Department of Events and Conferences (History)
The Department of Events and Conferences went through several department and name changes over the years, starting back in 2004 when it was initially under the purview of the Department of Membership Services.
The Department of Membership Services was created after the 2004 Admin Meeting, and one of it original duties was overseeing real life events and conferences. The first director was Kariada Kunai. In 2004 the very first annual Fall Ball was held.
- Events and Conferences
The site’s 5th Anniversary party was held this year with over 100 people in attendance!
- Events and Conferences
The position of Master/Mistress of Revels (Europe) was created in early 2006, with two people filling the role jointly: Maidelyn F'Koff and Maran Damastes. It was decided that two European parties would be hosted annually to balance the two annual parties held in the USA.
- Events and Conferences
The Department of Membership Services was split into the Department of Community Development and the Department of Real Life Services, the latter of which took over the oversight of events and conferences. The new director was Muirenn Lina Alianin. The bid system was also first put into action during this year, where members place bids for an official event to be held in their location.
- Events and Conferences
The Department of Real Life Services was officially disbanded, and the oversight of events and conferences was temporarily taken over by the Department of Administration.
- Events and Conferences
The Department of Events and Conferences was formed after the 2009 Admin Meeting. The first director was Serinia Edoras. In 2009, the position of Master/Mistress of Revels (Europe) was split into two new positions: Master/Mistress of Revels (Continental Europe) and Master/Mistress of Revels (Britain and Ireland).
- Events and Conferences
- Winter Euro Party 2009
- Anniversary Party 2009
- Summer Euro Party 2009
- Fall Ball 2009
- Dragon*Con 2009
- JordanCon 2009
- Events and Conferences
- Anniversary Party 2010
- Winter Euro Party 2010
- Summer Euro Party 2010
- Fall Ball 2010
- Dragon*Con 2010
- JordanCon 2010
The site’s 10th Anniversary party was held during this year!
- Events and Conferences
During this year, the decision was made to disband the position of Master/Mistress of Revels (Continental Europe). Instead of having an admin position overseeing events in this area, it was decided that Local Liaisons would take over the duties when their bid was accepted for a party. It was later decided that the position of Master/Mistress of Revels (South Pacific) would also be disbanded and this Local Liaison system would be adopted there as well. 2012 also saw the directorship change hands as Sonea Ilandred took over the department.
- Events and Conferences
The position of Master/Mistress of Revels (South Pacific) was reinstated during this year. Dragon*Con was removed as an official conference for TarValon.Net.
- Events and Conferences
In November, Naomi al'Moranwin took on the role of Director. During the Spring 2014 Admin Meeting it was decided that bids would be accepted for European parties from both sides of the Channel, rather than maintaining the separation between Continental Europe and Britain and Ireland.
- Events and Conferences
- Events and Conferences
The positions of Master/Mistress of Revels (Continental Europe) and Master/Mistress of Revels (Britain and Ireland) were once again consolidated into Master/Mistress of Revels (Europe).
- Events and Conferences
The directorship changed hands and Melisande Arneil stepped up as the new Director.
- Events and Conferences
In April, Reniel Killan stepped down as Mistress of Revels (Europe). She was replaced by Aduiavas Ida.
- Events and Conferences
- Events and Conferences
No events or conferences took place in 2020 due to the novel coronavirus pandemic.
In March Ivanor Winshaw was replaced by Mieriana Souvra as the Conference Coordinator.
In July, a new staff position, Costume Team, was created. Four people were hired to begin this new team's expansion - Elia LePhant, Laralelle Susandrea, Melearlin Valar and Roheryn ni Galghandhrei t'al'Djinn.
In August the Costume forum was finally open and costume threads started popping up.
In January Elia LePhant left the Costume Team.
It was decided that for the second year in a row official Tower parties would not take place due to the global pandemic. However JordanCon 2021 was organized and took place in person between July 16 -18. 17 TarValon.Net members attended and had a Tower toast, but there was no fan table organized.
During the year, it was decided that the Legal Research Team, being a part of the department since 2016, is better suited to be moved out of the Department of Events and Conferences to report directly to the Amyrlin Seat, placing it outside the departmental structure.
In February Rhed al'Tere took over the role of Conference Coordinator that was previously held by Mieriana Souvra. In April Melisande Arneil stepped down as Director, and was replaced by Ahmyra Cova Souvraya. A month later Katherine Avery was hired to succeeded Vivianna L'antreau as Mistress of Revels (North America), but due to real life circumstances Katherine decided to step down in October. A new Master of Revels (North America) was introduced later in the month, Soronhen Ciryaher helped run 21st Anni, and by the end of the year he had transitioned completely into the position.
- Events and Conferences
In the beginning of February Rhed al'Tere stepped down as Conference Coordinator. The position remained vacant until August when Fenya al'Caem filled it.
The position of Master/Mistress of Revels (Europe) was retired in March, as the low level of interest in Euro Parties (and lack of bids for the year) made it unsustainable.
In September, Alenya Al'Roran succeeded Soronhen Ciryaher as Master/Mistress of Revels (North America).
The Costume Team was dissolved in October.
No Euro Party took place in 2023.
- Events and Conferences
In April Alenya Al'Roran stepped down as Mistress of Revels (North America). The month after, the position was retired, and the new role Assistant to the Director of Events and Conferences created.
- Events and Conferences