Wilson Grooms Memorial

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Author: Serinia Edoras
Published: April 22 2021 - Tar Valon Times Blog Link

The Wheel of Time community suffered a tragic loss on April 10th when Wilson Grooms passed away after courageously battling cancer. Wilson was not only a member of James Rigney’s (Robert Jordan’s) family, he helped the fan community stay connected and updated when Mr. Rigney was battling amyloidosis.


I had the privilege to know Wilson not only through my work with JordanCon, but through his participation as a member of the Board of Directors for the Waygate Foundation. The Waygate Foundation was created to bring together authors and fans in global charitable efforts, and was one of the many examples of how he supported worthy causes.

But when I think of Wilson I don’t think of a stoic icon of the Wheel of Time community, or as a board member, or anything so formal. I think of Wilson joining in hijinks at JordanCon, and as a sincerely fun person who I always enjoyed spending time with and laughing with. He was a terrific dancer and the first image that comes to mind when I think of Wilson is him dancing with his wife Janet.


I am sad for our community, but am especially thinking of those that were closest to him — including Janet, Marissa, and my Blue sister Melanie, who worked so hard to keep us all up to date and get our support to Wilson. We will miss him at JordanCon, but the humor and joy and support that he contributed left a lasting impact that has helped shape our community. And that will be with us through all of our work and fun in future years.

Serinia Edoras, Amyrlin Seat