2003 Raisings
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People who were raised in 2003.
Raised Aes Sedai
By Month
- January
- Adolla Ceryia - Raised to the Brown Ajah
- Rissa al'Ricken - Raised to the Blue Ajah
- Jayna al'Taryn - Raised to the White Ajah
- Elia LePhant - Raised to the Red Ajah
- February
- Alaria Celentari - Raised to the Brown Ajah
- Raevyn Tsornin - Raised to the Blue Ajah
- Alena Mysana - Raised to the Green Ajah
- Rijomu Sezain - Raised to the Brown Ajah
- Lealenya Terim - Raised to the Brown Ajah
- Eilastri Melidere - Raised to the Brown Ajah
- Vivianna L'antreau - Raised to the Blue Ajah
- Atarah al'Norahn - Raised to the Blue Ajah
- Mhór Rioghain Blathnaid - Raised to the Blue Ajah
- Pylar al'Stnap - Raised to the Yellow Ajah
- Dawna Schinla - Raised to the Yellow Ajah
- Shyana al'Veara - Raised to the White Ajah
- Serena Alanshi - Raises to the Green Ajah
- Selexia Cohn - Raised to the Red Ajah
- Ubahsur Kindellaer - Raised to the Yellow Ajah
- Ela al'Tharin - Raised to the Yellow Ajah
- Rahien Allamar - Raised to the Gray Ajah
- Iesha Ca'Shara - Raised to the Red Ajah
- April
- Hylanna Selevare - Raised to the Yellow Ajah
- June
- Daria al'Falcoon - Raised to the Green Ajah
- Faeril Munlear - Raised to the Green Ajah
- Lyoness al'Thorn t'Morsin - Raised to the Blue Ajah
- Padraigin al'Teirik - Raised to the Blue Ajah
- July
- Yenie Antagar - Raised to the Red Ajah
- Seraphim al'Doren - Raised to the Gray Ajah
- Egere el'Pyne - Raised to the Blue Ajah
- August
- Eniara Kisharad - Raised to the Brown Ajah
- Aavyn Eirinon - Raised to the Brown Ajah
- Tyla al'Mere - Raised to the Gray Ajah
- Muirenn Lina Alianin - Raised to the White Ajah
- September
- Amara Danicek - Raised to the White Ajah
- Tricia Greenleaf - Raised to the Blue Ajah
- Jaryd Kosari - Raised to the Blue Ajah
- Manora al'Sara - Raised to the Blue Ajah
- Branwyn al'Leara - Raised to the Yellow Ajah
- Arelwen al'Nedea - Raised to the White Ajah
- Melearlin al'Valarnon - Raised to the Gray Ajah
- Seandre ay'Luthien - Raised to the Blue Ajah
- October
- Emia al'Cuen ay SilverWynd - Raised to the Yellow Ajah
- Adriana al'Tere - Raised to the Red Ajah
- Marlinya Nedruine - Raised to the Brown Ajah
- November
- Morgaine Malkier - Raised to the Blue Ajah
- December
- Vallah al'Dera - Raised to the Green Ajah
- Ismene Gillandred - Raised to the Brown Ajah
- Nairah Tarak - Raised to the Blue Ajah
- Kariada Kunai - Raised to the Gray Ajah
By Community Group
- Blue Ajah
- Rissa al'Ricken - January
- Raevyn Tsornin - February
- Vivianna L'antreau - February
- Atarah al'Norahn - February
- Mhór Rioghain Blathnaid - February
- Lyoness al'Thorn t'Morsin - June
- Padraigin al'Teirik - June
- Egere el'Pyne - July
- Tricia Greenleaf - September
- Jaryd Kosari - September
- Manora al'Sara - September
- Seandre ay'Luthien - September
- Morgaine Malkier - November
- Nairah Tarak - December
- Brown Ajah
- Adolla Ceryia - January
- Alaria Celentari - February
- Rijomu Sezain - February
- Lealenya Terim - February
- Eilastri Melidere - February
- Eniara Kisharad - August
- Aavyn Eirinon - August
- Marlinya Nedruine - October
- Ismene Gillandred - December
- Gray Ajah
- Rahien Allamar - February
- Seraphim al'Doren - July
- Tyla al'Mere - August
- Melearlin al'Valarnon - September
- Kariada Kunai - December
- Green Ajah
- Alena Mysana - February
- Serena Alanshi - February
- Daria al'Falcoon - June
- Faeril Munlear - June
- Vallah al'Dera - December
- Red Ajah
- Elia LePhant - January
- Selexia Cohn - February
- Iesha Ca'Shara - February
- Yenie Antagar - July
- Adriana al'Tere - October
- White Ajah
- Jayna al'Taryn - January
- Shyana al'Veara - February
- Muirenn Lina Alianin - August
- Amara Danicek - September
- Arelwen al'Nedea - September
- Yellow Ajah
- Pylar al'Stnap - February
- Dawna Schinla - February
- Ubahsur Kindellaer - February
- Ela al'Tharin - February
- Hylanna Selevare - April
- Branwyn al'Leara - September
- Emia al'Cuen ay SilverWynd - October
Raised Accepted
- January
- Yenie Antagar
- Aavyn Eirinon
- Raevyn Tsornin
- Vivianna L'antreau
- Ubahsur Kindellaer
- Shyana al'Veara
- Ela al'Tharin
- Mhór Rioghain Blathnaid
- Atarah al'Norahn
- Tricia Greenleaf
- Feirun al'Eana
- Faylinn Luin
- Iesha Ca'Shara
- Selexia Cohn
- Hylanna Selevare
- Emia al'Cuen ay SilverWynd
- February
- April
- May
- June
- August
- September
- October
- November
Raised Gaidin
By Month
- January
- Oryn Riker - Raised to Dai M'Hael
- Dee ar'Emm - Raised to Dai M'Hael
- February
- Willam Cambrae - Raised to San d'ma Shadar
- March
- Gwynidon Camyrin - Raised to Val'Cueran
- Odin Varna - Raised to Val'Cueran
- Jayrik Thaurturion - Raised to San d'ma Shadar
- April
- Sataere Thruthheim - Raised to Dai M'Hael
- Cathel Dreng - Raised to Val'Cueran
- May
- Randle al'Ren - Raised to Val'Cueran
- Do'vran Lehfar - Raised to Dai M'Hael
- Relk al'Tip - Raised to Val'Cueran
- June
- Moah - Raised to Dai M'Hael
- July
- Foraek Dragoran - Raised to Val'Cueran
- al'Cary Mandoragon - Raised to Dai M'Hael
- Robertus Cain - Raised to San d'ma Shadar
- Toral Delvar - Raised to Dai M'Hael
- August
- Oddey Bird - Raised to Val'Cueran
- September
- Alanar Tansden - Raised to Dai M'Hael
- November
- Edwyn Narshiva - Raised to Dai M'Hael
- Aquila Rael - Raised to Dai M'Hael
- Sunri Sewatcher - Raised Dai M'Hael
By Community Group
- Dai M'Hael
- Oryn Riker - January
- Dee ar'Emm - January
- Sataere Thruthheim - April
- Do'vran Lehfar - May
- Moah - June
- al'Cary Mandoragon - July
- Toral Delvar - July
- Alanar Tansden - September
- Edwyn Narshiva - November
- Aquila Rael - November
- Sunri Sewatcher - November
- San d'ma Shadar
- Willam Cambrae - February
- Jayrik Thaurturion - March
- Robertus Cain - July
- Val'Cueran
- Gwynidon Camyrin - March
- Odin Varna - March
- Cathel Dreng - April
- Randle al'Ren - May
- Relk al'Tip - May
- Foraek Dragoran - July
- Oddey Bird - August
Raised Soldier
- January
- Gwynidon Camyrin
- Jayrik Thaurturion
- Relk al'Tip
- Robertus Cain
- Toral t'Simoua Delvar
- Sataere Thruthheim
- Micah Junfir
- Drimylos al'Bai
- Derrin Covayende
- Ashnaile Breese
- Jax Devenshore
- February
- March
- April
- May
- June
- September
- December