Brown Bulletin Spring 2014
editor: Keladria Tulin
Avery (May) and Loraella (June) have aspired Brown ^^
Welcome back to the shawl, Elia (Feb)
Also, Brown welcomed Shaerlyn to the Shawl (Apr)
Finally, Eluial and Elorenya were also given their shawls (May)
Congrats to Lilli and Drake! (May)
- Thalya Sedai
- Shara Sedai
- Keladria Sedai
- Allin Sedai
- Sindra Sedai
- Rinwyn Sedai
- Cassie Sedai
- Jeryn Gaidin
- Robertus Gaidin
- Naomi Sedai
- Marlinya Sedai
- Ismene Sedai
- Sulamein Sedai
- Adolla Sedai
- Cariyad Sedai
- Pylar Sedai
- Barmacral Gaidin
- Alexstrasz Sedai
- Sela Sedai
- Keara Sedai
- Laithean Sedai
- Mirandha Sedai
- Soronhen Gaidin
- Sataere Gaidin
- Elandria Sedai
- Viola Sedai
- Stasia Sedai
- Miriya Sedai
- Taika Sedai
- Yarrow Sedai
- Kytera Sedai
- Ayendra Sedai
- Elorenya Sedai
- Aloren Sedai
- Kyyri Sedai
- Alaria Sedai
- Eluial Sedai
- Aves Gaidin
What is your favourite form of procrastination?
- Housework 4.17%
- Making crafts / being artistic 4.17%
- Cooking / baking 0%
- Being productive, but not how I should be 4.17%
- Random Internet browsing / social media sites 54.17%
- Watching TV or Netflix 12.50%
- Other 8.33%
Mix one box of cake mix with 2 eggs and 1/4 cup of oil and any other add in you choose (toffee bits, chocolate chips, nuts). Spoon onto a cookie sheet and bake for 12-14 minutes at 350 degrees.
Simple as that, although you can add up to 1/2 cup of oil if necessary and even add a teaspoon of baking powder to make them fluffier (with the extra oil).
Brown Outs
"Does anyone ever have the problem that you need to check something on your phone, get TOTALLY distracted by something else, put it away, remember you actually wanted to check something, go try again, get distracted again, and then after you put it away again, do what you initially wanted to do?
This happens to me ALL the time."
"To make you feel better: I'm staring at my mug of tea wondering if I already put honey in or not."
"So, I waited almost three days for an answer to a PM. I didn't get it. I was ready to give up. I went to check exactly when I sent the PM. I then discovered that I hadn't. :desk "
"Dual Brown Out today. *sigh* I thought I'd make meatballs for the kids for dinner. It's handy - they love them and I can make a large portion & put the rest into the freezer, and then I don't have to cook for a couple of days.
So. I made the dough (or whatever it's called), made the balls and put them onto the baking tray. Switched the oven on and went to work. I worked for almost three hours, the oven on, and the meatballs outside. Then whoops, I remembered, put the tray into the oven and back to work. You guess what happened then? Yeah, of course I forgot them in the oven. :desk Luckily the oven is crappy and they didn't burn (not quite :look) - they just were thrice the time my cook book suggests. :p Usually the oven needs twice the time. I made very sure that I actually switched the oven off."
"When I was taking Spanish in high school, I kept thinking of the word I needed in Japanese (which I'd taken two years prior!) rather than Spanish or English. I think my brain might have two primary switches -- "English" and "Not English". :P "
"I did that a lot last semester while studying Korean and Spanish simultaneously. During exams I would get frustrated, because I knew the answer in Korean but not Spanish. :p"
"Oh my goodness, languages. Try yelling at someone in Hindi, when you're pretty crappy at it. No one takes me seriously when I'm angry at them and they don't understand English.
I end up getting frustrated and making noises like "errrmumghakdhgbbbahgaaahh". D: "
"I spent two days unable to leave my house because I couldn't find my key (yes I have only one :grumble). I have one of those locks that lock automatically behind you when you close your door. I KNEW the key was in my house SOMEWHERE, so I didn't call a locksmith to change my lock, optimistic that I'd find it at some point. That's despite tearing my house apart looking for it.
Finally, tired of being cooped up in my house and needing to run to the market, I left my door open and just closed and locked my screen door with a tiny luggage lock. Yes, not a very safe thing to do, but I was desperate. When I was in the market trying to buy a new lock, I happened to reach into my jacket's pocket. Guess what was inside?? :desk"
"I heated salt in the microwave today. It was supposed to be salt water."
"I tried to jump into the shower with my socks on. :cheese "
"This morning I got on the wrong bus. As I was getting ready, I checked the arrival time for the (wrong) bus. I left the house and walked to the (wrong) bus stop. I waited at the (wrong) bus stop for several minutes, groggily standing there and sipping my tea. I got on the (wrong) bus, sat down and still nothing clicked. Then the bus started moving. I suddenly realized I was on the wrong bus (it's the bus I usually take to school, instead of the bus I take to work). I ran up to the front of the bus, muttered something about forgetting something at home, and got off on the next stop, caught the right bus and made it to work just fine. But still. WTF, brain?"
"Yep, I did that all the time with the school buses in elementary/high school. Usually it happened more in high school in the afternoons and was usually the result of me having my nose in a book walking out to the bus. Luckily the drivers always kept track of who was supposed to be where. :look "
"If I have to take a road that I *always* use for school or work, but have to turn a different direction, I have to mutter (for example) "I35 SOUTH" over and over as a mantra, or I will turn the wrong direction because the car is like a trail horse that knows the trail and knows its way back to the barn. :look So I totally understand the bus thing. :) "
"I opened a tab to PM someone. Started the message, then had no idea what I had opened it to say. Still can't remember. Is anyone waiting to an answer to a question? Let me know. I have no idea what it was about :lol "
"I threw a load of laundry in the washer, then went and watched videos online for about thirty minutes before realizing I'd forgotten to close the washer and actually start it. :facepalm "
- 2 (750 ML) bottles blush wine
- ½ cup Limoncello (lemon liqueur)
- 2 lemons, sliced
- 1 pint raspberries
- 2 cups cold sparkling water
- Combine the wine, Limoncello, lemons, and raspberry in a large pitcher. Refrigerate until cold.
- When ready to serve, top with sparkling water and give it a gentle stir. Enjoy!
Random Thoughts
"Oatmeal. I miss oatmeal."
"That gif of RDJ is possibly the most disgusting and yet utterly fascinating thing I've seen in a very, very long time. :blink "
`~,~`~,~` "Power tripping is totally cool. If it's Brown. :brown"
"Got banned from the site. Whups. It's all better now. :D "
"I should possibly be less pleased with myself over my own witticisms."
" :lol I'd love to keep her. But let's not press anyone. With all these Putins around it's slightly creepy. Da?"
"Anyone else get the feeling that Pandora (the online radio thingy) likes to fuck with your head? I swear it knows exactly what songs are going to push my buttons at any given time, and it [I]plays all of them.[/I] [I]How does it know?[/I] :| :| "
"I am tired this week. Like really tired. Not really even sure which thread I wanted to post this in, that is how tired I am. I am going to sleep now."
"My math instructor completely disappeared in 3 seconds flat today. I think he's either a wizard or can teleport. I will be studying this throughout the semester."
"I think roasted chicken has become one of my "things". Made another fucking delicious one tonight."
"Wait you're in the Northern hemisphere, it's summer right? Or did Finland move when I wasn't looking?"
"Random thing about me: I'm turning into a gypsy. At least, in terms of my wardrobe/style. I dunno, maybe I'll start living in an RV and mending pots, too. Not sure."