Red Ajah Newsletter October 2010

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Red Ajah News

A newsletter of the Red Ajah Community of TarValon.Net

Volume 1, Issue 1-October 2010

Co-Edited by Hilwa & Ferra

Letter from the Editors

Thank the Light! We survived the Seanchean Invasion!!!

We would like to start off with a very special congratulations being sent to Adri for her "Best Comedian" award! Congratulations Adri!

My co-editors and I hope that you will enjoy reading this re-launch of the Red Ajah Newsletter as much as we had “making it”. There will be standard articles, comics, and Red “bites” in every newsletter, but we would still love for you to PM us with article ideas and questions that you would like to have covered in future issues. So, without further ado…



A Special Thank You

Many moons ago, Estella used to write a great Red Ajah Newsletter. Then she got busy or something and we didn't do it for a long time. :( When I asked for volunteers to re-launch the Red Ajah Newsletter a couple months ago, Hilwa, Ferra and Meirah all stepped up and each has contributed to the final product you see here today. Hopefully it will the be "first" of many. And hopefully we can live up to Stella. =D

~Leora Sedai, Head of the Red Ajah

Red Spotlight: Ferra Nyvar, Aspirant

1. If you could give one piece of advice, what would it be?

" When all else fails, love falters not." - Me. So when everything feels like it's tumbling and crashing and you have not one, just remember that there are people who love you, even if they can't be there to support you in body.

2. If you could have a room full of any one thing, what would it be?

My friends and family, and if I couldn't pick that I would have to say paper cause I always have a pen with me. This way I wouldn't go insane.

3. What do you value most in other people?

Their honestly, but even better is blunt honesty. I hate liars, hate them. Pretty much if you’re going to talk to me and lie. Don't bother.

4. If you could only see Black and White and only one other color. what color would you choose to see?

Such a hard question, but I would have to pick Green. that way I can tell when the grass is greener on my lawn or my neighbors. lol!

5. If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be?

How vindictive I am. I will cut my nose off to spite my face. If someone burns me I will want to burn them even worse. Which means, don't get on Ferra's bad list!

6. If you could choose one of your personality traits to pass on to your children, what would it be?

The fact that I have a servant’s heart, I really do love helping people. It makes me happy.

7. What would you attempt if you knew you could not fail?

I would make a tree that grew money, but only one and I'd keep it for me and my family.

8. Would you rather teach a young child to read or have to learn again for yourself?

That's a HORRIBLE question! I would hate to have to learn to read all over again, but I don't really have the patience to teach a little kid to read. So I'm going to say pass on both.

9. What is the best advice you've ever given and received?

A. As a great pin says on facebook. "Boys are stupid, throw rocks at them!" Given by my dad.

B. Forget the expensive perfume, just buy and use Febreeze. Cheaper and trust me they won't even know what hit them.

10. How would you like to die?

If I am single, a freak accident please. Like being beaten to death by windshield wipers. So a murder apparently. If I'm not single and happily married at at the age of 83, I would like to die in my husband's arms and we both die at the same time.

Ask the Reds

Dear Reds, What would you do every day if money didn't matter? At first glance, my question may not seem like such a tough question, however, when you think about it, so much of what we do every day is centered on money. We find jobs to make money, find a place to live based on how much it costs, get loans from the bank, cut out coupons and even spend time figuring out how much we will spend on gifts for people. People will work overtime or even get a second job to earn more money. For most people, the reason we get up each day is so that we can go to work and make money.


Assuming scheduling also weren't an issue. I would fly home to see my family and stay there for as long as I wanted.


If money didn't matter, I'd experience the world. I'd move from one place to another whenever I felt the urge. I'd get a place to live and get to know the place and the people. I'd learn the local crafts and cuisine, and the language. I'd make it a point to have interesting stories to tell. I think I'd like to collect stories from regular people, too, about the normal moments of life, sort of like Story Corps. Figure out what makes them tick, and how they view the world. Find out what memories are most important to them and why. Ask them how to solve major issues and see if maybe our collective intellect can't figure out a better way to do things. Yeah, I'd travel, I'd learn, and I'd listen and I'd write it all down.

Red Bites

Things Reds have been saying around the boards, as collected by Leora. Humorous and probably taken out of context.

" I'll come help bury the bodies! :D " ~ Valadilene

“Believe it or not, vinegar is the cure for cat pee. " ~ Eveanyn

"Kraken? Check. Doublecrossing? Check. Mock trial for piracy? Check. Cannibals? Check. Jailbreak? Check. Saucy, randy wenches? Check. Kill devil? Check. Impossible pirate expedition? Check." ~ Adriana

"Have you ever tried zombies?" ~ Demonfaer

"I have great gaydar but not bidar :p " ~ Ferra

"Do you want to be blessed by Pope Elia? " ~ Elia

"You forgot to mention the most important part: Will there be cake?! :look" ~ Yenie

Question of the Month

How many babies have been born to Aes Sedai while in the Red Ajah? (Post your answers here! If you guess correctly you'll get the satisfaction of knowing you were right :p)

Did You Know?

The Red Ajah is the smallest Ajah at TarValon.Net and the largest Ajah in the Wheel of Time Series?

Links, etc

Planning on catching the Towers of Midnight tour?

Did you know that the Red Ajah page in the Tower library was completed recently? There's some cool stuff in there, you should check it out!

And finally, an oldie but a goodie...
