Anniversary Party 2022 Schedule
The schedule for Anniversary Party 2022.
- Noon – 4PM: Meet-n-Greet at the Snack Bar Grill located in the park
- 4PM – 6PM: Check in
Volunteer for competitions and sign waivers that will let you play with pointy-ish objects! Hang around the site, get your things settled and start meeting everyone!
- 5:30PM – 6PM: Committee Meetings
Meet up with your committee leaders and solidify your plans for the weekend.
- 600PM – 7:00PM: The Olde Warder and Hen - Dinner
Enjoy a meal with your fellow attendees and get to know new friends!
- 7:30PM – 8:30PM: Opening Ceremonies
Our official “Welcome to the Weekend” led by the Amyrlin Seat. Take part in our traditional toast and hear the first round of results of the Members' Choice Awards!
- 9:00PM – 10PM: A Battle of Wits - It’s a Pub Quiz for a Pub night!
Join Ne'Mireth and Toral as they host part one of The Amyrlin's Tournament. Fly solo or find a team!
- 8AM – 9AM: Breakfast in your cabins.
- 9AM – 12PM: Parlor Games & Knitting Circle (downtime)
Make new friends while playing assorted board games, or sit a spell for knitting & reading aloud with the Blues. You can take a hike around the park if you’d like to as well!
- 12PM – 1PM: Lunch
- 1:30PM – 3:30PM: A Battle of Strength - Swords!
Part two of the Amyrlin’s Tournament and a time-honored tradition. Sign up to participate or join the Amyrlin’s Court to cheer on your favorite!
- 4PM-5PM: Amyrlin Office Hour
Come talk about an idea you have for the Tower, or share a concern, or just say hi and get a hug and captive audience from Mother!
- 6:30PM – 7:30PM: Amyrlin's Feast
Dress up and dine with us as we celebrate our 21st Anniversary!
- 8PM – 9:30PM: Evening Program
Find out this year’s recipients of the Amyrlin's Awards, more Members' Choice Awards and the costume contest!
Also Investiture ceremonies for Amyrlin & Keeper.
- 10PM: Ajah & Company toasts at the cabins
- 8AM – 9AM: Breakfast in your cabins.
- 10AM – 12PM: A Battle of Prowess - Obstacle course:
Are you quick on your feet? Good hand-eye coordination? How fast are ya?
It’s part 3 of the Amyrlin’s Tournament.
- 12PM – 1PM: Lunch
- 1:30PM – 3:30PM: A Battle of Makers
It's a surprise! No spoilers in this space!
- 6:30PM – 7:30PM: Farewell Feast
- 8PM – 9PM: Weekend Awards
All Weekend event winners announced, Members' Choice Awards.
- ~9:30PM: Clean Up
We have to be out early in the morning, so let's chip in together to take down decorations and get our collective spaces in order. We have to be fully out of the rec hall by 10pm on Sunday night!
- 8AM: Breakfast in your cabin & final packing
Menu: Eat all the leftovers in your fridge and get your gear packed & ready.
- 9:00AM – 9:30AM: Checkout
Before you are authorized to leave the site, you MUST check out with the Mistress or Master of Revels (Viv or Soronhen) or the Director of Events and Conferences (Ahmyra) and have one of them sign off on your room.
- 10AM: You don’t have to leave, but you can’t stay here.
Final check-out of event leadership with the site.
Make your way towards brunch, or make your way home.
- 10:30AM-12PM: Breakfast and See-You-Soons!
Leave-takings are always a little easier over pancakes. Come linger just a bit longer over brunch at The Dunlap Restaurant.