Shienaran Character List
Author: Stasia t'Andrei
Adamad: One of Renald's Fanwar's farm hands.
Agelmar Jagad: The Lord of Fal Dara. The brother of Lady Amalisa. His sign is three running red foxes. He was one of the leaders of the forces of the allied nations during the Aiel War. He led the forces of the Light at Tarwin's Gap during the Last Battle until releived of command because of Hessalam's compulsion.
Alesune Chulin: The shatayan (head housekeeper) of Fal Moran.
Amalisa Jagad: The sister of Lord Agelmar. A Shienaran Lady of House Jagad. She lives at the Fal Dara keep with her brother. She has known King Easar all her life and calls him Magami (little uncle).
Auaine Fanwar: Renald Fanwar's wife
Bartu: A Shienaran soldier, he is among Ingtar's party on the hunt for the Horn of Valere when it is stolen from Fal Dara. He is with Masema when he meets with Perrin.
Bennae Nalsad: Aes Sedai of the Brown Ajah, originally from Shienar. She stays with Elaida's faction of the Tower when it splits. She teaches history.
Berenicia Morsad: Aes Sedai of the Yellow Ajah, originally from Shienar. She joins the Salidar Tower when it splits. She is a part of the embassy to Caemlyn and ends up taking the Two Rivers girls that have the spark back to Salidar.
Blaeric Negina: One of Joline Maza's Warders along with Fen Mizar, originally from Shienar. He is with Mat when he joins up with Valan Luca's circus to leave Ebou Dar. He has left Mat to return to the Tower with Joline
Chaena: A Shienaran soldier. He is among Ingtar's party on the hunt for the Horn of Valere when it is stolen from Fal Dara. He is put under Uno's command and sent to Jehannah after the battle of Falme.
Changu: A Shienaran soldier. A Darkfriend. He is found dead by Ingtar during the hunt for the Horn of Valere.
Delana Mosalaine: Aes Sedai of the Gray and Black Ajahs, originally from Shienar. She joins the Salidar Tower when it splits. She was a Sitter in the Salidar Hall but fled before being exposed and was later killed by balefire in Natrin's Barrow.
Easar Togita: The reigning king of Shienar. His sign is a white hart, which is, according to custom, a symbol of Shienar (along with the Black Hawk). He has sworn to follow Rand al'Thor at the last battle.
Elansu: The shayatan (head housekeeper) of Fal Dara.
Favidan: One of Renald's Fanwar's farm hands.
Gaffin: A Shienaran man who knows Renald Fanwar
Gallanha: Thulin's wife. If she is Shienaran, she is from the south of Shienar
Geleni: One of Renald's Fanwar's farm hands.
Hurin: A Shienaran man who works in Fal Dara as a sniffer. He can smell past violence. He follows the trail of the Horn of Valere under Ingtar. He accompanies the Borderland armies to Far Madding and was killed in the Last Battle.
Ianor: A man who joins Lan with Weilin, Managan and Gorenellin
Ingtar Shinowa: A Shienaran lord of House Shinowa and a Darkfriend. His sign is the Gray Owl. He led the party that searched for the Horn of Valere when it was stolen from Fal Dara. He sacrifices himself so Rand, Mat, and Perrin can escape in Falme.
Joao: A man who joins Lan with Weilin, Managan and Gorenellin
Kajin: A soldier and lord in Fal Dara.
Kayen Yokata: The Lord of Fal Eisen. During the Last Battle, he lost two cavalry squadrons because of decisions Agelmar made while under Hessalam's compulsion.
Kuehn: A man who joins Lan with Weilin, Managan and Gorenellin.
Kumira: Aes Sedai of the Brown Ajah, originally from Shienar. She follows Cadsuane. She is killed at Shadar Logoth in a fight with Graendal.
Masema Dagar: A Shienaran soldier, he calls himself The Prophet of the Dragon. He is among Ingtar's party on the hunt for the Horn of Valere when it is stolen from Fal Dara. He persuades Aram that Perrin is Shadowspawn and is killed by Faile, shortly after the conquest of Malden
Merekel: A man who joins Lan with Weilin, Managan and Gorenellin
Masuto: A Shienaran soldier, he is among Ingtar's party on the hunt for the Horn of Valere when it is stolen from Fal Dara.
Melia: Hurin's wife.
Mendao: A Shienaran soldier. He is among Ingtar's party on the hunt for the Horn of Valere when it is stolen from Fal Dara. He is put under Uno's command and sent to Jehannah after the battle of Falme. He is killed by three Hunters of the Horn.
Merean Tihoma: The first queen of Shienar
Merk: One of Renald's Fanwar's farm hands.
Mirala: The daughter of Thulin and Gallanha.
Nangu: A Shienaran soldier. He is among Ingtar's party on the hunt for the Horn of Valere when it is stolen from Fal Dara. He is put under Uno's command and sent to Jehannah after the battle of Falme. He was with Masema in Samara.
Nengar: A Shienaran soldier, he is under Ingtar until he is put under Uno's command and sent to Jehannah after the battle of Falme. He becomes a follower of Masema.
Nidao: A Shienaran soldier. A Darkfriend. He is found dead by Ingtar during the hunt for the Horn of Valere.
Nisura: A noblewoman attendant of Lady Amalisa.
Qi: A man who joins Lan with Weilin, Managan and Gorenellin
Ragan: A Shienaran soldier. He is among Ingtar's party on the hunt for the Horn of Valere when it is stolen from Fal Dara. He goes to Salidar and agrees to join Gareth Bryne's army.
Renald Fanwar: A man from Shienar who heads north to join an army he expects to gather. He fights in the Last Battle.
Ronan: The shambayan (head butler) of Fal Dara. He is killed when the Horn is stolen from Fal Dara.
Sakaru: A Shienaran soldier. He is among Ingtar's party on the hunt for the Horn of Valere when it is stolen from Fal Dara. He is killed.
Sar: A Shienaran soldier. He is among Ingtar's party on the hunt for the Horn of Valere when it is stolen from Fal Dara. He is killed.
Tema: The head groom of the Fal Dara stables.
Thulin: A man from Shienar who heads north to join an army he expects to gather.
Timora: An attendant of the Lady Amalisa. She resides at Fal Dara keep. She reports Perrin to Liandrin when she finds him alone in a courtyard.
Uno Nomesta: A Shienaran soldier from Fal Dara. He is under Ingtar until he is sent to Jehannah after the battle of Falme. He goes to Salidar and agrees to join Gareth Bryne's army.
Veshir: A Shienaran farmer who goes north to face the Storm.