Merit Staff

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This article is a stub. A longer, more in depth article will be added at a later time.


Merit Staff used to assist in the running of the Merit Badges. It was replaced by the position of Awards Historian after Winter 2016 Admin Meeting.

Department: None

Position Level: Staff

Rotation: Non rotating

Merit Eligibility: Staff Merit

Chain of Command

The Merit Minions report to the Archivist

Duties and Responsibilities

  • Merit Staff are responsible for checking the merits email, researching the validity of merits claimed, researching merits owed and updating Library pages.
  • They are responsible for communicating with various departments to verify time served/merits earned.


  • Basic understanding of the community and awareness of the changes in staff and admin positions in the various departments.

Time Commitment

  • Up to 5 or so hours a week.


  • Must be a Tower member of any rank, who has been a member for at least three months.
  • Must be knowledgeable about Gmail and Gdocs.
  • Must have at least a basic knowledge of Wiki editing or be tech-savvy enough to be able to learn quickly.


This position was previously informally known as Merit Minion until January 15, 2014.

Merit Staff
