White Ajah Character List
Author: Miriette D'Kasabian
Aledrin: A Taraboner Aes Sedai who went to Salidar after the split of the White Tower, where she became a Sitter for the White Ajah. An Accepted during the events of New Spring, she is the second youngest of the uncommonly young Sitters appointed in Salidar after the split. She is one of the women sent to the Black Tower to bond Asha'man.
Aliane Senican: Amyrlin Seat 332-355 NE, raised from the White Ajah.
Alviarin Freidhen: Alviarin was an integral part of the group that deposed Siuan Sanche. Alviarin became Keeper of the Chronicles under Elaida until being replaced by Tarna. Alviarin additionally heads the Black Ajah in Tar Valon. She fled the Tower before she could be arrested. She survived the Last Battle and was trapped in a stedding with several other Dreadlords.
Astrelle: Astrelle is an arithmetist who sided with the White Tower after the split.
Ayako Norsoni: Ayako was one of fifty Aes Sedai sent with Toveine to destroy the Black Tower. She was bonded by Donalo Sandomere.
Berana: A Sitter for the White Ajah in Salidar, Berana voted for war with Elaida and an alliance with the Black Tower. She is one of the Sitters in Salidar thought to be uncommonly young to hold such a position. She stepped down after reunification.
Bernaile Gelbarn: Bernaile is one of ten Aes Sedai sent by Sheriam to spy in Tar Valon for Salidar and help spread the tale about Logain’s set-up by the Red Ajah.
Beryl Marle: Amyrlin Seat 520-533 NE, raised from the White Ajah.
Brendas: One of the Aes Sedai who was an Accepted in New Spring, Brendas took part in the Healing of Mat in The Shadow Rising. She sides with Salidar after the split with the White Tower and is, according to Siuan, a woman who can be trusted and one of the few Aes Sedai who has not interrogated Nynaeve about Rand.
Carlinya: An Accepted in New Spring, Carlinya sided with Salidar where she now sits on the Ruling Council, an offense for which Elaida wants to see her stilled as an example. Carlinya is extremely ambitious and was one of the Aes Sedai who accompanied Siuan on the latter’s trip to Fal Dara in The Great Hunt. Min had a viewing of a raven tattoo that pertains to her, but does not yet know the meaning of it. She was killed in the Black Ajah attack on Tel'aran'rhiod.
Daigian Moseneillin: A Cairhienin Aes Sedai from a minor noble house Daigian was extremely weak in the Power and spent the longest time in Tower memory as novice and Accepted before finally earning the shawl. She allied herself with Cadsuane and bonded Eben Hopwil. She was killed by Shaidar Haran when Semirhage was freed.
Falion Bhoda: A Kandori Aes Sedai who is also one of the thirteen Aes Sedai who exposed themselves as members of the Black Ajah by stealing ter'angreal and fleeing the White Tower in The Dragon Reborn. She was killed during the Last Battle.
Fera: An Aes Sedai taken prisoner by the Asha’man at Dumai's Wells in Crossroads of Twilight, Fera has since sworn fealty to Rand. She is also a member of the Black Ajah.
Ferane Neheran: A Domani Aes Sedai who serves as the First Reasoner in the Tower. When the rebels fled, she sent Saroiya to join them and took her place in the Hall. She agreed to raise Egwene Amyrlin and retains her seat after reunification.
Kateri Nepvue: An Aes Sedai murdered by Bloodknives in the Tower.
Meilyn Arganya: An Aes Sedai murdered by the Black Ajah after they learned she was involved in the search for the Dragon Reborn.
Merym: An Aes Sedai who sided with the White Tower after the split, Merym is one of the Aes Sedai who capture Egwene at Southharbour in Knife of Dreams.
Miyasi: An Aes Sedai who sides with the White Tower after the split, Miyasi is one of three Aes Sedai Egwene encounters guarding Leane's White Tower cell in Knife of Dreams. She is discovered to be a member of the Black Ajah.
Nagora: An Aes Sedai who sides with the White Tower after the split, Nagora is one of the three Aes Sedai Egwene encounters guarding Leane's White Tower cell in Knife of Dreams.
Norine Dovarna: Norine is one of the three Aes Sedai Egwene encounters guarding Leane's White Tower cell in Knife of Dreams. Norine resents Alviarin and covets her position as Keeper of the Chronicles, frequently directing cutting remarks at the other woman.
Rabayn Marushta: Amyrlin Seat 5-36 NE, raised from the White Ajah.
Ramesa: An Aes Sedai who sides with the White Tower after the split, Ramesa is one of the Aes Sedai who enjoys making cutting remarks at Alviarin's expense after the latter’s fall from grace in Knife of Dreams.
Rianna Andomeran: A Kandori Aes Sedai who was one of the thirteen Black sisters who exposed themselves by stealing ter'angreal and fleeing the White Tower in The Dragon Reborn. She is skilled at killing using the One Power. She survived the Last Battle and was trapped in a stedding with several other Dreadlords.
Sarene Nemdahl: A Taraboner Aes Sedai was an Accepted in New Spring and later sided with the White Tower after the split. She is a little younger than Moiraine and is part of the delegation Elaida sends to Rand in Lord of Chaos. After being captured by the Asha'man at Dumai's Wells, Sarene has since sworn fealty to Rand. During the Last Battle she was captured by Hessalam, though it is not known if her mind was destroyed, or if she was given enough independence to be able to channel without specific directions.
Saroiya: A Domani Aes Sedai who was one of the Sitters not involved in the decision to depose Elaida and was sent to Salidar by Ferane. She retained her seat after reunification.
Seaine Herimon: A Murandian Aes Sedai who was a Sitter before the split and did not vote for Siuan to be deposed. She took on the task of rooting out the Black Ajah. She was instructed by Egwene to try to help mend the rifts in the Tower and became a strong supporter after reunification.
Sereille Bagand: Mistress of Novices and a sister of the White before being raised to the Amyrlin Seat 866 - 890 NE. Egwene is often referred to as “becoming as tough as Sereille Bagand”, who thought that Vandene was too harsh a taskmistress when teaching Novices.
Shana: An Aes Sedai who sided with the rebels during the split, she is an expert at reading residues, and for that reason is part of the party sent to investigate the site where an immense quantity of saidar was used at Shadar Logoth in Crossroads of Twilight.
Tesan: A Taraboner Aes Sedai who sided with the White Tower after the split. She is an arithmetist, and she and Astrelle are the Aes Sedai Alviarin sees arguing about the statistical methods devised of Radun and Covanen in Knife of Dreams.
Turanna Norill: One of the Aes Sedai taken captive by at Dumai's Wells in Lords of Chaos, Turanna is given instructions via Compulsion by Verin who interrogated her about the White Tower’s intentions toward Rand. Turanna has no Warder.
Valinde Nathenos: An Illianer Aes Sedai who sided with Salidar after the split and is a part of their delegation to Rand.
Velina Behar: Velina was a Sitter of the Hall before the split and voted for Siuan to be deposed. She remained a sitter until fleeing when Egwene was going to be raised Amyrlin. Her current location is unknown, but she has been replaced as Sitter.
Zerah Dacan: An Aes Sedia who sided with Salidar after the split and is one of ten Aes Sedai sent to spy in Tar Valon and spread rumors of the Red Ajah's dealings with Logain. She was uncovered by Seaine and Pevarra, who forced her to swear an Oath of allegiance, give up the names of her fellow conspirators, and to aid in the hunt for the Black Ajah. By Seaine's reckoning, Zerah has worn the shawl for less than fifty years.