Egwene al'Vere
Book | TV show |
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Egwene al'Vere | ||
Nationality | Andor | |
Affiliation | Aes Sedai | |
Ajah | Of All and None | |
Social Status | ||
Family | Bran al'Vere,Marin al'Vere | |
First Appearance | TEotW, Ravens Prologue |
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Pronunciation: eh-GWAIN ahl-VEER
Egwene al'Vere was born in Emond's Field and was the daughter of Bran, Mayor of Emond's Field, and Marin al'Vere. She had four older sisters: Elisa, Alene, Loise, and Berowyn (TEotW, Ravens Prologue). Her family lives in the Winespring Inn in Emond's Field (TEotW, Ch. 1).
She joins her friends Rand al'Thor, Mat Cauthon, and Perrin Aybara, when an Aes Sedai takes them away from their village. During their travels the Aes Sedai reveals to Egwene that Egwene can also channel the One Power, which then leads to Egwene wishing to join the White Tower and become Aes Sedai.
WARNING! The next sections contain spoilers for the Wheel of Time book series.
[hide]- 1 General
- 2 Egwene's Journey
- 2.1 The Eye of the World
- 2.2 The Great Hunt
- 2.3 The Dragon Reborn
- 2.4 The Shadow Rising
- 2.5 The Fires of Heaven
- 2.6 Lord of Chaos
- 2.7 A Crown of Swords
- 2.8 The Path of Daggers
- 2.9 Winter's Heart
- 2.10 Crossroads of Twilight
- 2.11 Knife of Dreams
- 2.12 The Gathering Storm
- 2.13 Towers of Midnight
- 2.14 A Memory of Light
- 3 Strengths and Talents
- 4 Relationships with Other Characters
- 5 Visions and Prophecies
- 6 Miscellaneous
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This section contains spoilers relating to The Shadow Rising. Please expand to view.
This section contains spoilers relating to Lord of Chaos. Please expand to view.
Egwene has dark brown hair and big brown eyes, and she is about 5'2". At Bel Tine in 998 NE, when she is 17, Egwene is allowed to braid her hair to show that she is of marriageable age (TEotW, Ch. 3). She wears her hair unbraided once she leaves the Two Rivers because few Aes Sedai wear their hair braided (TEotW, Ch. 11).
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Egwene is a very curious young woman. She has the desire to learn as much as possible. She is also very accepting of different cultures and likes to learn about them.
Condensed Timeline
- 981NE: Egwene is born to Bran and Marin al'Vere (TEotW, Ch. 3 and ACoS, Ch. 12).
- 989NE: Egwene catches breakbone fever and Nynaeve Heals her (TEotW, Ch. 21).
- 998NE: Egwene leaves the Two Rivers (TEotW, Ch. 10).
- 998NE: Egwene learns that she can channel and does so with the help of Moiraine Sedai (TEotW, Ch. 12).
- 998NE: Egwene and Nynaeve arrive at the White Tower to begin their training and Egwene becomes a novice (TEotW, Ch. 18).
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Egwene's Journey
The Eye of the World
Egwene takes Rand to Nynaeve to see if he can help Tam. She is upset to find out that Nynaeve can't do anything (TEotW, Ch. 7). Egwene suspects that something is going on and shows up at the stable as Rand, Perrin, and Mat are getting ready to leave with Moiraine and Lan. After arguing with them, it is decided that she is going to leave with them (TEotW, Ch. 10). On there way to Taren Ferry, a Draghkar shows itself. Moiraine creates some mist to hide them. They arrive at the Ferry and Lan pays the man to take them across (TEotW, Ch. 11). After crossing the river on the Ferry, they make camp. At the camp Moiraine explains saidar to Egwene, and that she has the natural ability to use it. Moiraine guides Egwene through an exercise of emitting light through a stone, telling her she did what normally takes most months to do (TEotW, Ch. 12).
They continue on their journey. Egwene and Moiraine talk nightly. During one of their discussions Moiraine explains to her that saidar or being a Aes Sedai doesn't change someone. People are who they are. After riding for days, they arrive at Baerlon and get a room at the The Stag and Lion (TEotW, Ch. 13). Everyone meets up in the inn after Nynaeve shows up. Nynaeve wants to take all of them back but Moiraine explains that they are safer with her. Moiraine then asks Egwene and the others to leave her and Nynaeve to talk alone (TEotW, Ch. 16). After Rand has an encounter with a Fade, they decide to leave the city. They run into Whitecloaks at the gate, and Egwene is surprised when Moiraine appears as a giant, allowing them to get out of the gate and away from the Whitecloaks (TEotW, Ch. 17).
They continue on their way. Three days later they encounter Trollocs, about 500 of them, closing the gap between them. They decide to take refuge in Shadar Logoth as even the Trollocs are afraid of the city (TEotW, Ch. 18). The Myrrddral drive the Trollocs into the city and the group is forced to split up. After escaping from the city, Egwene meets up with Perrin but is separated shortly after (TEotW, Ch. 20). Egwene gets across the river on Bela and makes a fire using the One Power. She is joined by Perrin. She suggest going to Whitebridge and waiting for Moiraine to find them, but Perrin thinks it will be safer to go to Caemlyn and wait there. Egwene agrees (TEotW, Ch. 22).
As Perrin and Egwene make their way in the direction they believe Caemlyn to be, they come across a camp. They meet a man by the name of Elyas who can talk to wolves. He tells them they are going in the wrong direction. He asks them their story and when they lie he tells them that the wolves tell him they are lying. Perrin then tells him the truth and he agrees to stay with them, at least for a while, and show them the way (TEotW, Ch. 23). As they are traveling, they come across a Tinker camp and join them for a few days (TEotW, Ch. 25). During the time they travel with the Tinkers, Egwene shows an interest in Aram. They end up having to go their separate ways, though, and Egwene and Perrin continue toward Caemlyn (TEotW, Ch. 27).
As they continue they come across a huge flock of ravens. They try to avoid the ravens as ravens are the Dark One's eyes, but they have a hard time of it. They kill a couple of them and make it to a stedding that Elyas knew about. He tells them the ravens won't enter the stedding (TEotW, Ch. 29). Whitecloaks show up at the stedding and Elyas takes off, telling them he will meet back up with them. Elyas and the wolves get into a fight with the Whitecloaks. Hopper rushes in to help Perrin and Egwene, but he is killed, which enrages Perrin, leading him to attack the Whitecloaks. He awakens with Egwene in a Whitecloak tent. They tell the Whitecloaks a story of what happened, but the Whitecloaks don't believe it and tell them they are taking them to Amador (TEotW, Ch. 30).
Lan, Moiraine, and Nynaeve rescue Perrin and Egwene from the Whitecloaks camp (TEotW, Ch. 38). They continue on to Caemlyn and head to The Queen's Blessing where they find Rand. After talking to him they head upstairs to see Mat, who is sick. He tries to slash Moiraine with the dagger he got from Shadar Logoth. Moiraine tells them he is infected with the evil of the city and asks them to leave the room while she tries to Heal him (TEotW, Ch. 41). Rand introduces Egwene to Loial. Everyone talks for a while and then they go visit Mat, who is awake now. Perrin and Egwene tell them the story they heard from the Tinkers about the Eye of the World (TEotW, Ch. 42). Moiraine decides to leave for the Eye and asks Loial to guide her through the Ways. Egwene asks what the Ways are and Moiraine explains. Rand tells Egwene not to go with them but she refuses (TEotW, Ch. 43). Egwene and the group enter the Ways and begin their trip to Fal Dara (TEotW, Ch. 44). They travel through the Ways and come across a group of dead Trollocs. Moiraine says something must have pushed them hard to enter the Ways. They then continue on their way only to encounter Machin Shin. They manage to escape out of the Waygate near Fal Dara (TEotW, Ch. 45).
Egwene says she is going to the Eye despite everyone trying to talk her out of it. They arrive at Fal Dara and meet Ingtar, who leads them to Lord Agelmar. Agelmar tells them about a suspicious man they captured. It turns out to be Padan Fain (TEotW, Ch. 46). Moiraine leaves to question Fain, and Agelmar tells them all the story of the Malkier and Lan's oath. Moiraine returns and tells them all about how evil Padan Fain is, that he has been a Darkfriend for 40 years, and the Dark One's pet for three (TEotW, Ch. 47). They travel through the Blight and Egwene talks about going to Tar Valon. Nynaeve says she might go to give Egwene a familiar face, and Egwene mentions making Rand her Warder when she is Aes Sedai (TEotW, Ch. 48). As they travel through the Blight, they are chased by Worms. Lan tells them to run for the pass because the worms are afraid of what lives in the pass. They are running when they find themselves in the Green Man's garden (TEotW, Ch. 49). The Green Man takes them to the Eye but after they get there, Aginor and Balthamel show up. Moiraine tells everyone to run, but Egwene tries to fight Aginor using the little bit of the One Power she has learned to control. Rand shoves her out of the way and distracts Aginor while she runs away (TEotW, Ch. 50). Egwene is at the camp when Rand returns. He tells them what happened, about how he used saidin to defeat who he thought was the Dark One (TEotW, Ch. 52). They return to Fal Dara (TEotW, Ch. 53).
The Great Hunt
Egwene runs into Rand, who is trying to hide in the store rooms. They talk for a while and Egwene tells him that the store rooms are a bad place to hide, and he should hide in the dungeons. She leads him down to the dungeons where Fain is kept. Fain talks to Rand and they decide to hide Rand in her room (TGH, Ch. 3). Egwene goes to visit Fain and is knocked unconscious when he escapes. Moiraine Heals her (TGH, Ch. 6). Egwene remembers nothing about the night before. Rand pays her a visit to tell her goodbye (TGH, Ch. 8).
Egwene leaves Fal Dara with the Amyrlin Seat to head back to Tar Valon. Someone makes an attempt on the Amyrlin's life. Egwene's party leaves, and on their journey they meet Verin, who tells Egwene and Nynaeve a little about learning to channel and does the training exercises with them. Egwene has a dream about Rand. She tries to find Moiraine to tell her, but it turns out Moiraine is gone (TGH, Ch. 12). They get on a boat to head to Tar Valon. On the trip Siuan gives them a lesson. They arrive at Tar Valon and are met by Sheriam (TGH, Ch. 18).
After arriving in Tar Valon, Egwene meets Elayne. They see Logain and run into Min. Min tells Egwene she sees a white flame in her auras. They are joined by Elayne's brothers Galad and Gawyn. Egwene notes how handsome Galad is. Shortly after they see Elaida, and Elayne talks to Elaida, who scolds her for talking to an Aes Sedai without being talked to first. Egwene and Elayne then run off to do chores (TGH, Ch. 24).
Egwene is visiting with Nynaeve, Elayne, and Min when Liandrin shows up and asks Min and Elayne to leave. She then asks Egwene and Nynaeve if they want to travel with her to Toman Head to help out Rand. They agree and Liandrin tells them to tell no one because there are Black Ajah members walking the halls. Min and Elayne hear the conversation and tell them that they are going too (TGH, Ch. 38). Liandrin leads them to a Waygate and they travel through the Ways to Toman Head (TGH, Ch. 39). They are met by High Lady Suroth. Nynaeve and Elayne manage to escape but Egwene is collared and made a damane (TGH, Ch. 40). Min visits Egwene, who is being trained in Earth to detect ores in the ground. She tells Min she is not allowed to channel without a sul'dam or she gets sick, and she is also not allowed to touch weapons. She gets in trouble for channeling without permission (TGH, Ch. 42).
Nynaeve manages to help Egwene escape and as they are walking out disguised as Seanchan, Egwene freaks out because she does not want to be leashed again and attacks the Seanchan in the street by tearing the ground up. Someone throws a fireball at them and it leads to them being separated (TGH, Ch. 46). Egwene is drawn to Rand and finds him with Min (TGH, Ch. 48). After Rand is Healed, everyone gets ready to leave. Egwene, Nynaeve, and Elayne head back toward Tar Valon with Mat, Verin, and Hurin (TGH, Ch. 49).
The Dragon Reborn
Egwene is heading toward Tar Valon taking Mat to get Healed when she thinks about how she needs to return because she has so much left to learn. She never wants to be collared again. After some small talk, they are approached by a group of Children of the Light led by Dain Bornhald. After Dain mentions taking them to be questioned, Egwene remembers being captured and opens herself up to saidar and scares the Whitecloaks by making Earth erupt around them. Verin scolds her and they continue on their way to Tar Valon (TDR, Ch. 10). They arrive at the White Tower, where they are greeted by Sheriam, who thanks Verin for returning the runaways. Verin hands the girls off to Sheriam, who hands them off to three Accepted who lead them to rooms (TDR, Ch. 11). Egwene, Nynaeve, and Elayne are taken to the Amyrlin for punishment. She tells them what their punishments will be and that they have been announced to everyone as part of it (TDR, Ch. 13). After sending Elayne away, Siuan asks Egwene and Nynaeve to help hunt down the Black Ajah (TDR, Ch. 14). They return to their rooms. Just outside of their rooms a Gray Man tries to shoot them with a crossbow. Nynaeve grabs the man with Air but when they make it over to him, he is dead with a dagger in his chest and the bow is gone. Sheriam arrives, questions them about it, and asks them to keep it to themselves (TDR, Ch. 15).
Galad and Gawyn pay Egwene and the girls a visit, asking them all kinds of questions. After the boys leave, Egwene and Nynaeve tell Elayne about what Siuan asked them to do, and she decides to join them (TDR, Ch. 16). Elaida barges in and questions them about Rand and about their adventure away from the Tower. They don't tell her much. Sheriam shows up and Elaida storms off and Sheriam leads them to where Mat will be Healed (TDR, Ch. 17). The Amyrlin leads a circle where they use the Tower's strongest sa'angreal to Heal Mat. Afterwards Egwene is sent to the kitchen to do chores (TDR, Ch. 18). Egwene meets with Verin who tells her all about Tel'aran'rhiod. Verin explains how it ties in with the worlds and the Creator and the Dark One. Verin then gives Egwene a twisted ring ter'angreal that allows one to enter into Tel’aran’rhiod (TDR, Ch. 21). As Egwene leaves Verin she is met by Sheriam, who tells her it is time for her Accepted Test. Sheriam leads her to the test room, explains everything to her, and sends her into the ter'angreal.
Her first trip through the arches is "for what was." Egwene is back in the Two Rivers with her husband Rand and her daughter Joiya. She is in training to replace Nynaeve as the Wisdom of the city. Rand has a headache and has been having headaches. His headaches are usually accompanied by strange phenomenon such as lightning striking nearby, Egwene is glad no one but her has noticed the connection. Egwene remembers healing people that Nynaeve had claimed were on their deathbed and not knowing how. As Rand is asking for help she sees the arch that she must go through to return to the Tower. She does not want to leave behind the life she could have had, but as Rand calls out for help she walks through the arch.
After finding herself back in the Tower she must enter the arches a second time "for what is." She steps through, and she is in the city of Caemlyn. The city is in ruins. She sees a Myrddraal and steps back into a room where Rand is pinned beneath a beam. Rand asks for her help but she tells him if she removes the beam the rest of the building will fall. Rand says he can move it all himself but if he does he will be taken by madness and then they can convert him to the darkness. He asks Egwene to take his life. Egwene sees the Arch and leaves Rand there begging for her to kill him. Egwene exits the arches crying and asks Sheriam if it is possible for someone to be turned to the Shadow. Sheriam explains to her how it can be done.
Egwene enters the Arches for the third and last time "for what will be." Egwene is the Amyrlin and has been raised from the Green Ajah. She meets with the Hall, where Elaida brings Rand out and says he has declared himself the Dragon reborn. Elaida asks Egwene what she will do, but Egwene can not let them do anything to Rand so Elaida calls her a traitor and tells them to take her. Egwene is knocked out. When she awakens there are Thirteen Aes Sedai and a group of Myrddraal. She grabs the One Power and lashes out, killing the Myrddraal. Gyldan a Red and Black Sister steps in front of her and Egwene punches her in the face. Egwene's keeper Beldeine is there and tells her she turned on Egwene because they stilled her and promised the power of the Dark one could fix it. Beldeine tells her they have taken Rand to the Traitor's Court. Egwene takes a path to a place that overlooks the whole court. As she stands there planning what she can do to save him the Arches appear and she must leave Rand to return to the Tower. She steps through the arches and comes out and everyone is acting like something is wrong. Egwene is delved but they determine everything is alright. There was some type of interference that messed with the ter'angreal.(TDR, Ch. 22) Egwene has dreams but is having a hard time making anything out of them. Verin gives Egwene and Nynaeve a list of the ter'angreal taken by the Black Ajah. They notice that the ter'angreal were all last studied by Corianin. As they are walking down the hall Else Grinwell appears and tells them where a room with all of the belongings left by the Black Ajah is. She then disappears.(TDR, Ch. 25)
Egwene, Elayne, and Nynaeve head to the room where the Black Ajahs' belongings are and go through them. They find references to Tear but are not sure what to do so Egwene decided to use her Stone ring ter'angreal to try to learn something.(TDR, Ch. 26) Egwene uses the ring to enter Tel’aran’rhiod. She enters Perrins dreams and see him with golden eyes and Hopper. She then jumps to Rands dreams, where he comes at her with a sword. She flees and wants to be at the place she needs find. She finds herself in the middle of the Stone of Tear. After she hears foot steps she awakens. She tells Nynaeve and Elayne what she saw and they decide to go to Tear and send a letter to Elayne's mother via Mat.(TDR, Ch. 27) They convince Mat to take the letter under the condition that they will get him out of Tar Valon. They give him one of Siuan's letters that say the bearer does whatever they want in her name. They then go their separate ways.(TDR, Ch. 28) Nynaeve tells Siuan what they discovered and the girls get ready to head out for Tear.(TDR, Ch. 29)
Egwene, Elayne, and Nynaeve head down the River Erinen on the Ship the Blue Crane. They are mistaken for Aes Sedai and decide after some persuasion from Egwene that they will act the part. They are heading down river when they get stuck on a sand bank and Nynaeve convinces them to head to shore. They get to the shore and a figure emerges from some brush startling them.(TDR, Ch. 37) The figure is an Aiel and introduces herself as Aviendha. She asks them to help try to save an injured friend Dailin. Egwene and Elayne carry on a conversation with Aviendha, Bain, and Chiad while Nynaeve heals the injured Aiel.(TDR, Ch. 38) After some conversing they find that the Aiel are heading to Tear to try to find He Who Comes with the Dawn. The head their separate paths and see men step out with slings before they are knocked unconscious. Upon waking they find the men who captured them talking to three Myrddraal, who are looking at their rings. The Myrddraal were looking for them. The Aiel then burst in and start attacking the Myrddraal. After some battling the Myrddraal arekilled and they continue on their way to Tear.(TDR, Ch. 39)
After another boat ride where Egwene has many dreams, they arrive at Tear. As they are walking down the streets Nynaeve recognizes a sign in the window that means there is a message for Yellow Sisters. They stop in and, using aliases, tell the woman there they need some help. She goes to find them a thief catcher, Juilin Sandar.(TDR, Ch. 48) They hire Juilin to help them. Egwene enters Tel’aran’rhiod and sees the Thirteen Black Sisters in the Stone of Tear. She wakes up and Tells Nynaeve and Elayne what she saw.(TDR, Ch. 49) Egwene, Elayne, and Nynaeve get captured at Mother Guenna's by Liandrin and the other members of the Black Ajah. They are told that they are going to be used as bait.(TDR, Ch. 51) Egwene wakes up and finds herself locked in a cell. They are shielded, so she uses her ter'angreal ring to enter Tel’aran’rhiod. She finds Joiya in Tel’aran’rhiod and shields her. She then returns to the cells.(TDR, Ch. 54) She finds Amico at the the cells and shields her. She then wakens and tells the others that Amico is shielded. They find that they are still shielded and, as Egwene gets ready to enter Tel’aran’rhiod, Mat shows up knocks Amico out and releases them.(TDR, Ch. 55) Egwene meets up with Moiraine after a battle in the Heart. Moiraine tells them there is more to come and reads a note from Lanfear saying Lews Theris is and will always be hers.(TDR, Ch. 56)
The Shadow Rising
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The Fires of Heaven
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Lord of Chaos
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A Crown of Swords
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The Path of Daggers
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Winter's Heart
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Crossroads of Twilight
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Knife of Dreams
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The Gathering Storm
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Towers of Midnight
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A Memory of Light
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Strengths and Talents
Egwene is significantly strong in the One Power; she is only second in strength to Nynaeve in the White Tower and equals Elayne's strength (TGH, Ch. 4). She had the spark inborn, something that is quite rare (TEotW, Ch. 12), though apparently not in the Two Rivers, which has produced three ta'veren and multiple channelers (TSR, Ch. 31). She is also unusually strong in Earth, predominantly a male strength; this means that she can delve for metal ores (TGH, Ch. 42). She also has strength in Fire, also a typically male Power (ACoS, Ch. 36).
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- Main article: Egwene's Dreams
Egwene is a Dreamer and a Dreamwalker (TGH, Ch. 12 and TSR, Ch. 23). Her dreams have a significant chance of coming true, unlike Foretelling, which is definite, and they include dreams of Rand drawing Callandor (TDR, Ch. 25) and Perrin's involvement with Faile and Berelain (TDR, Ch. 37). She is the only Dreamer in the White Tower since Corianin Nedeal (TDR, Ch. 21). Before she was trained to enter Tel'aran'rhiod at will, Egwene used a ring ter'angreal to visit it (TDR, Ch. 27).
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Relationships with Other Characters
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Visions and Prophecies
"She's part of it. You're in love with her. She loves you, too, but she's not for you, or you for her. Not the way you both want. When I look at her, I see the same as when I look at Mistress Alys. She won't refuse it." (Min to Rand; TEotW, Ch. 15)
"A white flame, and... Oh, all sorts of things. I don't know what it means." (About Egwene; TGH, Ch. 24).
"Danger. You are all in some kind of danger. Or you will be, very soon. I can't make it out, but it is danger." (Min, to Egwene, Elayne, and Nynaeve; TGH, Ch. 38)
"You know I've read you, Egwene. I don't understand most of it - I almost never do - but I see things I am sure link you to Rand, and Perrin, and Mat, and - yes, even Galad, the Light help you for a fool. How can any of that happen if the Seanchan take you off across the ocean?" (Min, TGH, Ch. 42)
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- Whatever Egwene does, she wants to do it to the best of her ability (TEotW, Ravens Prologue). She is like this with channeling, which is unusual as most novices are scared of channeling, though it is slightly dangerous for her to be that eager to learn (TGH, Ch. 18).
- Egwene knows that Perrin is a Wolfbrother because she was with him when he first met Elyas, who told them about wolves (TEotW, Ch. 23).
- Min has several viewings of Egwene; the first is that Egwene loves Rand but is not in love with him (TEotW, Ch. 15). She is linked with Rand, Mat, Perrin, and Galad (TGH, Ch. 42), and Min saw the white flame of the Aes Sedai around Egwene, indicating that Egwene would become Amyrlin Seat (TGH, Ch. 24).
- The first time she sees a glow around a woman channeling saidar is when Elayne channels when they first meet (TGH, Ch. 24).
- During her Accepted test, each arch shows her abandoning Rand to his death. The last one depicts her as being Amyrlin Seat, having been raised from the Green Ajah (TDR, Ch. 22).
- A Gray Man was sent to the White Tower to kill Egwene and Nynaeve but it was killed by Slayer when it failed (TDR, Ch. 15).
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Quotes by Egwene
"From what Moiraine tells me, you leaped into it as soon as you could, fumbling through the dark with never a thought of whether there was a bottomless pit under your next step." (Verin to Egwene; The Great Hunt, Chapter 13)
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Quotes about Egwene
"You may go far. Perhaps even the Amyrlin Seat, one day, if you study hard and work hard." (Moiraine to Egwene; The Eye of the World, Chapter 12)
"Gawyn will never admit he is interested in a woman if Galad is interested in her, but I have heard him talk about you, and I know. He never could hide things from me." (Elayne to Egwene; The Dragon Reborn, Chapter 16)
"She should not be given this chance... I do not care what her potential is. She should be put out of the Tower. Or failing that, set to scrubbing floors for the next ten years." (Elaida about Egwene; The Dragon Reborn, Chapter 22)
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