have no idea which one. I lurked around for a while before finally making an account. I stayed because the forums here were so different from any I'd found elsewhere. Actually friendly and people responded.

What do you do in "real life"?

I work in e-commerce for a restaurant supply company.

Do you have any hobbies?

I crochet, read a lot and waste time on the internet.

What kind of music do you enjoy listening to?

Most of it.

What are some of your favorite movies / television shows?

Supernatural, Doctor Who, American Horror Story. Couples Retreat cracks me up every time I watch it, Fight Club. Lots of others that I just can't pull out of my brain right now.

Aside from The Wheel of Time, what are a few of your favorite books/series?

I like a lot of urban fantasy and trashy erotica.

What profession did you want to have when you were a kid?

I wanted to be a social worker.

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