Domani Character List
Author: Atarah al'Norahn
Abar: A man who works as a fire-eater in Valan Luca’s circus. He is Balat’s brother.
Alamindra Cutren: A member of the Council of Merchants
Alin: A cavalry leader with Rodel when he is fighting Trollocs just north of Maradon.
Alsalam Saeed Almadar: The King of Arad Doman. He was trapped in the Black Hills until rescued by Rand al'Thor and was killed in the last battle
Ankaer: A nobleman. He fights with Rodel Ituralde against the Seanchan.
Arlen Nalaam: One of the Asha’man; he remains loyal to Rand. He was killed trying to free Logain from Taim's captivity.
Asra: One of the Kin. She is staying in Caemlyn with Elayne.
Azil Mareed: The High Captain of the Tower Guard during the Aiel War.
Balat: A man who works as a fire-eater in Valan Luca’s circus. He is Abar’s brother.
Barettal: One of Rodel's guards. He is one of the only two to survive the attack on the fortification they had to the north of Maradon.
Basram: A soldier who fought under Lan Mandragoran during the Aiel War.
Burin Shaeren: Warder to Lelaine Akashi of the Blue Ajah.
Caiden: One of the Kin. She is staying in Caemlyn with Elayne.
Callswell: A Domani Lord that Ramshalan was heard boasting to that he could manipulate Rand.
Careane Fransi: An Aes Sedai of the Green and Black Ajahs; she is aligned with the rebel Aes Sedai. She is sent by the rebel Aes Sedai as part of the embassy to Ebou Dar and later goes to Caemlyn with Elayne. On the way, she murders Ispan and Adeleas. She is later killed by Vandene in retribution for Adealeas’ murder.
Connel: One of Rodel's guards. He is one of the only two to survive the attack on the fortification they had to the north of Maradon.
Creedin: A captain in Rodel's army
Cutaris: A cavalry man in Rodel's army
Demira Eriff: An Aes Sedai of the Brown Ajah; she is aligned with the rebel Aes Sedai. She is sent as part of the embassy to Rand al’Thor, but later returns to Salidar with the Two Rivers girls who can channel.
Donjel: One of Rodel Ituralde’s soldiers.
Duhara Basaheen: An Aes Sedai of and Sitter for the Red Ajah, and therefore aligned with Elaida’s Aes Sedai. She was Sierin Vayu’s Keeper of the Chronicles. She is chosen by Elaida to be Elayne’s advisor, though Elayne rejected her. She was discovered to be Black Ajah, though was out of the Tower at the time. She was killed during the Last Battle.
Durhem: A cavalry leader with Rodel when he is fighting Trollocs just north of Maradon.
Durnham: A man chosen by Rand to restore Bandar Eban. Min sees he will be a leader in the Last Battle
Ebram: A merchant. He is under Graendal’s compulsion.
Faiselle: An Aes Sedai of and Sitter for the Green Ajah; she is aligned with the rebel Aes Sedai.
Ferane Neheran: An Aes Sedai and Head of the White Ajah; she is aligned with Elaida’s Aes Sedai.
Finsas: A captain in Rodel's army, injured fighting trollocs
Hafeen Bakuvun: A mercenary. He is hired by Elayne to aid in the defense of Caemlyn against Arymilla’s siege and honours his contract.
Helmke: A calvaryman in Rodel's army
Iralin: A clean shaven Domani
Jaalam Nishur: One of Rodel Ituralde’s soldiers. He is killed fighting the Seanchan
Jeaine Caide: An Aes Sedai of the Green and Black Ajahs. She was sent on an unknown mission by Moghedien and was killed in the Last Battle, impersonating Cadsuane.
Jorgin: A torturer
Kappre: A cavalryman in Rodel's army
Karale Sanghir: An Aes Sedai of the Gray and Black Ajahs; she is aligned with Elaida’s Aes Sedai. She is found out by Doesine, Pevara, Saerin, Seaine and Yukiri and forced to swear an oath to obey them.
Kerb: A young man held under Graendal's compulsion and released by Nynaeve, which killed him.
Lain: A Domani who recruited, Durnham, Redbord and Votabek, but did not pay them.
Larelle Tarsi: An Aes Sedai of the Gray Ajah.
Leane Sharif: An Aes Sedai of the Green Ajah; she is aligned with the rebel Aes Sedai. She was Siuan Sanche’s Keeper of the Chronicles before being removed and stilled. Prior to her stilling and subsequent Healing by Nynaeve, she was of the Blue Ajah.
Lehynen: A Domani soldier who was killed guarding Rodel in the battle against the Shadowspawn north of Maradon.
Lidrin: An officer fighting with Rodel
Loral: The head housekeeper at Milisair Chadmar's mansion
Lusara: A woman who was captured by the Shaido and made gai’shain.
Machir: A nobleman.
Melore: One of the Kin. She was killed by the gholam.
Mezar Kurin: One of the Asha’man; he is loyal to Logain. He has forcibly bonded Adrielle. After attending the meeting with Tuon, he returns to the Black Tower, where he is turned to the Shadow.
Meashan Dubaris: A member of the Council of Merchants killed by a rioting Mob
Melarned: An officer fighting with Rodel
Milisair Chadmar: A member of the Council of Merchants captured by the Aiel
Mord: A torturer.
Namene: A novice; she remains in the White Tower following the split.
Namine Tasil: An Aes Sedai of the Brown Ajah that Cadsuane thinks highly of.
Nazran: A nobleman; he is one of King Alasalam’s cousins. He is under Graendal’s compulsion.
Nils: A lieutenant in Ituralde's army.
Noreladim: A Domani functionary
Osana: A noblewoman. She is under Graendal’s compulsion.
Rahman: A nobleman.
Rebek: A man Durnham recruits from the beggars who was previously in the King's Guard with him. He is appointed as a lieutenant
Redbord: A man Durnham recruits from the beggars who was previously in the King's Guard with him. He is appointed as a lieutenant
Rajabi: A nobleman; he is Dragonsworn. He fights with Rodel Ituralde against the Seanchan.
Rajar: One of Gawyn’s Youngings; he is First Lieutenant.
Ramsid Almadar: A nobleman; he is King Alsalam’s brother. He is under Graendal’s compulsion.
Ramshalan: A Domani noble who believes he can outsmart Rand, but is used by him.
Rashan: A man under Graendal’s compulsion. He is killed by Sammael.
Resara: One of Leane Sharif’s aunts.
Rodel Ituralde: A general in Arad Doman’s army. He is loyal to King Alsalam and fights the Seanchan on his behalf. After defeating one army and realizing that he cannot defeat a second, he agrees to patrol the Blight in exchange for Rand keeping the Seanchan out of Arad Doman. He leads the forces defending Shayol Ghul during the Last Battle and after, is chosen as king of Arad Doman.
Rossin: A member of Ituralde's army. He was looking into why the trumpet had sounded early and was killed during the skirmishes inside the walls of Maradon
Saroiya: An Aes Sedai of and Sitter for the White Ajah; she is aligned with the rebel Aes Sedai.
Sharmad Zeffar: A woman from Arad Doman who is now living in the Two Rivers.
Shimron: A nobleman; he is Dragonsworn. He fights with Rodel Ituralde against the Seanchan and is killed by them.
Sorentin: A cavalry man with Rodel when he is fighting Trollocs just north of Maradon.
Staven: One of Rodel Ituralde's bodyguards while he was fighting the Shadowspawn north of Maradon.
Tamore Alkohima: A seamstress living in Tar Valon. She owns a dress shop.
Tamsin Ituralde: Rodel Ituralde’s wife.
Teacal: A nobleman.
Tellaen: A nobleman who provides a place for Rand to stay.
Theodrin Dabei: An Aes Sedai of the Brown Ajah, although she has not yet sworn her oaths on the Oath Rod. She is aligned with the rebel Aes Sedai and has sworn an oath of fealty to Egwene. She goes to the black Tower to try and arrange men to bond, though chooses not to, apparently deciding on Jonneth instead.
Therille Marza: A Domani woman now living in the Two Rivers. She is a seamstress.
Thusara: A member of the Council of Merchants, presumably killed at Natrin's Barrow.
Tuva: A noblewoman. She was killed by a Gray Man.
Vasha: An Aes Sedai of the Green Ajah in the Tower group
Vivian: A nobleman that Ramshalan boasted to.
Votabek: A man Durnham recruits from the beggars who was previously in the King's Guard with him. He is appointed as a lieutenant
Wakeda: A nobleman. He fights with Rodel Ituralde against the Seanchan.
Whelborn: A soldier who was killed guarding Rodel in the battle against the Shadowspawn north of Maradon.
Zhell: An officer in Ituralde's army in the Borderlands