July Wrap-Up
From Tar Valon Library
Author: Maibella ni Rhoiden t'al'Varrak
July was a time to focus on our community with both the Membership Survey and the Annual Fundraiser going on this month. Lots of people stepped into new roles this month, either moving up in rank or moving into administration positions.
- July 12: Murasaki al'Aevon Raised to Gaidin of Mahdi'in d'ma Dieb
- July 19: Cahalan Sothron Raised to Accepted
- July 22: Kelgan al'Moranwin Raised to Aes Sedai of the White Ajah
- July 2: Reniel Killan Aspired to the Gray Ajah
- July 3: Tyla al'Mere Aspired to the Gray Ajahr
- July 2: Andra Mikolan announced as First Reasoner (Head) of the White Ajah
- July 2: Kyla Sterling announced as First Selector (Head) of the Blue Ajah
- July 2: Roheryn ni Galghandhrei t'al'Djinn announced as Captain-General (Head) of the Green Ajah
- July 2: Brandon Tat'vakja announced as Company Commander of Dai M'hael
- July 2: Raam Sho'am announced as Company Commander of Mahdi'in d'ma Dieb
- July 2: Padron Kerenmosa announced as Master of Accepted & Soldiers
- July 2: Mejjad Martnandi, Sailea Nerid, Mendo Cath, Elania al'Manir, Asandra al'Terra, Barmacral Tigana, Ty al'Djinn, Niere al'Aman, Anarie De'Thain, Lithiel Morn, Sabriane Diamodred, and Aduiavas Ida announced as Fall 2015 Moderators
- July 10: Ariadne and Elays (Gray), Tree and Thoridyss (Green), Serenla and Loraella (Brown), Ealandrelle and Theolyn (Red), Autumn and Jahily (Yellow), Elin and Laralelle (White), Vivianna and Alyria (Blue), Cielon and Gedhan (VC), Barmacral and Jeryn (MDD), Ivanor and Jaim (DM), and Nethanel and James (SDS) announced as the Interim Hall
- June 29: Membership Survey commenced - it's a .GIF off! Responses were accepted through July 31st.
- July 12: Bidding opened for locations for the Britain and Ireland Party and Continental European Party - bids will be accepted until August 12
- July 31: the annual Maintaining The Tower fundraiser came to an end