2010 Awards
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Awards in 2010.
Amyrlin's Awards
The following Amyrlin's Awards were awarded at Anniversary Party 2010:
- Member of the Year: Serinia Edoras
- Philanthropists of the Year: Deoan Kakarot and Tian el'Nvidia
- Unsung Servant: Tree
- Volunteer of the Year: Alyria Ess
Members' Choice Awards
The following Member's Choice Awards were awarded at Anniversary Party 2010 and at Winter Euro Party 2010:
- Most Welcoming Ajah: Gray
- Most Welcoming Company: Dai M'Hael
- Outstanding Aes Sedai Spirit: Dralyn Montsier
- Outstanding Recruit Spirit: Jeffan Caliarthan
- Most Inspirational: Miridyth Al'Landerin
- Aes Sedai Most Representative of her Ajah: Jodea Kegan , Naeris Vell'sean (tie)
- Walking WoT Encyclopedia: Toral Delvar
- Most Entertaining Board Poster: Riley Maconnar
- Most Entertaining in Chat: Willam Cambrae
- Senior Member Most Likely to Give a Penance: Liiane al'Rhuidea
- Most Like a Main Character from WoT: Ne'Mireth Delvar (Faile), Zashara Sho'am (The Dark One) (tie)
- Most Welcoming Member: Alyria Ess
- Most Effective Moderator: Neisa Alibrylla
- Most Effective Classroom Teacher: Willow al'Meana
- Outstanding Citizen Involvement: G'Tairon Faraner
- Outstanding Accepted Involvement: Aryela Dashtahd
- Liveliest Debater: Niere al'Aman
- Junior Member Most Likely to Incur a Penance: Pip al'Dealys
- Outstanding Leadership of the Artisans Guild: Leese Sulan
- Most Helpful Artisans Guild Member: Loira al'Ramoidra
- Outstanding Leadership of the Gleemen Guild: Lenore Carvoe
- Most Helpful Gleemen Guild Member: Kyla Sterling
- Outstanding Leadership of the Healers Guild: Niere al'Aman
- Most Helpful Healers Guild Member: Miriya ay'Anne
- Outstanding Leadership of the Innkeepers Guild: Hilwa Katir
- Most Helpful Innkeepers Guild Member: Ban al'Seen
- Outstanding Leadership of the Martial Guild: Murasaki al'Aevon
- Most Helpful Martial Guild Member: Aénor Dhulaine
- Outstanding Leadership of the Professors Guild: Troy Valthaven
- Most Helpful Professors Guild Member: Elbereth Gailbridhil
- Outstanding Leadership of the Tailors Guild: Arafel al Dama
- Most Helpful Tailors Guild Member: Mirshann Uuranor t'al'Theorem
- Geekiest Member: Sela Narian