Saerin Alagondar
Saerin is an Aes Sedai of the Green Ajah.
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Saerin Alagondar | ||
Real Name | Kristine | |
Location | Norway | |
Birthday | December 7 | |
TarValon.Net Information | ||
Affiliation | Green Ajah | |
Rank | Aes Sedai | |
Title | ||
Join Date | October 1, 2002 | |
Bonded to |
Tower History
- Joined TarValon.Net: October 1, 2002
- Joined Tower: October 1, 2002
- Raised Accepted: December 1, 2002
- Raised Aes Sedai: February 9, 2004
Tower Involvement
Tower Relationships
- Mentor
- Raina Tsornin, Aes Sedai of the Yellow Ajah
- Mentees
- Laurienne Corana
- Liana Ceana, Aes Sedai of the Yellow Ajah
- Alyssa Letherio, Aes Sedai of the Gray Ajah
Other Tower Relationships
Official Event Attendance
Tower Sworn Interview
January 31, 2008
- How was your time as Citizen/Novice/Accepted?
It was great! I was never a Citizen, but my time as a Novice (though fairly short) and an Accepted was much fun, especially back at the old ezboards.
- When were you raised to Aes Sedai of the Green Ajah?
I think that was back in early '04, but I'm not quite sure of the month. It's been a while, anyhow. =P
- Why did you choose Green?
I guess it was just the Ajah I felt the most drawn to at the time. None of the others seemed to fit me as well.
- Are you like the Greens in the Books?
No, not really. I'm not that outgoing or self-confident. I'd like to have their way with men, though.
- Do you like to party, love men and are you a sucker for fashion and make up?
I'm not a party-person, but I do love men, yes. I've never cared about fashion, I follow my own whims, but makeup can be fun. =D
- To whom are you bonded, if you're bonded?
I'm not bonded.
- What things do you do for
Not a lot. I read and reply to posts, mostly. ^^
- How did you get to read the Series?
When I was 13 or so, I decided I wanted to read more English books, so my mother took me to the local Fantasy bookshop. We picked up The Eye of the World and A Great Hunt because it just looked interesting, and then I was hooked.
- Who is your mentee, if you have one?
I've had several, but only one at the moment, Laurienne Corana, who's on an extended LoA.
- Who is your favorite character of the Series? Favorite Nation?
My favourite character is probably Min, though Mat comes as a close second. My favourite Nation is Arad Doman. Gotta love those Domani women.
- Have you ever attended any Real Life Functions? Did you like them if you did, and why? (Why do you think people should come to any future functions?)
No, I haven't. I've attended a couple of local meetups, which was very fun, but there haven't been any Real Life Functions close to me that I was able to attend.
- What kind of music do you like?
A lot! I listen to a variety, but mostly rock, metal and classic music.
- What are your favorite movies?
Are you sure you want a full list? I have a lot. Pirates of the Caribbean, Battle Royale, MirrorMask, Girl With Pearl Earring, The Crow, The Labyrinth, The Gladiator, The Mummy, Spirited Away, Mononoke-hime, Princess Bride, X-Men, Serenity, Sleepy Hollow, Chocolat, The Three Musketeers, to mention a few.
- What is the craziest/stupidest thing you've ever done?
Stupidest thing? When I was 6 or 7, a fellow classmate talked my into shoplifting for chocolate several times. I eventually got caught trying to steal bubblegum and was handed over to my mother,which was a horrible experience, never mind how nice she was about it. I felt guilty for years. =P
- What job do you have?
I'm an English student, no job.
- Do you have a pet?
I have two cats
- What languages do you speak?
Norwegian and English
- What profession did you want to have when you were a kid?
I wanted to be a veterinarian! Then I found out how high grades you needed and then I wanted to be a riding policewoman in Oslo (they have those, you know). I especially loved horses when I was younger.
- Elayne or Cadsuane?
Elayne. *shudder* I hate them both, but Cadsuane is just a bitch.
- Aiel or Atha'an Miere?
Aiel. The Atha'an Miere seem a bit too mean. The Aiel are just cool.
- Winter or summer?
Winter. I love snow, and my birthday's in December.
- Day or night?
Night! I'm a late riser, and I love sitting up at night. It's much more peaceful than the day.
- A short bio about yourself.
I'm 19 years old, studying English and Literature at Uni. I live in Norway with my mother and our two cats (love animals, and I want a dog), though I'm planning to move out shortly. I have a brother who's two years older than me, and my parents are divorced. I'm an indoors-type of person, I love computer games, watching films, reading fantasy and other fiction, and I spend entirely too much time on the internet. I love downloading and watching TV shows. I'm currently on an Agatha Christie's Poirot kick.