Discord Block Party 2020 - That's a Wrap

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Author: Aleita Taviah & Aintza Bisera
Published: December 27 2020 Tar Valon Times Blog

The first Annual TarValon.Net Block Party ended with a bang last Sunday evening, but has left lasting impressions on all of us.

Before going into the event I would like to express my gratitude to everyone who attended and enjoyed. I would also like to thank Mistress of the Watch, Zashara Sho'am, and my fellow Discord Ops who tirelessly worked to make this inaugural Block Party such a great success. None of the fun and memories made would be possible without everyone involved.

The Block Party began on Saturday 5th December, with opening ceremonies led by Zashara and our Ops Team! After a quick introduction everyone quickly began sharing stories of their time at TarValon.Net. The first group led party was brought to us by the White Ajah with their “Bubble Bonanza” followed by “Rum and Chocolate Good Times” with the Yellow Ajah. We were then treated to an introduction to the Discord Trivia Bot! Then came Mahdi'in d'ma Dieb's party, which was “Pretty Sus”. Games came next with those in attendance enjoying Trivia and the game which is sweeping the globe, Among Us. “Cocktail Hour” with the Red Ajah and “Sing-a-longs” with the Blue Ajah were next on the agenda with the evening wrapping up with an AMA (Ask Me Anything) with Melisande Arneil our Director of Events and Conferences. Melisande gave us a bit of insight into what people need to include in their location nominations for our Official Events as well as some fun stories and handy tips for those looking to attend Real Life events in the future.

Day two, Sunday 6th of December started off with an AMA with Ilverin Matriam our new Director of Research and Records. This was quickly followed by “OP-en Chat” and the Val'Cueran “Fireside Happy Hour”. Next up was an exciting insight and interactive “Memoir” with our two newest Game Masters Kenith Sna'aps and Aintza Bisera (who are also both members of the Ops team in Discord]). Games were, as always, a part of proceedings followed by “Archaeology Corner” with Dravid ter'Mand of Val'Cueran and The Brown Ajah “Among Us: Murderfest 2020”! For those that made it out alive it was a fun filled end to an exciting weekend.

Luckily for us the fun didn’t stop there with the second weekend just around the corner. Saturday December 12th began with The Brown Ajah's open chat, “So You Think You Can Gif?” this was followed by “More Bubbles” with the White Ajah, “A Discussion about Shrubberies” with the Green Ajah and “How to Properly Pie Someone” with the Gray Ajah. Next on the Agenda was the Online Amyrlin Awards presented by former Amyrlin Seat, Rhed al'Tere. Rhed also answered some questions we had always wanted to know, and helped to share some insight her time leading our community as the Amyrlin Seat. As the wheel weaves we moved onto an AMA with our current Amyrlin Seat, Serinia Edoras and our Keeper, Mieriana Souvra. They answered questions from the floor about everything from how they came to apply for their positions, to their not so secret love of Disney. Following the AMA was a “Free For All Chat Thunder Dome” where everything and everything was talked about including the sharing of some very artistic tattoos. Then it was time for the AMA with the Department of Marketing where Alenya Al'Roran and her team answered questions about what they’re doing behind the scenes to help bring TarValon.Net into the spotlight. To finish out the night Dai M’Hael chatted with the required “Beer, Bacon and Tacos” followed by San d'ma Shadar‘s “Bearly Legal SDS Toast and Story time”.

After a very busy Saturday, the final day of the Discord Block Party for 2020, Sunday 13th December brought us “Story time” with the Citizens and Junior Members. “The Bear Necessities” an San d'ma Shadar Watch Party and AMA as well as a “Pint of Ael” with some D&D Shenanigans. Singin’ the Blue Ajah Blues was next followed by “Meditation with Mediation” and some advice about How to be Zen in the Tower. “Beary Important Games” with Kaldam Luciere and San d'ma Shadar finished the party off with a bang!

The TarValon.Net Discord Block Party would not have been possible without a lot of hard work and long hours behind the scenes and we hope that everyone enjoyed it as much as we did! If you have any feedback about the Discord Block Party please feel free to contact any of the Discord Ops or Zashara Sho'am.