Jaim Torfinn
Author: Atarah al'Norahn
Jaim Torfinn is a young man from the Two Rivers in Andor (TSR, Ch. 56).
He is one of the first men to ride with Perrin. After the rescue of the Cauthons and Luhhans from the Whitecloaks, Perrin chooses Jaim Torfinn and Hu Marwin to escort the rescued prisoners back to Emond's Field (TSR, Ch. 33; Ch. 56). Jaim is actually referred to as "Haim" when Perrin sends him and Hu back to Emond's Field with the prisoners, but Perrin latter thinks to himself about Hu Marwin and Jaim Torfinn missing the Trolloc ambush in the Waterwood, so "Haim" is likely a typo.
Because Jaim and Hu did not participate in the Trolloc hunt, they feel too uncomfortable to join the Companions, as if the fact that they were not at the ambush has opened a gap between them and the other men who rode with Perrin (TSR, Ch. 56).
Perrin sees Jaim participating in the big battle against the Trollocs (TSR, Ch. 56).
He is recruited by Mazrim Taim and trains at the Black Tower (ToM, Ch. 46).