Brown Ajah Character List
Author: Miriette D'Kasabian
Adeleas Namelle: An Aes Sedai who had retired to Tifan's Well with her sister and her Warder, where she had been occupying herself with the creation of a history of the world since the Breaking. After the split of the White Tower, she sided with Salidar. She goes to Ebou Dar with Elayne and Nynaeve and is drugged and murdered by Careane Fransi while guarding known Black sister Ispan Shefar.
Aiden: Aiden is one of the Sea Folk, relatively weak in the Power and works in the Tower Library. After the split, she sides with the White Tower and is one of two Aes Sedai Alviarin passes on her return from Tremalking during the events of Crossroads of Twilight.
Akarrin: One of the Aes Sedai sent by the Hall in Salidar to investigate Shadar Logoth during the events of Crossroads of Twilight, since, though relatively weak in the One Power, she is an expert at reading residues.
Amylia: Amylia is an Aes Sedai who was convinced by Zaida to teach the Windfinders. It is not clear whether she sides with Salidar or the White Tower.
Balladare Arandaille: Amyrlin Seat 115-142 NE, raised from the Brown Ajah.
Bennae Nalsad: A Shienaran Aes Sedai who remained in the Whiter Tower after the split and is one of Egwene's teachers upon her return, instructing her in History.
Dalevien: An Aes Sedai who sided with the White Tower after the split. She and Felaana are the Aes Sedai guarding Leane's cell upon Egwene's first visit during the events of Knife of Dreams.
Danelle: An Aes Sedai who was instrumental in the downfall of Siuan Sanche, having smuggled two hundred soldiers into the White Tower disguised as masons. She remains in the Tower and acts as part of Elaida's council, though is gradually pushed aside. At some time she was replaced by Mesaana.
Demira Eriff: An Aes Sedai from Arad Doman, who is a part of the Salidar delegation to Rand. On her way from a meeting with the absent Milam Harnder in Caemlyn, she is attacked by short black-haired "Aiel" who warn her to stay away from the Dragon Reborn. She is interested in the seals of the Dark One's prison and wants to research them in detail.
Doniella Alievin: Amyrlin Seat 306-332 NE, raised from the Brown.
Doraise Mesianos: During the events of A Crown of Swords, she was one of the Aes Sedai rewarded by Elaida at Alviarin's urging, creating strife between the Ajahs.
Eldrith Jhondar: She is one of the thirteen Aes Sedai who exposed themselves as members of the Black Ajah by stealing ter'angreal and fleeing the White Tower during the events of The Dragon Reborn. Her Warder Kennit, not a Darkfriend, is determined to track down and kill her. She has a fondness for killing her fellow Black sister Marillin's cats. She is held captive by Elayne's Guardswomen in the Royal Palace dungeons in Caemlyn, and later killed by Daved Hanlon in an escape attempt.
Elin Warrel: An Andoran who is three years older than Moiraine, she is the Novice on duty in the Anteroom at Gitara Moroso's death during the events of New Spring. She is, according to Elayne, forty years old but looks twenty and is described as slender, skinny and of average height.
Escaralde: An Aes Sedai from Far Madding. She stands for Egwene as Amyrlin Seat and voted for and proposed an Alliance with the Black Tower. She steps down after reunification.
Felaana Bevaine: One of the Aes Sedai who capture Egwene at Southharbour during the events of Knife of Dreams.
Gabrelle: One of the fifty Aes Sedai who were sent by Elaida to take over the Black Tower, she was forcibly bonded by Logain Ablar, though she seems to be enjoying said position rather more than Toveine.
Igaine Luin: Amyrlin Seat 476-520 NE, raised from the Brown.
Janya Frende: She is a Sitter for the Brown Ajah at Salidar, stands for Egwene as Amyrlin and voted affirmatively on both a war with the White Tower and an alliance with the Black Tower. It is likely she was the only original sitter to flee who was not sent by her head of Ajah.
Jesse Bilal: The head of the ruling Council of the Brown Ajah in the White Tower.
Juilaine Madome: Juilaine was elected as a Sitter of the Hall in the White Tower after the split, she has been Aes Sedai for around seventy years. She steps down after reunificaiton.
Kirin Melway: Amyrlin Seat 922-950 NE, raised from the Brown.
Kumira: A Shienaran and weak in the One Power, she has aligned herself with Cadsuane. During the events of Winter's Heart, she links with Verin and Shalon and is killed in a fight with Graendal at Shadar Logoth.
Lairain: An Aes Sedai of the Brown Ajah who was loyal to the White Tower during the the split.
Maenadrin: a Saldaean Aes Sedai of the Brown Ajah who remained with the Tower during the split.
Marillin Gemalphin: One of the thirteen Aes Sedai who exposed themselves as members of the Black Ajah by stealing ter'angreal and fleeing the White Tower during the events of The Dragon Reborn. She likes cats. She is held captive by Elayne's Guardswomen in the Royal Palace dungeons in Caemlyn, and later escapes with Daved Hanlon.
Marris Thornhill: A plump Andoran, she is Black Ajah and the other two of her heart are Atuan Larisett and Karale Sanghir. She has no Warder and after the split sides with the White Tower.
Masuri Sokawa: An Aes Sedia sent by the rebels as an embassy to Rand. After having been forced to swear fealty, she joins forces with Perrin and Faile during the events of Lord of Chaos. She participated in the battle at Malden during the events of Knife of Dreams helping defeat the Shaido.
Morvrin: Afer the split with the White Tower, she is established as part of the ruling council in Salidar. She is one of the Sisters who swore fealty to Egwene during The Path of Daggers and seems continually astonished by it. Her Warder is Jori.
Nalasia Merhan: An Aes Sedai of the Brown Ajah in the Tower during the siege by the Rebels. Though she was not on Verin's list and was not taken in the Seanchan raid, she disappeared after Egwene was raised Amyrlin.
Namine Tasil: An Aes Sedai of the Brown Ajah who is originally from Arad Doman. Cadsuane felt that she had an unusually keen understanding of current events.
Negaine: An Aes Sedai who sided with the White Tower after the split, she and Felaana discover the disguised Beonin wandering the halls of the White Tower during the events of Knife of Dreams and take her to see Elaida.
Nesune Bihara: Nesune is one of the Aes Sedai in Elaida's delegation to Rand, a mission she would have been happy to volunteer for as she is planning to write a paper on the Dragon Reborn. She has a Warder who's name is unknown and has sworn allegiance to Rand.
Nyein: Having sided with the White Tower after the split, Nyein is one of the few Sea Folk Aes Sedai. In addition to being relatively weak in the Power, she works in the Tower Library where she spends most of her time in the upper levels with Zemaille and Aiden.
Phaedrine: An Aes Sedai who sides with Salidar. She was one of many Aes Sedai who taught Egwene's novice classes and is so weak in the power that she and Shemari have to work together to be able to create a gateway. During the events of Knife of Dreams, she and Ashmanaille are investigating the murders of Anaiya and Kairen.
Pylar: A member of the Brown Ajah skilled with weaves of Earth.
Saerin Asnobar: A Sitter for the Brown Ajah for forty years, Saerin remained in the White Tower after the split. She was an innkeeper's daughter, who was trained by the Daughters of Silence before being called to the Tower. She was one of the Aes Sedai plotting to reveal the Black Ajah in the White Tower, and became a strong supporter of Egwene during her imprisonment.
Sareitha Tomares: A Tairen Aes Sedai who was part of the group of Salidar Aes Sedai who worked on the Bowl of the Winds and accompanied Elayne to Andor during The Path of Daggers. Bonded to Ned Yarman, she and Vandene were murdered by Chesmal Emry during the events of Knife of Dreams.
Serafelle: An Aes Sedai who accompanied the Amyrlin to Fal Dara. She was also one of the Aes Sedai who healed Mat after his fateful encounter with the ruby dagger.
Shemari: An Aes Sedai who joins the Salidar Aes Sedai after the split. Not much is known about her other than the fact that she is barely strong enough to form a gateway while linked with Phaedrine.
Shevan: An Aes Sedai who remains in the White Tower after the split and is chosen one of the Sitters for the Brown Ajah. She supports the notion of negotiating with the Salidar Aes Sedai. It is likely she is a replacement for Janya as, according to Saerin, Shevan would have been her replacement. She steps down after reunification and is killed in Tel'aran'rhiod by the Black Ajah.
Takima: A Sitter who was didn't vote to depose Siuan and was sent to Salidar by Jesse. Despite having aligned herself with Lelaine, she does not support the notion of war with the White Tower and hopes to negotiate with Elaida instead. In addition, she is violently opposed to the idea of cooperating with the Black Tower. She retains her seat after reunification.
Theodrin Dabei: A woman raised to full Aes Sedai during the events of Lord of Chaos, she swore fealty to Egwene. She was one of the Aes Sedai sent to the Black Tower to discuss bonding Asha'man, but doesn't choose one as she seems interested in Jonneth instead.
Valera Gorovni: One of the searchers sent out by Tamra Ospenya during the events of New Spring, Valera was murdered by the Black Ajah.
Verin Mathwin: An Aes Sedai of the Brown Ajah. She was exiled from the city of Far Madding for some reason. She was also a member of the Black Ajah and committed suicide so that she could give Egwene detailed information on them.
Yasicca Cellaech: An ancient Brown scholar.
Zemaille: One of the Sea Folk Aes Sedai, she is described as being tall, thin and very dark, with a lean face and straight black hair to her waist and tattoos on her hands. She works in the Tower Library and tends to stay in the upper levels where the secret records are kept.
Zeranda Tyrim: Amyrlin Seat 797-817 NE, raised from the Brown.